Saturday, August 3, 2013

Gorilla199 the youtube Troll direct bloodline with Theodor Herzl

 have you ever watched a video of youtube user Gorilla199 ? he is into mystery stuff, kinda like david icke , and constantly makes yet another hilarious claim, like the roofs of certain buildings would actually by UFO´s and stuff like that ...
 now guess what i found...see how similar he looks to theodor herzl.. we know herzl was the man who gave the prophetic vision for the refounding of israel, many decades before it happened...
 here in typical fashion the "truther" characters first seemingly oppose and insult each other, only to some months later meet for the great "showdown"...

 both men have the remarkable straight skull and trademark pokerface..

 just check that ear..they are obviously bloodline..
 their motto "always bigger, better, more outrageous"..always trying to top each other off...

 look at those faces...Gorilla199 has also been outed by ed chiarini as playing other roles...
look at that skull...and the stern glance... its obvious..


  1. Great you finally covered this clown who also happens to occasionally fill in as a certain "Barrie Trowers". On a side note, gorilla199 himself made a stunning observation to the effect that D. Icke appears to be the spitting image of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.:

  2. i think Ed has him as "the barbarian" sidekick of truthergirls, where he scoots around in a wheelchair...we know from polskaweb wolfgang schäuble can indeed run a marathon, the whole wheelchair thing is only show.. when the "accident" with schaeuble happened, they treated him in the clinic where my father now works, langensteinbach, less than 2miles from here...this shows u how controlled everything is. u only need to control the top people adn they take care of all the rest. it works like a pyramid top to bottom.

  3. As for Barbarian Rebellion, I kept this in mind in particular - according to Ed, he is Rick Brickell. Verily looks the part, IMHO.
