Thursday, September 27, 2012
the many lies of the space agencies who want to conquer the universe
before i post any pictures i wanna quote a single line from the awesome G-man who walked the earth around 30AD in a land called israel (not palestine), and he said "noone has ascended to heaven but the one who came down from heaven, namely the son of man". sit and think about that for a minute. in the context of that quote, it also makes sense that now with telescopes of 8-12m diameter we can take awesome pictures of some nearer objects from the kuiper belt, planets, asteroids, nearby galaxies, star clusters and all sorts of stars. but our technology still is so wanting that we´re not even able to resolve even the nearest stars into a disk (like a planet), we only see the light of the star, and can determine lots of stuff by looking at the spectrum, but thats all we have so far. now most people nowadays in postmodernism dont even know about spirits and how they operate, most astronomers in fact will claim the universe came into being by a big bang (what a joke) and is expanding (another joke). they say we can not know at all wether life exists on other planets (another joke) and dream of conquering space by means of a super-awesome photon phaser energy wharp engine or sthng like that (the greatest joke of all). as i will reveal in probably another post soon the earth wasnt created to gratify the neverending desires of atheists, it was created by a higher power for its own purpose. and there is a timeline and time for people nations and cultures to develop but also time afterwards when they became to proud and selfreliant to fall back and lose what they once gained. look at many countries who formerly ran the world are today 2nd or 3rd world countries. so it will also be later with america and europe. it is a divine law that cannot be broken and will shurely matter how much you complain "the jooooooos are ruining europe with their immigration policy !!!". its the joooooos !!
now back to our space program. i began doubting a while ago the entire story about the moon landing. and began to watch a movie from Bart Sibrel named "something funny happened on the way to the moon". it was clearly shown in that movie how the apollo crew faked a long-distance shot to earth while they were still in low earth orbit only several hundred miles from earth. then the question is, why would they do this ? and the only logical answer to this is because they couldnt fly to the moon and back, it simply was not possible with the technology back then, and also isnt possible right now. then i looked again at pictures from the moon landing and saw what a gigantic hoax it all was, the cheap lander module that didnt blow a single speck of dust and leave no crater, even tho it had rockets bigger than a jet engine, the cheap gold-foil that graced the landing module that looked more like something built by teenagers or university students, not a million-$ project by NASA scientist. when i learned that all astronauts were freemasons i knew that i was right, since freemasons are following lucifer, the fallen spirit who rules over the entire earth until the 1000 years where christ will come back to give the earth its deserved rest from all the stupid shenanigans going on right now and all the stupid selfish goons (mostly jews) running the world today.
once youve seen the moon landing was a complete hoax, with astronauts beating up investigative reporters, repeating the same old lies time and again, or the now deceased Neil Armstrong almost crying during a speech where he wanted to tell the truth but was bound by his masonic blood oath, or the many other things like, astronauts playing golf on the moon, driving around with a lunar rover and cracking jokes over the intercom. there are just too many things that are just plain fake. it is beyond me how people can still believe in this. it has to do with egyptian magic, freemasonry and bnai brith masonry, a form of sorcery that the entire earth and all people (yes YOU) are under, if they dont have the spirit of the christ or god-spirit in them that marks them sealed as being worthy of inheriting the "Kingdomof g-d" that will begin within half a dozen generations when the earth will be transformed by a fire and the real "3rd reich" will start. there was 1 kingdom before the flood, one after the flood, and one after the fire flood that will follow.
so back to our space program. sitting in my room in germany some 2 yrs ago i was bored. no jobs to be found around that paid a fair dollar, only abuse and exploitation, so what better to do than buy a telescope and spend more time learning about the stars that so far i knew nothing about. so i learned the constellations, the star brightness chart, the star color code and what it meant. the mainline hertzsprung russell diagram, the different planets. how galaxies and stars and planets are born and spin around and then wane and disappear again within billions of years time. i bought a 10-inch reflector newton scope which i still have today. i even threw it in a rage of anger across the balcony once and it fell 18feet to the ground but later picked it up and after rearranging the tubus it still works like a charm. that amazes me i have to admit. with the scope i have seen over 2 dozen galaxies, mostly only tiny hues of grey. many planets, star clusters and much more.
so what i write here i dont just put out there as a noob who knows nothing about the material. when you see a picture of hubble space telescope showing galaxies and colors. rest assured these pictures are genuine, color enhanced, yes, but genuine. the universe is INCREDIBLY big, and literally too big to be ever discovered. it is written "when the skies above can be searched out and the foundations of the earth beneath be figured out, then will Israel cease to be a nation before me continually saith the L-rd". so we see the nations of the earth are not created by men or for the will of man. they are here arranged from a higher being. that being said, lets go back to the space program and the many lies that it propagated so far.
