Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Utah State Senate & House of Reps = a WHOREHOUSE








You clapped for them. You deported me. Tell me can you look in the mirror after you hug your children? How can you support and cower to such unspeakable evil day after day after day. Your country is gone, it exists only on paper.  Your president wears diapers and sniffs children. You turn your sons into fags, and start wars over the lies of a bunch of globalist jews who fly into salt lake from LA, New York and Chicago to put on their donkey show. And you clap for them. America, i weep for you. Your land is almost ready for invasion and you never for one moment shared with me what was mine from the beginning. You are a drunk hooker sitting on the sidewalk in a puddle of puke. To let these minions run your state, your mind numbing cult, your hospitals and prisons. Your news channels and police force. Don't pray to me for water. I'm sick of you all. 


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