Tuesday, August 13, 2013

a quick history of theatre...

theatre as we know it today...goes a very long way back, and by that i dont mean what you read in wikipedia, i mean as early as organized cultures emerged, you had the element of rulership by an elite that had learned the mysteries handed down to them, with all the important stories, that they later spun into entertainment pieces and theatrical stories... they then were shown to the public, with the best equipment available at that time, the greeks eg. had colorful masks and togas... (originally all the greek statues were colored in bright colors, but over time the colors were washed off and today they all look white)...

 so throughout history entertainment and control went hand in hand... this is very important to realize... when you succeed letting people be entertained by you, you have them in the bag... above you see a huge greek ampitheatre, built on a sloped hill.. these greek stadiums were sometimes even bigger than their roman counterparts, but location was imperative, since the greeks couldnt built them on flat land.
 here a later model, the famous bayreuth opera where richard wagner had his "antisemitic" works enjoyed by large crowds... of course nobody knew he himself was the greatest j-w of all, hahaha...the wagner opera was much diffrent from the predecessor, the roccoco and classic opera, that was very popular first in vienna and italy but later spread throughout all other european cities...its simple, like with evrything in life, when something´s a great invention, or your big brother does something cool, you wanna catch up with him and have the same as him...
 this now was the first movie theatre, it opened in LA around the break of the 20th century...it later was also the first movie theatre to show a color film.. back then people didnt have private camcorders, only in the 1930s (america) and in europe, 40s, these were available...
 here a typical classical opera house, with rows of visitors, and a whole symphony orchestra hidden in front of the stage, just like today...rest assured, back in all those days, as far back as we can count, all future rulers and illuminate aristocrats, first had to prove themselves as actors...
 the persians also had theatre, but i´m pretty shure even the old sumerians, myceneans, makedonians, the ancient chinese, also the southamerican cultures like olmecs, tolteks... then the earliest cultures of the indus valley...every culture...we can see ancient pyramids scattered all over the earth, and today the "eye symbol" also appearing on the whole planet... since the primary rulers are spirits, they dominate the entire globe, and their human mouthpieces are replacable..thats why in their core all pagan cultures are the same... if you havent read the "two babylons" yet, its probly a good time to start...
 here a roman amphitheatre, i bet you all visited one of those during your time in school or later on a family vacation... some of them are so solidly built theyre still being used today... ancient cultures werent stupid or had less living standard than us today...prosperity always starts in your head, when you have peace in your mind, then you can start to build your environment and create affluence for yourself. but when you try to steal, or envy others, thinking you need to "fight" your way to success, you´re simply a buffoon thats only harming others but mostly yourself... thats why america is still such a great coutnry, because they give more than others... the more you give, the more you get. the more you try to bunker, the more it runs through your fingers... true story...
here a shakespearian "globe theatre"... after the many centuries of travelling small stages drawn by ox cart, (geoffrey chaucer in the middle ages) finally a real good construction...this thing could house several hundred people, and is still being used in some places...

this is just supposed to be a short post...but keep in mind theatre was crucial all throughout history... remember book of daniel where the 4 men are thrown into the burning oven, because they refuse to bow to the psaltery, pipes, strings, cymbals and sackbut... see they had already a whole orchestra of instruments... another text in book of ester shows how king xerxes made a feast that lasted for months on end... what do u think he did during all this time ? he had all his satraps, ass-kissers and and saliva-lickers invited to his palace and needed to entertain them for over half a year... rest assured he had the best theatrical conductors, jesters, storytellers, actors and show people available, to give his loyal estate the best show they had ever seen in their lives...

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