Friday, August 2, 2013

Bett-Girl strikes again...

lets take a look at Bat-girl
 shes also close with kate middleton, but thats not the main point in this particular thread...

 famly ties... ding ding ding...

 we now know that angela merkel isnt real, its just an ugly mask...she plays many and i mean MANY other characters too... if u wanna know them all use the search functions on my blog as well as the wellaware1 website... for me personally the most hilarious thing about merkel is the VAGINA SQUARE that shes flashing all the friggen time, i mean theres no picture on the entire web where she doesnt flash that sign... it looks hilarious...
only the veneers differ...
 profile ding ding ding...
 just a lil re-Kristening *cough* and you´re good to go...
 graphs also not such a far stretch..
 superglue + veneers+ makeup+brazen attitude = 12 years younger....

 ears at 45°... ding ding ding...
 lower lobe.... ding ding ding...

 facial features ding ding ding...
 skull shape ding ding ding...
  just another needle in the straw heap ding ding ding...
busted cuffed n booked.... on to the next candidates...

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