this is what the germans were told before WW2 "dont trust a fox on the green field, and dont trust a jew on his oath". and indeed that saying is true as we can easily prove in this blog. seeing all the jews swearing the "kol nidre" every year on rosh hashana, the highest holiday, proclaiming that EVERY OATH they swear to a goy government shall be null and void. so u see most of the caricatures from "der stuermer" or "der giftpilz" really were true, its only that nobody knew that the very people who sold them those cartoons and made them persecute the poor, lower jews (like the haredim in israel today), were all rich illuminati the OT it is written "the scepter shall not depart from judah" and indeed it looks like that throughout history jews have been inpower, be it openly or in hidden ways. i dont wanna know how many of the old caesars or middle age kings were all jews. make no mistake most of them probably were. everything else dont make sense.charlemagne, barbarossa, henry the 8th, al those guys. along with many old caesars, pharaos etc. even genghis khan. how much time was there to intermarry and spread through the entire earth ? lots of time. the earth was created before 5770 years. then 1000 yrs later the flood with noa and the division of shem (name, fame, great religions) , ham (hot, black people, negroes, builders, workers) and japeth (greek+roman cultures, pretty bodies (yoffi=pretty), european races. so when jacob got the promise that was probably around roughly 1800BC so theres a lot of time to spread for the blessed descendants of israel (jacob the schemer) and go to all lands on earth.
when i saw ali larijani, and knowing the iranian government and all arab governments are a bnai brith-racket, i thought of german politician rudolf scharping. dont they look similar ? imagine if ali larijani had cotton in his nose, the rest of the face and beard+hair look exactly the same.
if u find a autograph of ali larijani, send it to ALF i couldnt find one. my global net of agents isnt working properly, i need to invest more gold dublones i guess so my intelligence can function properly...hehe
ears are similar, the lower lobe has a little "button". look a the "knick" in the upper outer helix too for both.
very likely the same ear. scharping right now has not been heard of in german politics for long time.
he probly learned farsi and now busy arranging nr3. probly his parents and grandparents arranged nr2. in which my one grandad was a KZ-camp guard, and the other in the volkssturm. they never talk about it. theyre not fighters, both are weak men, married fat domineering wives, both had 8 children. but when i travel to israel or open any newspaper or tv show, i only read about the EVIL GERMANS not about rudolf scharping, his iran racket and walt disney aka adolf hitler the rediculous "fuhrer" who raped germany out of revenge for not getting the praise he expected. just like satan they (bnai brith) jews are never content. for the spirit of satan indwells them. and its there for all the world to see. they cant be loved they know they cant be like us so they choose the other path and want to be SPECIAL and ADORED and people to ADMIT how awesome they are and how great their super GOVERNMENT is. while in reality its a crock of shit. the greatest evil all starts with them trying to be "special and chosen". thats really the root of all this evil.
haircut+beard the same. cotton in nose swells the is the same. both men are very tall.
here u see the "button" on lower helix
thats the same ear noone can tell me otherwise.
so there u have it. your tax money is being used to send u to die. these people are EVIL. but its a necessary evil. without them like said before the world would be a kindergarden. nothing would happen. they wanted to be smarter than g-d, and rebelled now he has given them their chance to prove it. they´re reproved daily by the entire world and even the most stupid pygmy in africa is realizing who is really in charge.. CHEEZZUUZ
but the jews want to keep playing the JEW card. one day also they will bow to worship him, he will force them to. he is the greatest jew of them all, and also demands worship just like them. so they have no choice since he is their king. believe me i know the guy i used to work for him. he can be a real dick. do u think he wold let me score any hot pussy in like 15 years ? hell no, only wants prayer and more prayer and being nice to old ladies, and be every womans bitch and be a complete tool. so i got tired of that at some point, hehe.
well then i gotta score more pussy now that im kinda older. but at least im not someone elses asswipe cuz thats the worst thing that can happen to you. king david said "with the holy you are holy, with the righteous u are righteous and with the wicked you are corrupt ". so you think that i ALF want to be made the asswipe of those buttplugs who think they can pull their little scam ? hell naw... if i only knew how to trick their stupid racket. and fly into utah and start my new ALF order. probably they would piss their pants in unbelief, haha..
and for 70 years they had the perfect excuse to fly under the radar. who would dare criticizing the JEW: a JEW is a godlike creture, poor inocent, decent, terribly persecuted by EEEVIL GERMANS !!! isnt that the truth ? i tell you something. after these rich bnai brith satanic jews will have SOLD OUT ISRAEL for their New world order (described in pikes letter to mazzini, and their protocols of ZAYIN (זין) and having killed the poor simple jews again and the americans in russia and iran, they will still not be satisfied, and still do what they do. their fire cannot be quenched. only by spirit of christ, whom they reject. out of principle. they just say "you cant expect a jew to convert". and make it an unwritten law that jews above the laws of g-d. they are like satan who wanted to sit above the stars of g-d in the mountain of the north (read ezekiel28). its the exact same thing. and what prophet ezekiel saw in his vision of the wicked leaders of israel, is also happening today. ezekiel is traditionally not preached in churches. believe me it better should be preached instead of john3:16 day in day out.
scharpings autograph
profile matches. similar shades too. they dont even make attempts to hide. they show themselves in plain public. what they do in the temples of the lower lodges, are magic rituals (checkboard floor, and all that crap of initiation and giving new names to everybody who passes a new degree, the rope around the neck and all the other crap)... but they steal everything from the holy scriptures that were never written or intended for them. they were not intended for those people. they are thieves. it would be better if they could just leave those texts alone for the people that they were written for. so if the lower pawns do that stuff imagine what they the high ones are pulling off ? they probably sacrifice people and eat babies, and produce all those child porn movies that circulate in order to keep the corrupt politicians at bay that they once lured into their evil gig
same facial twat. some people also call it a beard.
same profile again. christians keep preaching "ohh the DEEEEEVIL the eEEEEEVVVIl DEEEVIL booohoohooo"is runnign the world... but in reality only the jews run the world. and they´re not stupid they realize very well what goes on around them.. now g-d has granted to them to keep the old blessings of judah the lawgiver and judge which they so ardently desired, while at the same time having every nation on the face of the planet reprove them daily and their evil deeds. tell me g-d dont hve a sense of humor and his wisdom and gameplaying is far above what we cold think of. hes much smarter than the jews. or me.mossad-ALF.or your grandmother. or all of us together.
check check check dingdingdingdingding....
cotton in nose. dingdingdingdingdingding......
all these people grow to be 80 or 90 years old. so evl people are always with you. as long as you llive.
they have the hottest ukranian nurses wipe their ugly old wrinkly buttcheeks when they cant control their sphincters any more. tell me g-d has forsaken his people. no he grants them the biggest privileges while they complain daily. so i am for the madagascar solution. any other takers ?
I smell a huuuuge rat there, ty ever so much from a fellow German sufferer!