Friday, September 28, 2012
the funny meanings of all sorts of words in hebrew - PART 3
the following 3 posts are words that i collected over the last 3 years while learning something about hebrew language. oftentimes while hearing a word or expression or figure of speech it appeared to me that i had heard that before but in another language. so i started to make this collection. i cant post the pictures i gathered but only the text. my personal belief is that hebrew was the first language spoken on earth before the tower of babel and the division of nations and cultures and languages. i am 100% shure in 400 years it will be the number1 language on earth being spoken by the ruling class or as a lingua france like english or formerly latin and aramaic. hebrew is incredibly compact with 22 letters and survived over 3 milennia without major change. nobody can tell me that thats a coincidence. there is no other example in history. most primitive later cultures (maya, aztecs, minoan, etc) used very childish forms of writing like thousands of pictures or vowel-symbols. their languages today are dead. hebrew today is more compact than even english or other roman languages who have 26 letters. arabic is a corruption of hebrew. whenever an israeli hears an arab talk, he can feel as if he is being mocked, because the spirits that created the language and culture are creating opposition for the hebrew culture to have an instrument of chastisement in case they dont obey or become apostate.(every nation has a leading spirit(angel) like described in the book of daniel, where michael fights against the prince of persia and later prince of greece). i dont wanna go into more detail here but it is obvious that many names we know from our native language have a CLEAR and PRECISE meaning in hebrew (the holy language, no matter what kinda clowns are speaking it). funny enough the rabbis and mystics know of this truth, while the regular every-day-people from tel aviv will say that thats all nonsense and there is no connection whatsoever. i can understand that they wanna believe this, or would u wanna be called "Inbaal" or "Bosmat" or "shaul" or anything that has negative connotations ? the truth is brutal sometimes and we all are sparks of divine light and parts of g-d so there is a time to discuss holy things, and also a time to live everyday life and just forget things. both is necessary and has its right to exist. whoever still doesnt believe can do some gematria research. gematria is when you calculate the numerical value of words. this works for pretty much every language. you will soon realize that words with similar meaning often hve the same numerical values. so this proves that cultures and times and languages are not just coincidence but are being built by higher powers because they follow a certain pattern. but that would probably be too much for now and be worth another post.
aleppo is the second most significant city in syria and hundreds of years old. translated to hebrew it could mean "go up here", because "po" means "here" and the singular masculine imperative is "aleh !" as of today (summer 2012) the "arab revolution" is in full fling and theres bombardments and fighting in syria. when a child walks into a tel aviv garden in autumn and picks up a colorful leaf it can say to mommy "aleh po" because "aleh" also means " leaf".
in german an "Ofen" is a place to put your bread into to bake it, or your stove to heat your house with. in hebrew the same would be a "tanur". but in hebrew "ofen" means manner or way of doing something. when a jew says "beshum ofen lo" he tells you "no way" thats not possible !
means "mouthpiece" in hebrew so dont wonder when your wife with that name turns out to be a great gossip and busybody.
שאריות .. CHARIOT
these words are not really connected but this hebrew word reminded me of "chariot". the word means "remains" or "scrap". so robably when a chariot is wrecked in battle it will stay on the battlefield as "scrap".
TZARFAT -- צרפת
in tanakh in the days of elisha there was a famine, where lack of bread occurred. elisha was sent only to 1 woman in zarepta on the seacost in canaan (remember, in Israel Jezebel reigned at that time and tried to kill him) where he was sustained by a miraculous oil jar that never emptied. "pat lekhem" is a loaf of bread. so "tzar pat" can mean "lack of loaf/bread". we see how the stories in holy writ are always intertwined with the names of the characters and places (since places are often named after their founders). צרפת /tzarfat is also the name of the country of france in modern hebrew. i dont know if there has ever been a lack of bread there, the only one i can think of was before the french revolution a dozen generations ago. actually france is famous for good food and haute cuisine.
this little word means "minister" in hebrew. like "Sar haBitachon" the M. for defense(ehud barak), or other civil servants of the country. it is also a river in germany. in 2001 during my military service in germany i was stationed in the "Saarland", where the Saar river flows.theres a city there called "Saarbruecken" translated "Saar bridges". unlike the hebrew word it was a very humble place, basic training was in autumn and it was dark, wet, and people were not too friendly. also they speak a really weird accent there, hehe. the word is written with a "shin" but mustnt be mixed up with "schaar" which is a gate, which remains in one place, not moving, because "lehischa-er" means to remain, stay. "ani schar" means "i sing" and "laschir" is the infinitive verb. but that just by the way "derekh agav". "Saar" can also be a morphed form of "Seara" a storm, and "Zera" means "seed".
TINA טינה
more and more regular women names of the western hemisphere turn out to have interesting hebrew meanings. i just found this word meaning some hours ago (june 2012) and can think of only 1 person that called herself by that name all throughout school, and indeed she sometimes had underlying grudges buried deep inside her subconscious self. for example we were having a party in her room (were teenagers dance to records have a kissing contest etc.) and i jumped up and down which caused the cd player to skip. it made her incredibly angry. i was totally surprised at the outburst of anger. of course this didnt show in normal life but was a deeper issue. anyway this word (hebrew for "grudge, spite") is pronounced on the first syllable, just like the name "Tina".
