Saturday, August 3, 2013

David Ben Gurion found and his sons as well...

 found a picture of a german poet, who looked in his old days remarkably like David Ben Gurion, the tiny man with the funny hair that officially founded the nation of israel in 1948
 his name gerhart hauptmann, see he has the signature DBG hairstyle...both men are identical...
thats the people that write all this german philosophy, kant, hegel, nietzsche, goethe, schiller....
and 200 years from now (when the blog of ALF is long forgotten) they´ll probly read Hauptmann...
all a bunch of deistic humanism, just slap it in the bin where it belongs...dont send your kids to a school where they´re spoonfed this pap... give em some real books to read instead...
 same ear
 remember roy cohn, in the cold war days under senator mcCarthy the commie hunter, Roy Cohn was said to be one of his most relentless Capos... see how close he is to benGurion/Hauptmann.. must be the son
 ben gurion and hauptmanns ear are identical, no questions asked
 then roy cohn also clearly related, with hilarious fake lobe glue..
 even with small rez pics theres lots of detail to be found, if you´re just willing to open your eyes
then this pic (right side) of  Hauptmann in his older days reminded me strongly of sb else...
 and there he is, our beloved KANZLER, Helmut Kohl, longtime german political heavyweight
 helmut was married to hannelore kohl, use the search function to see who she plays today..
the rare "light allergy" that she supposedly succumbed to, is just another hilarious whopper...
 these ppl tell whoppers so big an ox couldnt swallow... and that on a daily basis...
 since we talk about the re-foundation of israel may 14th 1948, heres a man who wrote a really important book.. "temple at the center of time"... the name david flynn.. he supposedly died recently... probly also just a character seeing the info he revealed is so powerful, defo not sthng you´ll read in your daily tabloid...
 the book proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that geographical distances between nations on earth and their capitals, as well as the spiritual events between them are clearly connected. the equation between time and space, so to say, but from a mundane viewpoint. next time your arab neighbor tells you "israel stole the land of palestine"... just show him these pictures...

 not only cataclystic events in world history between nations are connected to the geographical distances, but also the birth of nations... remember nations are like a person, only bigger... they have a birth date, lifespan, and death date... keeping this in mind you´ll probly read all those prophetic books of tanakh diffrently from now on (major and minor prophets)
heres the bill, where do i sign ? right here, sir.... thank you very much do u want a receipt ? 
no thanks...have a great day... same to you..

1 comment:

  1. Markus I've been looking at former mayor of nyc Abraham beame(1973-77)! I get a strong vibe that he and former Israeli prime minister yitzak shamir(not Rabin) might be the same person.
