Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The 48 laws of power



If you wanna understand how the people tick who run this junkyard, and run your life, to a great extent.. grab your android phone, go to google store and install the app. 'The 48 laws of power'. Read through it and delete the app. the thoughts presented are egotistical. Only fit for the basest of men. 


For weeks there was no access to dailystormer website. It is the ONLY website that gives the real angle of what is happening with the world right now. The writer, my gut feeling tells me, loves america very much, has travelled the world, is probably asian royalty, has seen combat, knows most world militaries from the inside and outside. He is a bit of a chauvinist but has a good heart. Nobody knows when the new URL will be blocked again, so grab what you can while its up. Don't give him bitcoin. He's jewish and extremely wealthy. . They all are. The daily stormer is probably 25% hobby, 25% a way to stop going crazy, and 50% control tool. Cause they can monitor who reads it. The official story about andrew anglin blogging somewhere from nigeria is complete poop. Like everything else in mainline media. 


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