Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Saturn, the great "malefic", planet of the Jews

as i explained in a former post, all the planets in our solar system have spiritual rulers, and by the position of the stars during the time an individual is being born on earth, his main character and consistence as a person is being mixed together and will never leave him as long as he is alive.

the star who has the greatest pull on jews is SATURN, i will quickly show u some pictures and then post a short description of an astrological website. i realized that astrology is true some years ago, but never delved deeper into it, and am not planning to. it is a curse to know too much about the future. also sorcerers, warlocks and star gazers were common in all old cultures but forbidden for the jews. why ? they had a higher power guiding them (which also still is doing the same today), and shouldnt do such childish stuff. ok now back to saturn. the black robes alone and the omnipresent yamulkas and black hats alone bear witness to this reality. also the way jews tick, think and their whole culture is about keeping what they got, making it hard for change or anything to break their power just like saturn the old miser, taking 30yrs to run once around the sun.

 mark this structure on the south pole of saturn. it is omnipresent, a gigantic storm that forms an eye. on the north pole however its a different structure, a hexagon. people have researched why this can happen they have simulated it with rotating gasses in a laboratory, and the shape that is present has to do with the rotating speed and other physical constants, just like acccording to a speed of a planes propeller u see 5 blades, 3 blades or only 2 blades while it is spinning at different speeds.
 here some haredim wearing different forms of black ring hats, just like saturn. some wear the big fur hats, some the yarmulka, or kippa, and some the regular black hats u see in brooklyn or the white house when the rabbis pose for the annual white house shot with poodle george bush aka james brolin/bruderlin or other actors occupying the white house (being a focal point of power in the masonic street layout of washington DC.) see its always like that, satan can use those people the easiest that have insecurities, so the jews having been persecuted for centuries, always being told what to do etc. are quite attracted to any form of power they can get, so over tradition they took up banking, politics, magic and kabbalah. after all every creature does that at which she is best at. germans always were mercenaries or soldiers (fought for the british during battle of indipendence)...
 remember the eye structure i showed you above on the southpole of saturn ? heres the HAMSA or hand-with-an-eye thats hanging in many taxis, homes, doorposts windows in the levant, israel, india or arab countries. supposedly "warding off the evil eye" what a load of crap. satan always wants you to use "white magic" in order to beat and fight against "black magic" what a retarded joke. spirits want to get their hands on every possible person they can get, the more, the better. so they give u special talents, like card laying, crystal ball gazing, reading palm lines, necromancer. when u dont take care they completely take possession of you, having you serve them 24/7. any person who honestly believe it is stronger than spirits and can somewhat control them is complete FOOL.

 then here we see a typical black garbed jew with his black hat.
 here the big hexagon on saturns north pole with a smaller pentagon in the middle. 5 is the number of man, he has 5 extremities, and 5fingers on each the hexagon i say, read amos chapter 5. here prophet AMOS say the jews would have "born the tabernacle of chiun, their star-god for 40 years during the sinai wanderings, and offered sacrifices to their star g-d". that strongly reminds me of this "star of david" on israels flag. i strongly suspect that its the same symbol. g-d wont play dice said einstein.
 here, a jew shown in color-negative smiling for the camera. oops my bad, it was only saturn the lead planet..
 go to a stadium in brooklyn once a year u hve like 50 000 of those trolls meeting and chanting their songs.
as u might probly know i am a big fan of hebrew music. the entire language is very "sexy" IMO. i really like it. thats why i started to learn it. if u listen to hebrew music for a while then go back to western music and celtic, pop, rock or R+B m usic, you will realize the western music is but children´s music in comparison. hebrew music reflects real life much better. theres ups and downs, not just a retarded happy clappy melody or song all written in a-minor. no hebrew music is much smarter. just like the jews are much smarter than us.
 the planets of saturn. saturn can be seen through any small amateur telescope with ease.
 the eye of sauron, the eye of horus, the all-seeing eye of the freemason lodges. the eye of saturn.
 thats the passage from AMOS 5 i was talking about

 there seems to be a storm on the south pole. whats it doing ? i dont know...
 some jews spend a fortune for their sons bar mitzvas. i also had a "confirmation" at age 14 or so. itts basically cool cuz for the first time in life u get tons of cash b all your relatives..some rich jews arent satisfied until they have christina aguilera or britney spears perform at the party.
see its round ! nay, ALF, nay, you are making this up. you CONSPIRACY THEORIST. thats a CONSPIRACY THEORY... blablabla u nkow what u people suck big time. go watch CNN news already and stop embarrassing me with your stupid little lemming opinion...

as stated before, Saturns color in alchemy is grey, black, and his metal is LEAD, the heaviest of all metals, only used to make things slow, break things down or for a diver to sink down. just what the jews also do wherever they do. they are the 5th wheel on the car or the disabled kid that needs extra attention. then when u tell the truth about them they get angry of ANTI-SEMITISM, sue+jail you or ridicule you in their jew-press.saying you would "attack their forefathers abraham isaac+jacob" but in reality none of those forefathers practiced fremasonry or wore black hats+ wold ever have the idea of writing a TALMUD.
in alchemy saturn is black in color, lead is his metal, and he is the slowest of all the 7 visible planets.



