Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Most 'truthers' are just asshole actors pretending to be your friends




Just one example. Jodie foster has a body weight of 108 lbs. Look it up online. One of her real life characters is a former world class female surfer. She is being put on a picture with a fat BBW pornstar, who got so much belly fat that each thrust will cause a seismic reaction. Notice: on this picture the author didn't write that both women are the same. Normally he does that. Why. Because he knows it's a lie.

How do i know. The woman behind jodie foster is the real life mother of the actress who plays 'Ann Garbett' My so-called 'Stalking Victim'. I was never stalking anyone. The garbetts are a made up utah family. Their identities are one of many that only exist on paper, played by actors in their free time. The so-called church of latter day saints is a criminal enterprise whose goal most likely is to smuggle drugs. Run guns. Traffick in humans. And put the drug money into fancy real estate. Watch the OZARK episode 2 where marty gives the preacher money to build a church. There he explains that you can launder way more money building new, rather than just flipping old properties. Alex christensen telling mexican peasants in chiapas he is there to build schools and 'end poverty' is an insult to their creator, and the line stolen verbatim from the movie '50 Shades of grey'. Nothing is for free. Only lies.

The stupid mormon sheeple are just dumb liars that are in turn being lied to, and used as a cover by much more powerful and greedy people. The mormons have ward houses in almost every country, always close to the nearest airport. They dress like gangsters and ride in black cars. Now you know why :)

And no, i wouldn't hit it. Not for an 8-digit figure. Lieing to me is no small affair. If an actress wants to write me mails to establish a fake persona in real life, to gain credibility, she must have the class to play out her role with dignity, not cut and run like i've seen it over and over by low class, lowlife degenerates. If she can't live up to her role, that makes her a liability, not the prodigy the rags make her out to be. Even if she is acting royalty and her grandparents are bette davis, ian holm, shirley maclaine or barney the purple dinosaur. Nobody can give me back the time stolen. Nobody can get the plastic out of the ocean. All you can do is lie. And feed off the stupidity of human cattle, too scared to raise the hand against the MONSTER that rules them.

You are a disgrace to this planet. Enjoy your ride while it lasts.

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