so we have the moon landing down as a masonic hoax. whats that to make of other space activity ? is the ISS for real the space station orbiting th earth ? yes it is very real, everybody who has binoculars or a telescope can see the ISS as a bright speck of light crossing the horizon every 2 days plainly visible. every 90minutes it goes once around the earth and constantly is somewhere else. every 3 days from any location of the earth you can see the full overflight about 4minutes long from horizon to horizon. go to the internet and check when it will pass over your location, you will see i´m not lieing. this thing is about 300nm above the earth orbiting steadily and always new astronauts are being brought there and leaving it. its an international station.
so wheres the problem ? the problem is that star worship and knowing astrology and astronomy (a single science in ancient times) was an absolute must for every culture. ALL cultures did it. the hebrews were not allowed to do it it was for them idolatry and forbidden. since freemasonry is a replacement religion for people who cannot receive the true g-d spirit (YHVH, you know the dude up in the sky with the big white beard...) they have found a way to reinvent ancient practices under the guise of new technology and progress. no wonder that most names for new technology, programs, machines being invented are absolutely FULL of names of pagan gods. take alone our solar system. not a single celestial body or crater on the moon is named after something else than pagan gods and names of famous freemason researchers, astronomers etc. and so it goes for all areas of life, freemasonry is the wave that we´re all riding. people keep complaining "lady gaga flashed the allseing-eye sign again", and "george bush made the devil-hand-gesture again" or "i saw pope benedict give a masonic handshake to tony blair" or many more things. but the fact is. it is much harder to find somebody on tv who does NOT DO THESE THINGS. because they are merely doing that which is the rule, not the exception. the entire world lies in the power of the שד, the fallen angel who now rules over the earth. since he is a spirit, he has influence on living beings without them being aware of it. he operates on a different plane, a different spiritual realm. spirits were not created to serve humans, it is the other way around.
ok i keep digressing but nevermind. we wanted to talk about hoaxes and fakes in the space program. the truth is, that very likely the space rovers on mars are fake, same goes for many supposed early moon photos from american, russian satellites and probes. about the voyager and pioneer probes delivering close-up pictures from planets like saturn, jupiter or the outer planets i dont know, but here i will post a bunch of pictures that clearly show that from the very start, the entire thought that men can travel to other planets is a complete lie. no wonder also that the challenger and columbia shuttle disasters were orchestrated to fit into the plan of a masonic ceremony, as masonic history enrolls and satan(the devil, lucifer, antagonist of g-d) goes through his program using his government and leaders on earth, it is obvious once you´ve seen through his game, that he follows his own program. so it is no wonder that you hear masonic names, masonic numbers, and masonic actors in movies glorifying apollo13 and other such nonsense.
ok now enough talking, lets look at the pictures, i will say which probe it was, and give a year to really prove that from the very start (early 50s) the space race was always a masonic thing and is until today. and man has never gone further than near earth orbit and never will, because in over 300 yrs the earth will be renewed and technology as we know it will not be used anymore.
when you go through the following pictures, its good to have a chronological list of the space probes lieing next to the computer so you can check the timeline. you can print one out or break out the lexicon, encyclopedia or national geographic family atlas.
these two craters were supposedly taken by a mars rover at the same day at 2 different locations. how can this be when the boulder in the middle is clearly the same while the upper part of the crater clearly isnt the same. so you see, just with many moon pictures supposedly shot on the moon with a hasselblad camera without a view finder, who were in reality patched together in a studio after being shot on some earth locations (studio, desert) they are doing the same now with mars pictures. only in color with additional redshift. i could give a speech alone for 2 hours on fake moon pictures, there are too many to go through. they often took the same background and added it to supposedly different locations taken during different apollo missions or different days. once u can see that these mighty corporations are all run by jews, who love to play tricks and play games, you see actually that all their affirmation and high-sounding technological explanations are nothing better than a bunch of hat-trick players stealing your 50-$ bills. only instead they steal more like 50Billion instead.
in these pictures u see some blue wrappings on electric cables, shot taken on earth.
in the "mars pictures" later they turned to pink. why ? because the pictures were not really shot on mars, but shot on earth and colorshifted to red to make blue sky appear red. (mars atmosphere). thats why those cable wrappings are now pink. of course when found out, they try how much they can conceal and lie a bit. "blabla, aftereffects were used on SOME but not all pictures blablabla" worthless lies lets go on with the program..
wrappings turned pink
another shot of the pink wrappings.
the sundial placed on top of the rover also changed color due to the photo being a fabrication of photoshop with sky reddening being used.
they make millions of dollars with this. and everybody believes it. clearly the blue dots and markers have changed color. somebody tweaked the histogram of the picture magnifying the red channel to make it look like taken on mars. in reality probably in a studio, the catamarca or atacama desert or some place in nevada. (hotbed of fake actors in our "great" government)
with the last mars rover we used a gigantic inflatable balloon to land it safely on mars, and because it worked so well we now switched methods and instead use this supercool hovering skycrane. seriously how stupid can people be ? this is COMPLETELY REDICULOUS just like this punk with his fake elvis hair and used-car-salesman-attire.