Look for the Saturn symbol on your birth chart and notice the house position and sign. Learning about your natal Saturn can be illuminating. It offers insights into areas of life where you’ll likely face your most intense internal battles on the way to self-confidence. Saturn’s lessons require you to persevere through trials and to build toward mastery step by step

What about aspects to other planets?:

If Saturn is in harmony with other planets, this gives you a powerful ally. But hard aspects with Saturn create limitation or strain. For example, a square to Venus can cause a person to feel isolated, and experience many obstacles to happy relationships. Saturn is linked to depression because of the cloud of self-doubt it casts. But Saturn builds faith in yourself, since you’ve got to walk through the “dark night of the soul” to overcome these mysterious built-in pressures, fears, losses, etc.

What is the best way to learn about my Saturn?:

When you know your Saturn sign and house position, try to find interpretations for both. By reading about the Zodiac sign that shares the sign of your Saturn, you’ll start to see what qualities the Celestial Taskmaster wants you to master. Keep it as a question in your mind that you can revisit when you meet someone that embodies these qualities. See if you’re drawn to those that have them naturally. What will it take for you to grow toward your Saturn?

What is the Saturn Return?:

The first time Saturn comes back to meet your natal Saturn is in the late twenties. This is one of the most important times astrologically – a time of getting real with yourself and your mission in life. If you’ve been coasting on bravado and wishful thinking, Saturn will cause the foundation to dissolve beneath your feet. It can be a time of upheaval, stress, major re-evaluation and change. For some, it gives confirmation that you’re on the right track. And you get another chance to take stock when Saturn returns again in your late 50s.

Who was Saturn in Greek mythology?:

Saturn was the God Kronos, father of Zeus, who was known for devouring his offspring soon after being born. He did this because he feared that they would surpass him. But Zeus, who was protected by his mother, returned to face his father, and Kronos’ fears were realized through death. Similarly, if we clamp down on what we fear the most, eventually it destroy us.
Saturn has been depicted as the punishing father, but also as the Grim Reaper, who cuts life short. Mortality is the ultimate restriction, and as Father Time, he is the wise one that inspires urgency in our quest to fulfill our life mission.

Saturn as the "Jewel of the Solar System" among astronomers...:

Saturn is the furthest planet away that is still visible to the naked eye. Like Jupiter, it is made of hydrogen and helium, and has a magnetic field 578 times more powerful than Earth. The favorite Space fact of NASA’s Dr. Linda Spilker is that if a bathtub could be built big enough, Saturn would float.
Galileo first saw the distinctive rings through his telescope in the early 1600s. NASA scientists are studying the atmosphere of Titan, the largest of Saturn’s Moons because they suspect that Earth had a similar beginning. Titan has some of the same building blocks for life to be supported.


Limitations, structure, authority, discipline, boundary, striving, responsibilities, depression, stability

The Meaning of Saturn in Astrology:

The movements of Saturn, also known as the “Great Malefic,” used to be observed with fear and came with warnings passed from the astrologer to client about pending shortages, bad luck, great loss or punishing circumstances. There’s some balance to how we see Saturn now, since many of its hardest lessons and trials lead to the richest, most hard-won rewards.
For example, a self-made man or woman may have many hard aspects with Saturn, and end up being widely admired for what they’ve overcome. This is the person that emerges out of deep poverty, takes advantage of every educational opportunity, and becomes a worldly success.
Saturn’s gift is the pressure that keeps us focused on our own path. It’s seriousness, like the sign it rules, Capricorn, comes from knowing that some goals require us to plod through dread to generate more inner discipline. Jupiter balances this out faith, optimism and trust that all the hard work will pay off. Saturn doesn't promise success, but by laying out the steps, and sticking to the path despite the distractions and doubts, you start to gain Saturn-approved mastery regardless of the outcome. It is the path to unshakable self-esteem.
Saturn’s influence may seem heavy and limiting, but that is the nature of the physical realm. When you toss up your hands and claim to be overwhelmed, inert, depressed, someone else has to be the authority in your life. This authority can be given to a boss, father, spouse, teacher, friend, or even a punishing voice inside your head. Once you’ve been humbled-humiliated enough, you might decide to pull yourself up and be your own boss. The sign and house position of your Saturn shows where these life dramas will likely take place.

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