The internet has become an absolute joke. 10 yrs ago nobody could have predicted that it would ever get this bad. Right now theres many essential websites that i can't view anymore. Both american, russian, and even some israeli oldies on youtube are blocked. Never used a VPN and not planning to. daily stormer i couldnt read in months. In december 2021 i translated around 20 or so X rated comics cause the english translation just sucked so bad, it just had to be done. Worked on it for 3 weeks, then the day i wanted to upload them all, the website (imagefap) was banned by the provider. So be advised. If you challenge the forces that rule, it doesnt matter what you do, be it sacred or profane, they will still fuck your shit up any way they can. I never released anything high profile in all my life, be it music, audiobooks or videos.
Sorry i'm rambling again. All i wanted to say. The profile NICOLE MOUT on the facebook group 'ROYAL ACTORS DESTROY HUMANITY' Is a troll account. Save your time. Ignore her pictures. And what she writes. Don't squander your most precious resource. TIME. Or i promise she's gonna take you for a ride.
Trolls are EVERYWHERE. Expose them and ignore them. They are more evil than the actors they protect. Don't go to big protest rallies. ALL of them are organized by actor trolls posing as 'concerned citizens'.
Oh, and don't try to turn 'Normies'. They prefer the Matrix and will not turn.
I told you war would come. Now it is here. I told you east and west would be divided in two separate power blocks. Now it has happened. Every single virologist you see on tv is a crook and actor. The bible says the rebuke of a friend is better than the smooth talk of an enemy. Your geatest enemy is the people you pay taxes to, and look up to for guidance. You chant their stupid slogans as you destroy yourself "together we can do it". You don't question them dumping brown people in europe in hordes, their virus hoax and fag agenda. Because they have bewitched you, and make you hate the only people that don't wanna watch you descend further and further as a soul. I never lied to you on purpose. I apologize if i made mistakes, it was not intentional.
I only bought 4 videogames in my life. I game only on pc. Never owned a console and probly never will. How can people play on these things. Shooting is sloppy. My gpu is still an old gtx 660 TI, and unless i really have to i won't get a new rig, yet. New games coming out aren't as good anymore, with few exceptions.
I Bought Call of duty II, 8 years after it came out. It took 2,5yrs to get it to run. This year i bought Assassins creed origins and odyssey, both outstanding games for histery nerds in their own right. And great for brushing up on some of your languages, using foreign language subtitles. The foreign language audio is not available cause the dvd version i bought does not run unless you activate it online. But i no longer have home internet. So i had to torrent both games for the 2nd time, and they ran without problems.
1 week ago i bought gta V to play through again in another language. Same problem. Activation impossible.
I'd much rather create my own games than play the games of others, but if you followed my blog you know that the gaming industry is run by the same people as the movie industry. It takes a big team, solid funding, and quite some time to make a good game.
In my early 40s i'm a bit old for games. I often rather lie on the floor and just think. Also i like to sleep a lot. I think in recent months and years, the time spent in sleep was the most gratifying time i had. When i wake up, its like my soul has been washed clean.
You think i'm just a raging neckbeard for saying everything this spoiled generation produces is trash compared to the generation prior. Look at the game below. How much hype they made about it, even connected donations. now they ruined it with crappy voice acting. Kids now consider 1080px too low a resolution to enjoy a game. They want 4K monitors and super fast video cards. Its all useless if a civilization, meaning the people have lost their spiritual excellence and the spark of the divine. Generation gay can't deliver, oy vey. The gay-porn-tier voice acting is so bad it couldn't scare a hamster. And its supposed to be a police game.
If you wanna understand how the people tick who run this junkyard, and run your life, to a great extent.. grab your android phone, go to google store and install the app. 'The 48 laws of power'. Read through it and delete the app. the thoughts presented are egotistical. Only fit for the basest of men.
For weeks there was no access to dailystormer website. It is the ONLY website that gives the real angle of what is happening with the world right now. The writer, my gut feeling tells me, loves america very much, has travelled the world, is probably asian royalty, has seen combat, knows most world militaries from the inside and outside. He is a bit of a chauvinist but has a good heart. Nobody knows when the new URL will be blocked again, so grab what you can while its up. Don't give him bitcoin. He's jewish and extremely wealthy. . They all are. The daily stormer is probably 25% hobby, 25% a way to stop going crazy, and 50% control tool. Cause they can monitor who reads it. The official story about andrew anglin blogging somewhere from nigeria is complete poop. Like everything else in mainline media.
Watch T.D. Jakes sermon that he posted 9days ago. Title is 'Caught'. There he explains, 53min7sec in, that God is indeed an Actor.
Tried to cut the video and post it, but my pc is acting funny, i boot from 2 diffrent drives depending what i'm about to do. One win7, one win10. 10 years i worked hard, to the point of abusing my health, so you can see the people behind the matrix, and the buttholes of mila kunis, christina applegate, emily blunt, milla jovovich... It appears i'm the butthole prophet. Former prophets were concerned with wars, eclipses, famines and the likes. But without a doubt, my specialty are buttholes. It's not a biggie, since with all actors, the doodoo is coming out the front, not the back.
