Friday, August 2, 2013

Peter Sellers was Salvador Dalí and grandad of Prince William / Ed Miliband (and all his alters)

 look at the nose... so close.. also area between eyes and nose... prince william / ed miliband and his alters must be grandson of peter sellers / salvador daly and his alters
 oops sorry that was another comparison... wrong thread...
 great success !!!
 see the ears... definitely same bloodline... acting talent and comedic abilities included...
 salvador dalí and peter sellers are identical, dali has fake ears tho...
 i painted a dotted line to mark  dali´s ear extension... couldnt find the wife so far... dali officially married once, she has very remarkable face, mustnt be too hard to is gala eluard dali.... sellers officially married 4 times, but none look the part... i´ll show you the list below...
 see the bloodline... must be the grandson...
 dali was known for making funny faces (both actually were), but we see its the same eye..
 here peter sellers famly, if u wanna dig deeper, i dont have the time...
 shoots again wrong thread, sorry...
 again the striking nose features... and brows too...
 here sellers playing an indian with fake dark teint... back in those days makeup wasnt as good as today but still convincing enough for whites playing black or brown people...
if you dont believe the facial anatomy just look at the autograph...
 some early pics of dali he´s very skinny but skull complete match... they made dali 20 yrs older than sellers, but we see its just makeup...
hehe.... just incredible...
 here the short info for both...
same skull, even tho one is well fed the other took an artistically inspired fast to further his dadaism... but william clearly is grandson of peter sellers... meaning we are ruled by CLOWNS

for most people i dont provide discography and filmography, but you can always do a quick check at, Sellers played inspector Clouseau in the pink panther movies...also Dr.Strangelove.. and countless others..

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