Wednesday, October 24, 2012

REJECTION is at the bottom of the whole problem..

i only observed most of those phenomena for about 1 year or 2, but its already obvious that theres an entire system behind all this. and at the very bottom seems to be "rejection" feelings of the jews. who feel rejected by g-d and the world, and now try everything to bring attention to them, prove themselves in the eyes of g-d and man, and gain their approval. even tho they will vehemently deny it, saying, i dont have to prove nothing, i´m a jew thats enough, i am content. but reality probably looks not so bright. imagine how many centuries they got tossed around from place to place etc. and their religion WHICH THEY CANT CHANGE BECUASE THEY ARE PREDESTINED FOR IT forces them to deny the creater of the earth and do their own littly thing, claiming that in fact theyve got it all right and the other guys have it wrong. this entire paranoia is also the reason why they never never ever wanna give up power. its simply not an option for them. they experienced in the past what can happen when they lose control. thats why wallstreet is run the way it is, and millions of jews sit in new york milking the entire earth without even moving a finger, simply by trading stock, making phonecalls, inventing new tv-shows and movies, teaching "business" or languages.

 DO YOU STILL WANT US JEWS ? is the title of this article..what they hate most is getting no attention.
their feelings will be hurt when people refuse to buy their (often completely overpriced) merchandise. they feel rejected in their identity. but already the entire friggin world is nothing but jews jews only. in school we heard about the holocaust EVERY YEAR in history. on german tv you hve 24/7 and 12 months a year tv shows about the nazi reich. ALL OF WHICH is a complete misrepresentation of facts. while now having lived in america just like before in germany in all affluence, now they set up america without even twitching an eyebrow. they simply say. we are more important. NEVER AGAIN is the motto. it woldnt even come into their minds that they had to change, or change anything about their selfimage, identity or behavior for  "according to the sons of israel the nations of the world were created". and probably thats also true. i hve shown that in the past in a different post. because they own the public educational system, they put their fremason crap in every schoolbook, and have u visit the "guggenheim museum" and tell you about "einstein" and all other awesome jews. its like everybody in world history who ever achieved anything is a jew. theyre completely overcompensating.

 just watch any of those politicians. and rest assured. to us they might only be a nuisance working for a system that defrauds us systematically and never ever changes. but to the jewish individual whom g-d gives such a high position of power, he might say something completely different. believe me g-d encourages EVERY PERSON to play the role he has assigned for them...its the "kismet" of a jew to do his thing, just like it is for an arab (arav means, lurker, ambusher in hebrew) to do what they do, and probably get killed in the process..
 like littel babies that are orphans or fatherless or whose father works long hours never at home. they cry and throw tantrums whenever they dont get any press. remember the 7000 year timeframe ? they have another couple of generations to go without having ANY possibility of crossing over to "our side". they simply have to run their race to the very end. its their destiny. believe me at the end, many of them will enjoy together with us the 1000 year party-age with bodies that can age several hundred years, with a freshwater lake where once the dead sea was located, and the mount of olives in israel split in two. dont believe me believe the prophecies mate. and another thing to mark for all those "cheezzuzz paid it all -super-christians" or the "only cheezzuuz is the way the truth and the life -- KJV only" crowd.. satan is a spirit. and a spirit can be changed or taken away. so no matter how much the jews are now under the spirit that drives them, when the 6000 yrs are over, everything will change. take this example:
there will many people be there in high positions of power at that future time who today are completely unheard of or unknown. and other people like bibi netanyahu, or ehud olmert or obamba, bush and merkel, will probly not even be there or if, only in the remotest village or gulag in siberia or some other shithole with only 6hrs of dailight a day.haha.. they deserve it because as of today their unjust government is torturing and even killing the saints every day, and they will hve no excuse when the time comes. its on purpose like that that people will hve to make an active choice. so they cant say "i didnt know", because g-d is very patient with people and gives them enough time to realize stuff.
 i explained in another post before how this guy is not a real rabbi and fakes antisemitic crime. of course he doesnt get convicted for that. Jail and Fines are for Goys only. Jews must be judges, lawyers and owners of everything. no laws apply to them at all. they are a law to themselves. do what thou wilt shall be thy talmud law. its all about interpretation, u can interpret whatever u want, since rabbinical authority presides above g-ds law.
 then u have this daily in your news. another HAMAS minister teribly threatens poor precious israel. ever thought about what jews wold feel if nobody hated them ? its the same thing about the rock-throwing palestinians. they are in reality only jealous because they lost al their purpose and blessings in life and are jealous at the jews. and so the jews also just love to create Antagonism to themselves, this gives them purpose. so Netanyahu and all these other masonic actors, play also muslim officials and presidents, seducing arabs to arab spirituality and attempting to kill israeli soldiers. personally i suspect that also stuff like gilad shalit and other things are complete masonic hoaxes. its easy to figure out when you look at the people involved, and when you look at the numerology and word-ology they are using. freemasons follow a script, u have to study their symbolism and tradition to see how they tick. after a while u figure out how the gig works.