actually some helicopters on earth transport large loads like this, but please dont make me laugh. for that thing to be stable the hovercraft would need to be 20 times bigger. the rover is supposedly as big as a car. what a complete jew joke.
the LAST PLACE ON EARTH where you find the truth concerning NASA, astronomy etc is the website called "badastronomy". supposedly started by a clever young college student. in reality probly rather jeshiva student first, entertainer+comedian second, and moneygrabbing liar third. just like the "Mythbusters" supposedly "debunking" moon-doubters, all they do in reality is drink pop, eat pizza, talk trash, take the paycheck and go to sleep. then the next day get up to work and do the same again. aint life great when you can drive a big SUV to work instead of a crappy lil sedan like honest people. being honest just aint no fun, lets keep it fake.
this a pic from luna 17, a russian lander. clearly we see this was shot in a studio, showing not sunlight but a flashlight like used on a movie set, theatre stage etc. otherwise the sun rays would be parallel, not form a triangle. the floor is probly cement or a fine sand made wet. the dumb americans keep saying "yeah but the russian pictures prove that we could later fly to the moon". sir, masonry is a global gamble. just browse my blog and see theres the same gig happening in every friggin country on this planet. they ARE the government. so the cold war was orchestrated. and both sides had their rockets and probes. so they rigged everything on both sides. many people also think juri gagarin didnt really make a successful first flight, but parachuted out of an airplane. once you start lieing theres no stopping you have to keep spinning the yarn.
in this pic from luna 17 we see what appears to be a chain of flowers, trumpetlike flowers. mark this picture, further down you will see the larger picture, this is just a crop.
now watch this pic below. can you see the scissors (encircled in yellow) forgotten by the artists who designed this model of the moon ? big styrofoam models of the moon prepared by artists and stage designers were used in Apollo footage (apollo was a pagan god). the moon model was made of plaster-of-paris, just like the astronaut said on "moon approach", over the intercom "the moon looks like plaster of paris".
now look at the picture above. what do you see ? it is a pump used on the bottom of the NASA training watertank to blow water upwards to give a more realistic impression of weightlessness (zero gravity). this is important to know because now on the bottom picture we see a stillframe from the supposed first chinese spacewalk in 2008 (shenzou). you can watch the clip on youtube. some hilarious features there are things like air bubbles rising from the opened hatch, the chinese flag waving around (caused by moving water in the watertank), the entire earth fills up with clouds in less than 3 seconds (in reality it would take more like several hours for that to happen). my personal favourite also the reflection of stadium-lights on the little reflector at the arm of the astro-suit. also the earth has no atmosphere, but the rim is pitchblack. what a gigantic load of nonsense. how stupid do they think we are ? the funnyest thing is people will defend the authenticity of the footage to the last drop of blood no matter how much evidence you present. that clearly shows masonry is an all-encompassing system of magic and enchantment, by which ALL people are entrapped who are not "saved" or "born again " or "enlightened" or have "raised their energy level" or whatever you wanna call it. i´m not saying only christians go to heaven. most christians are the most deluded clowns in town. (and trust me i´ve seen my share of clowns).
in the picture below from russian "Zond3" flyby mission from 1965 we can clearly see that the russian (like in all things) were merely imitating their "big brother" america. such a dilettantic picture with a large rectangular patch (top middle) clearly glued on top of the moon landscape wouldnt have passed american scrutiny and quality control. on bottom left we also see the foot of the lander module during approach clearly casts a large shadow. how can this be if it is in freeflight surrounded only by space. no doubt this photo was shot on a set, with the fake lander module very close to the moon model.
on the panorama photo below you see on the right side (encircled in orange) the array of trumpet flowers that i talked about earlier.
below a supposed photo taken from luna 12 while orbiting the moon. i have to say i could eat astronaut food and shit a better picture than that. thats just plain rediculous. take some fine sand, sprinkle some water drops on it and take a camera make a picture, congratulations you now won an inflatable washing machine. observe the moon through your binoculars, your amateur telescope or telescopic camera lense. you will see every crater has a littlehill in the center. daily many objects hit the moon (it has no atmosphere) and cause large and small craters. after the impact, they leave craters that all have the little hill in the middle. compare this to the island of santorini (thera) in the aegaean sea that eradicated the minoan culture 3000yrs ago. the volcanic explosion left a huge crater and in the middle you can see a little elevation. but in the picture below we see nothing of that sort. it is a complete joke and insult to human intelligence. probably thats why the masons call the unilluminated people "cattle" because they are as stupid as cattle, and cant tell their right hand from the left.
