Tuesday, August 13, 2013

the white stripes --- part 2 --- the son of Jimmy Page that loved to party hard...

we´re now gonna talk about two artists you´re already familiar with from Mtv, and another you probly havent yet heard about..
 Jack White (not Jack Black, as i falsely titled him in the pic above), is the coutnerpart of Meg White in the minimalistic retro-rock band "the white stripes"...where they play eccentric but nicely arranged gems like "seven nation army" or "fell in love with a girl", he sings and strums, while she takes care of her drumkit, pretending she doesnt really know how to play..
 i´ve had the "white stripes" folder lingering around on my desktop for at least a month, and now just wanna file it away, even tho i still havent exactly 100% identified jack, andrew & dylan, but lets just go by rule of thumb...
 dylan leBlanc and Andrew W K are incredibly close both in tall stature, firm wellshaped face, their noses and ears and overall skullshape are pretty much identical, only they are 10 yrs apart... wich is close to nothing, seeing dylan is cleanshaved like a babybutt, while theres wild facial hair everywhere for andrew the "party ambassador to the middle east" (dont laugh now, but this is a legal position he really has been designated to by the US government)...
 facial hair easily gives +/- 15 or 20 years, for an actor in his 40s or 50s even more.. we can see above the ears the same...
 these two roles are excellent since totally opposite, nobody would suspect that the wild party freak that sings about vodka, riots, and bathroom stalls full of puke, is in fact also a folk singer with a timbre and soft voice...writing songs about first love, beautiful landscapes or a picnic with his girlfriend...
 so i spent already too much time trying to figure if jack white is the brother or all 3 the same... but its obvious they´re in bed together since both Dylan leBlanc and Jack white hang out with the girl outed in the last post (meg white aka klara soederberg aka bjoerk)...
 the fleeing chin was what threw me off, but the pic left side of jack is almost 13 yrs old.
 all 3 have the double eyelid...
 again ears of dylan and andrew, identical..
 same face identical, give or take 2 weeks worth of beard...
 in this pic jack and dylan look the same again...
 but here the chin is different and nose shorter...
 the ear also is pretty much the same...
 then look at the teeth...the right upper incisor is twisted a bit for both men..
 ear at 90° also a close call...
 both jack and andrew love to sign in bold capital letters...
 here this must be the father...why else would they hang out together ? see how similar (apart from nose) the face is to jimmy page, who also is "acting" vice prez of USA...joe biden...
 also the same taste in hats.. left side dylan, right side jack...
 i didnt post a video from the white stripes or andrew WK since evrybody is already familiar with their music...and knows how they look...
 again the ears are really similar, mark the upper part with triangular antitragus..
 so in conclusion: andrew WK identical with Dylan leBlanc, Jack White the same man or otherwise closely related...(brother)

gained some space on my desktop... but for everyone i nail, theres 3 more coming in...

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