look at that poor man. what a huge band-aid that is !! poor little fella... jacob the trickster strikes again...
the jews are rioting in the streets.ALF dares to critizise them and their totally awesome bandaid. how dare he

 the funny thing about all those people saying "the jews are not REAL jews, they are just from khazaria, they are khazar jews. not real ones. in reality these people say the jews have RETURNED and g-d has RETURNED. lakhzor means to return. khazaria means g-d has returned, and a khazar jew is a returned jew.
according to sovereign divine design in 1948 the jews got their state after 2000yr break, with london being 1948 nautical miles from jerusalem, and palestine being under british mandate. see thats how g-d works. he does everything perfectly. the man who taught me that is now dead, his name was david flynn. i didnt buy his book (i lived without money for 4 years at least, because peopel like me NEVER can get a fair job, only exploit from the pyramid-system we live in). but there are many youtube videos to watch. also check out the blogpost "the youtube-videos of malakhhatzadik). they are an essential MUST WATCH for everybody..
 see, in berlin with 3mio inhabitants, only like 1000 people sign the petition after christian rach aka daniel alter is done with his motivational speech "this here is our KIEZ and WE (he includes himself as being a berliner) are not gonna tolerate such antisemitism and crude behavior... yeah dude you´re realy funny... see thats why the jews are hated everywhere. they always lie deceive and are g-ds saturn people to teach people a lesson who fall too far away from his grace by being atheists, reprobates or else. g-d is very smart he uses everything to his own greater glory i descriobed this also oftentimes here. if you dont believe g-d exists its because you yourself are under a  lieing spirit who indwells your body and is quite happy where its at and doesnt want to give u up as a host-person. NO PERSON could live without a spirit inhabiting it.everybody who says otherwise is a clown. entropy is everywhere to be found, just look what your room looks like after 5 years of abandonment. spiderwebs, dust broken chairs, stray cats and gypsies living there. so the universe also could never be kept working without constant spiritual presence. its undeniable.
 the orphan spirit can be quite strong. i know a guy from malawi in afrika whose name is YOTAM tembo. his name means ORPHAN. and indeed many orphans live in malawi cause them damn n-ggers are too damn stupid to use condoms, or for some other weird reason (spiritism, voodoo) just cant break their spell and live a normal life without screwing the neighbors wife or transmitting other diseases... and so a new generation of orphans is born, and christian missionaries have to be sent there in yearlong, meticulous work and support and love have to try to fix up the place. of course also other help-agencies (nonreligious). then when you go to malawi and to a city, every single car that drives around there that hasnt a broken windshield or worse, is from a foreign aid agency, and people start looking for handouts, just living day to day picking avocados and bananas from every green tree in front of their garden and not caring about a thing. see thats also a way of dealing with the world, hehe. then saying "the europeans are to blame, the europeans invaded us, divided our land, made us slaves and now have to pay reparations" to that ALF only answers. you look like a n-gger, talk like a n-gger and want to make me feel guilty for your own reprobate spirit worship, voodoo with drunk people killing their chickens, and children, and rolling around on the floor in dung and mud, from drinking too much moonshine. your pathetic. and i wont fall for that shit. see every nation who is laid low on the material plane is beforehand laid low on the spiritual plane. thats how it works. the material reality only follows after spiritual reality. if u become a country of witches and other crap, u soon will be working as slaves and for 5 pence an hour on cocoa plantations. because thats your value as a person. g-d never runs out of people. thats why the slave trade, prostitution and drugs are the most lucrative businesses. a new idiot is born every second since for getting laid u dont need a drivers license. so just like many fruit trees and animals, who are a seed reproducing itself, g-d can then come by his "enterprise earth" from time to time (re-spawning as a sage, mahatma, buddha or jesus or moses), to correct minor problems or bring about a cataclysmic change that is in his divine design. and doubt it not he always does that. guess where i read it. the baghavad gita. yes all you christisn can protest all you want with your retarded KJV only !! but know also but at the time when your superstar the G-man started his little fanclub that book wasnt even written. and wisdom is justified by all her children..

ok so the rejection issue is at the very bottom of all those problems. and you have to understand. what i am doing here in all this blog like saying "those g-ddamn jews again" etc. is also not the best issue to deal with all this, because we all know that while pointing out mistakes another person makes, will never lift anybody to a higher level. if i say to a woman "you´re overweight, and smoke too much and your hair looks like crap".. that might be a true statement but it will never help her realize her potential and start wanting to change her hairstyle or diet. but on the other hand we(christians) have been trying everything for hundreds of years, giving the jews every possible form of regular treatment, acceptance as well as all possible privileges and they still are a pain in the ass every day. so that is probably not the solution. prbably there even doesnt need to be a solution and its just supposed to be like that. trying to "fix the world" is a human idea, but since we didnt create the world and most people dont even know what purpose she serves, they cant possibly "fix" things that were supposed to be there in the first place.

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