in the picture below you see whats probably a large moon model, with black background and earth model attached. (we know what that looks like since we have satellites in earth orbit, which dont count as space exploration, but can shoot pictures of earth from afar). on bottom left i marked a feature that looks like a crater stuck into the styrofoam moon sticking out like a trumpet. you can tell by the shadows around it. i´ve marked only one but there are probably some more. you can search for them if u want.
in the picture below we see what happens when you hire people with pets. theres clearly the tail of a dog or cat visible, with another animals sitting nearby. and all these pictures were passed on as authentic.this pic below was taken from a panorama picture(360°) from luna9.
below a photo of "Zond6", which shows a kinda realistic crater, but that could also be done by wet cement or soft clay and dripping some water into it. then on the left side what appears to be a screw with a washer below it fastening the entire thing to a wall or ball, so it can be photographed...
another image from Zond6 below, showing fake moon craters sticking out into all directions possible. some like the large crater on the uper left are sticking out so far that you could use it as a tent probably or park your car underneath. you can tell the craters sticking out because they cast small shadows.
below a pic from luna 13 in 1966, or so they say. it shows plants with leaves growing on the moon. very funny, it is to laugh ! this is a crop from another panorama picture (360°)
below you see a shot from luna 12 that proves what incredible progress we have made with our technology. or does it only prove how incredibly gullible people can become when they are led by a bunch of clowns.
i can take a shotgun shoot at a concrete or gypsum wall and get a better picture than that with a polaroid camera ! mark also all craters dont look like genuine meteor hits, no elevation in the middle of any crater. this clearly is a fake picture.
so what can we conclude so far ? is it possible to photograph galaxies millions of LY away ? yes, even with cheap amateur equipment a couple thousand dollars invested and you´re in the business. did man land on the moon. no that was a lie. are the photos we are shown on google moon proving that we went to the moon ? no, they are fabrications and fake. everybody can use photoshop and add some thin tracks to a moon-high-resolution picture and a few pixels where the supposed "lander" stood. thats all baloney. same goes for the mars landers who very likely cruise around in the nevada or catamarca desert. is the ISS real ? yes the ISIS is very real and also named after an egyptian goddess. she flies over your house every 2 or 3 days and there are real people on board. go to an amateur astronomy website. many people photographed the space shuttles as they docked to the space station. we can also see clearly that since day 1 in the space program pictures have been shopped, fabricated and lies propagated. not just since the apollo mission. look at the living astronauts how they all live as recluses, not giving interviews and afraid to see daylight. its because there are no astronauts, theres only actors and all astronauts use many different alters and nationalities for their astronaut job. many of the folks we know as astronauts work in tech jobs or run huge aviation companies all over the world. if president obama announces a mission to mars, can it be trusted ? no, obama is a liar, an actor like all presidents before and after him, and since its impossible to fly to the moon and past the Van Allen radiation belt without a gigantic thick wall of isolation (which would be far too heavy for a small capsule to carry), this is all hogwash. mankind will never live on mars or fly to mars. now what about satellites are they real ? of course they are otherwise your TV-set wouldnt be working and give you 100+ channels to choose from. there are satellites in high orbit, low orbit, and geo-stationary orbit. these are all real. now what about long-range mission like vojager or cassini or others. were they real ? i dont know if all of them are, but since its easy to take a smaller chunk of metal and shoot it onto a trajectory out into space, my bet is that those were real. also the pictures they delivered and still deliver, are of much higher resolution than anything HUBBLE can provide. compare a saturn, jupiter or uranus shot. cassini has given us some real neat footage from saturn. but i am not 100% shure on that either. it might also be artificial footage made with software. both is possible. what about the chinese shenzou spacewalk in 2008, was it real ? no it was just as fake as mao zedong, whom readers of my blog know to have been keye luke the actor. so stop supporting big government, big business and big lies, and instead invest into real people with good ideas. ok now i think thats enough text for a single post on this blog. cheerio..
some additional pictures for all those who still dont believe what kinda muppets the founders of the JPL and space program really were, i have a little collection here. just type "jack parsons" into amazon and you will find many books that show his illuminist ties, that of his wife also. they seem to have been some really spaced out characters. just like the space program with all its many hoaxes to mislead people.
sex and rockets. what a funny book title. are rockets to them phallic symbols like their obelisks. i dont know
here he stands on the right side of the checkerboard floor ready to cast a spell or something..
look his wikipedia entry. dead at 37. very funny..
his wife looks like a completely spaced-out diva who was deeply into the occult. (a witch). thats the kinda people who founded the space program in the first place. probably their spirit guides promised them some "special revelation and to make them conquerors of heaven" or some crap like that. remember lucifer (wormwood) wanted to conquer heaven and sit above the stars before he got cast down to earth.
and here we are back with our rover in the year 2012.
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