Thursday, October 18, 2012

all you need is love, and IRFANVIEW.. how to make your own comparisons..

ok cause i get bored now and probably will soon move to israel (or get killed for constantly ridiculing the precious INNOCENT little Joooooooss) and because theres like at least another 1000 or 10000 people to out as fake characters. i tell u now how i make the comparisons.

the first thing u need is a hint. this can be something u see on tv. where u think u recognize a person by voice hand gestures, their face or other stuff. or they are just too similar to be coincidence. DONT LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY THEY LIE ALWAYS, i mean


the lieing spirit is their owner dont listen to what they say, listen to how they react when called out or just generally trust your own perception. most of the hints i got from the blog called "". but there are other blogs as well where you can "harvest hints". this is very important. get a bunch of hints, then start the data collecting. open a folder and name it "is XYZ the same as ABCDE""  then inside that folder, make some more folders that you name "45" "profile" "frontal" "teeth" "signature" "height" and "wikia".

now u gather pictures from google, at least some of them should be in high resolution, even tho its remarkable what you can get out of even small pictures like 200x200 and even smaller. it is astonishing, due to the many colors your computer can produce, the pixelsize alone doesnt restrict the quality. the eye doesnt see the pixels, it sees the image those pixels imitate.

ok now that you´ve got at least 20 or 30 or so pictures, feed them into the right folder. "45" is for pictures taken from a 45° angle (very common in photography), here u can see some of the ears and some of the face. the "frontal" folder is for (u guessed it) the frontal ones. same for the profile. in the "teeth" folder u might want to put some hirez-shot of the teeth of both individuals u attempt to compare. like int he case of anne frank teeth can be an important criteria, othertimes people wear veneers and theyre alone not enough to identify 100%. the "height" folder u put a shot of either IMDB the movie database, where the height of an actress is shown, or u go to "" or other places. wARNIG: not all heights given there are correct, so listen also to comments people make "blabla, i met this actor at that event blabla and he seemed much taller when he signed my autograph etc. blablalba". this is important. cause the info they give in IMDB etc. mustnt be necessarily true. but height is an IMPORTANT criterium. sometimes dallasgoldbug runs through his comparisons too fast and overlooks the fact that roman polanski is a small filmmaker while saif khan is a huge cricketer, so they cant be the same but are more likely father+son or near relatives.

ok now u go to wikipedia and take a snapshot ( in win7 just use the screen snipping tool this will work perfectly) of what they write about a person. then compare the 2 and put them against each other, mark the birthdate to show how similar (or not-so-similar) they are. age is another important factor even tho there can quite some trickery be used. especially people whose real age is between 25 and 55 can be made to look much younger or older than they actually are, using different techniques (all described in this blog and elsewhere).
now that you´ve gathered all pics into the right folder. open 2 pics of each folder in IRFANVIEW and use the "image--->custom/fine rotation" function to get all pictures straightened out so that the hair is on top and the chin on bottom. then probly u need for one of them to use "image-->horizontal flip" to hve both faces point into the same direction. u might want to resave each pic after doing this, but its not always necessary. now u can start comparing. lets say you go to the "45" subfolder and open a pic u might have renamed upon downloading as "henry winkler 45 low-rez" and compare it to "ahmadinejad 45 speech hirez". (when u download pictures from google, rename them, or rename them later so u can see what they contain, be it a 45, a frontal, a profile, teeth or height etc.. now you can easily adjust the pics to the right height in irfanview and put them next to each other.


now everything is cheesy peazy.for every comparison u make, take another snapshot with windows "snipping tool" (the macintosh has a similar function too which is called "bildschirmfoto" in german.). when you´ve made enough comparisons ( u always want to make more than you´ll need to convince even the greatest ass-clown available (believe me there are much more available than the world will ever need). and put all the comparisons into the "compared" folder. if u feel artistically inspired, grace the pictures with some doodling and write "lies" "exposed" etc on them to make it look even funnyer.

now go throug the "compared" folder again, with aomse music in the background, a cup of tea or coffee.. and let everything sink in... if most factors match u can congratulate yourself u now hve exposed an illuminati actor. dont be impressed by the term illuminati, its just like everything else, all make-believe, halftruth and attention-mongering. only clowns are impressed by that... having outed an actor, u can rename his folder and delete the "is" at the beginning of the folder name. so its now a fact, the folder is now named "ABCDEFG is JHGJDKD" or "8376 is playing 28887 and also 28837".

now u can start a blog, make a blogpost, add all the pictures, and write something about it. but the possibility that anybody will watch is extremely low, since most people love to read "reuters" news only and the main media outlets (time magazine, RT channel, MSNBC, CNN, die tagesschau, le monde, le figaro, new york times, el paĆ­s, blablabla and all the others who´re all assets of our dear friends the greenburgs, kahns, schiffs, kaplans, rockefellers, rotschilds(what a fake name) and all the other clowns.) so u probly wont get much views and might want to make some advertizing in messageboards, your friends etc. (dont push it on your your friends saying "WAKE UP, ITS A CONSPIRACY" couse they will stop being yor friends and not believe u. only a tiny percentage of people can believe. the others are completely brainwashed and under spell of this extremely powerful egyptian magic that they use. what do u think all those pyramids obelisks, eyes ofhorus and all that crap is standing around in your village ? thats just coincidence. yea riiiiiiiight..... how do u think the old pharaos had power over the people for 40 yrs. like gadaffi reigned for 40 yrs. or hosni mubarak, or fidel castro... and all those other crypto-jew-dictators ? well thats the magic they apply... ok enough of that... i have showed u how to do it. so now when i get capped or get bored of this shit, u can continue to do it. ok cheers folks. thats all for now..

PS: in case u find a highrez shot of both people waving their hand u can compare the palm lines, you also can compare speech snippets that u recorded with freeware like "audacity".(its much easier to compare speech when you dont do it cirectly from the movie, since in audacity u will ONLY hear the voice without being distracted by visual, and you will also SEE THE WAVEFORM, and believe me for some actors the waveform showing the patern of speech looks really similar.

 when u have some snippets of like 30sec to 180sec length. make shure u fade-in at beginning, fade-out at the end. in some cases u can also dampen all the high peaks, use effect "leveller" and "amplify" to get maximum loudness without clipping. then export as mp3-128kb or ogg-vorbis (encoding wuality 0, for smallest possible file). now upload it to a host and link the file to your blogpost.

CONGRATULATION: you just contributed another proof to the validity of your point that NOBODY WILL BELIEVE YOU because the (jew) hand that feeds him will bite if he dares to admit the obvious.


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