Jingle /ג'ינגלה
a jingle is a short recording of voice and music, that a radio station or podcast plays every time the program starts, so as for the listeners to recognize what station they are listening to. in israel a "jingele" is a joint, a cigarette containing marihuana.
GET גט
an everyday word in english, it means "divorce" in hebrew. can you get me a divorce ?
a "Stock" is a Stick in german language, like a walking cane or a piece of wood. in hebrew it is simple imperative(male singular) for "shut up !".. if you´d tell a girl to shut up youd say "shitki" and to your friends you need to say "shitku!". there also is an austrian snowboarder by the name of Werner Stock, who is really ripping...
Mark Chagall / Hanna Schygulla
Marc Chagall (1887-1985) was a famous jewish painter born in russia, who later moved to the cultural metropoles of his day (paris, NYC) and became world reknown. Hanna Schygulla (born 1943) is a german actress and chansonniere who was famous in he 60s and 70s, where she played "working women" and other easy-going (sinful) characters. when you type ש-ג-ל into google translator the words "concubine, paramour, mistress" will appear... this means that both names are connected to an earthbound spirit, promiscuity, gratifying the senses (like many artists and entertainment industry folks are). in another article i once read that "Chagall" means "sexual rapture" or "orgasm", however i have no further confirmation as of now from my usual sources (targemni, morfix, etc.). But take this one as a 100% match, the root is undeniable.
Levanon is one of the countries in the levante that surround israel, making shure newborn israel cannot grow, expand, and develop. i figured out "anon" can be an adj. meaning gloomy/mournful/sad, so "lev anon" can mean "mourful heart" or "heartache". this is probly not the only meaning, but it is a legitimate meaning for the country where once forests of cedars topped the hills of Mt. Hermon. "anon" is also a sub-brand of "burton snowboards" the most prestigious brand in the market for snowboards. "anon" specializes in snowboard helmets and goggles.
MOTZ --מוץ
Berlin is such a screwed up city, theres not just 1 street newspaper, theres 5 or 6 of them. everytime u use public transport theres poor people, junkies and lowlives selling you their street-newspapers, playing music and collecting money. people seem to like it so much they give them money so the city can keep up its image as a gigantic sewer.(at least in my eyes it is). one of those newspapers is called "MOTZ", which in german means "complain". "motzen" means to complain. in hebrew MOTZ means chaff, the stuff that flies away when you separate the grains from the chaff on the threshing floor. obviously a good name for that rag because the people who sell it are chaff that bears not much fruit in life.
עלהו עכבר ! --- "offer him a mouse !" this is what muslims so heartfully proclaim when they praise their deity, before falling on their faces to worship in their mosques, like a creeping mouse on 4 legs, sticking their butts into the air ! if anybody accuses G-d of not having humour, he just hasnt understood the joke... if you say "Allah achbar", that means "get up, mouse !" or "stand up, mouse!".
KIRA כירה
Kirra, is several things: a great surfbreak in New South Wales (Australia), a name of a girl in our little village (Spielberg, Karlsbad, Germany), and in hebrew can mean "stove".another word for stove would be "tanur". Probably that girl will become a world reknown baker or confisière one day ? ah, theres also keira knightley, the hollywood actress..
RAÚL רעול
is a very common name in south america. in hebrew "ra-ul" can mean "veiled, masked". does that mean all persons with that name have something to hide ? i dont know, i dont have any friend with that name. theres also a famous soccer player with that name, he played for german club "Schalke 04".
in german, a "Netz" is a net, where you can catch fish with. in hebrew, it means "hawk" a small predator bird.
can mean "beduin" member of a desert dwelling arab tribe as an adjective, but can also mean "false". the words are written exactly the same. so next time u put on that palestinian scarf shouting "free free philistine", better think twice about it. or do you wanna be a faker ? in my dads radiology department of his clinic there worked another doctor called "Badavi" a common name in her native kairo, egypt. this name has exactly the same letters. B-D-U-I..
"tzar pat" can mean "lack of loaf/bread"
ReplyDeleteצרפת /tzarfat is also the name of the country of france in modern hebrew
I think it's fitting.
Yeshua says in Luke 4,4:
4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
So bread in spiritual sense means word of Yehovah or teaching of Yehovah.
Before the french revolution the clergy, who was catholic, deprived the people from the word of Yehovah - so they had no bread.
And with the french revolution the french people killed the clergy and the two prophets of Revelation 11 (OT / NT)* and made their own laws, the human rights - look it up at google pics "declaration des droits d'homme", which are in opposition to Yehovah with a dark female angel giving it and freeing the personified goddess of France + occult symbols like hat of mithraism, Ouroboros, fascis...
* Rev 11,2.3: 2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city [Yehovah's people] shall they tread under foot forty and two months. [42 months = 1260 days; a month = 30 days in prophecy & a day = a year]
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses [AT /NT], and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
--> from 538 Rome ruled supreme in westroman Empire [after destroyong all arian nations - the Vandals, Ostgoths and Herules] till 1798. In that year the pope got imprisoned and the Vatican States abolished. But the wound [of one of the heads = the Vatican] of the beast [european nations] got healed with the lateran treaty.
Best regards