I'd like to know what the potter's house in dallas costs to maintain for a single month. It must be in the tens of thousands.
Don't you get it you stupid fools, you're all being played. There are no mass graves in Butcha, it's a homophone word for 'butcher'. They lie. You die. This whole ukraine thing is nothing but an overture to the real war that will soon start. Check the YT channel 'servants of christ' and read all the video titles. All your idiotic comments on the stupid propaganda movies on youtube, where every ukrainian tank shoots ten or more russian tanks, shows only how brainwashed you are. And when a russian tells you it's propaganda you destroy him in the comments. You think you are virtuous for wearing your mask and getting covid shots when all you are is a ridiculous fool. Soon you'll be so stupid, gay and devoid of humanity that your acting owners will have the LEGAL RIGHT and also the DUTY according to their unwritten law, to remove you from the food chain. First the plague, then the war and famine. All for fake reasons that you cheered for. Like a herd of rats.
And yes, Fräulein von der Leyen also has a granny porn alter, they all do.
I'm tired of doing all the matchups. Go make em yourself. You won't find a better porn lookalike for Frau von der Leyen (and her other political alters) than 'Romana' from
Micki Krause is a german singer of bawdy songs, popular in cologne, and the party island mallorca where young germans love to get drunk on sangria and beer, and afterwards have sex. They meet in big discos where they sing along to a certain genre of music called 'Ballermann Hits', named after the party samplers that are a staple at every party for german soccer clubs etc.
Many years ago, micki krause had a big hit with a song about blowjobs, (i will add it bottom of thread). The german term for fellatio, or 'giving head' is 'blasen', literally 'to blow'. The same word with capital B is used for the bladder in human anatomy.
If you don't believe that the media, ALL OF IT, is utterly deceptive, and used only to further propaganda, and play with you. Then go on youtube and listen to micki krause, and his doctor at the Charité in Berlin, the most prestigious clinic there. They will both tell you with the most serious face that micki has 'BLOW CANCER'.
Nobody complains, nobody cares. Another day another dollar in a world filled with fools, that will punch and stone you for telling them the truth. They believe all the ww3 propaganda, and that russia fucked up good, and that they are sexy, handsome, brave and educated. God's gift to mankind. Truth is what they call a 'conspiracy theory' cause that's what the faces on TV told them. They have no ingenuity or talent, are violent but hurting deep within. The money they earn to pay for the annual tax hike doesn't fulfill their soul's true needs. They are lost zombies, serving another man's interest, but believe to be independent. They live like animals. And die like animals. They have the mind of a beast.
Check out this youtube channel about biblical astro theology. It explains that the bible is not actually historical. But beware. Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it. The evidence is overwhelming. Sad it took me so long to see. His old videos only have a computer voice. If you don't like the long vids, start with a short one.
This is the man who played jesus. Actually there may have been several men, but he's the main guy. Same stream of thought, same looks, same age, same birth date.
Also check out the FB group 'the conscious community has been infiltrated'. It focuses on afro american celebs and their entertainment, political and porn alters. If anyone can pack me all pictures from there into a zip file that would be great. I am too tired to hand rip everything. The internet has turned to shit and is now a clickedy click nanny machine used solely for propaganda. The anti russian hatred is absolutely ridiculous but i told you all that long ago. It will not get better, only worse. You should see what 'news' i get when switching my phone, its worse than ww2 german propaganda. That is not an exaggeration.
Just one example. Jodie foster has a body weight of 108 lbs. Look it up online. One of her real life characters is a former world class female surfer. She is being put on a picture with a fat BBW pornstar, who got so much belly fat that each thrust will cause a seismic reaction. Notice: on this picture the author didn't write that both women are the same. Normally he does that. Why. Because he knows it's a lie.
How do i know. The woman behind jodie foster is the real life mother of the actress who plays 'Ann Garbett' My so-called 'Stalking Victim'. I was never stalking anyone. The garbetts are a made up utah family. Their identities are one of many that only exist on paper, played by actors in their free time. The so-called church of latter day saints is a criminal enterprise whose goal most likely is to smuggle drugs. Run guns. Traffick in humans. And put the drug money into fancy real estate. Watch the OZARK episode 2 where marty gives the preacher money to build a church. There he explains that you can launder way more money building new, rather than just flipping old properties. Alex christensen telling mexican peasants in chiapas he is there to build schools and 'end poverty' is an insult to their creator, and the line stolen verbatim from the movie '50 Shades of grey'. Nothing is for free. Only lies.
The stupid mormon sheeple are just dumb liars that are in turn being lied to, and used as a cover by much more powerful and greedy people. The mormons have ward houses in almost every country, always close to the nearest airport. They dress like gangsters and ride in black cars. Now you know why :)
And no, i wouldn't hit it. Not for an 8-digit figure. Lieing to me is no small affair. If an actress wants to write me mails to establish a fake persona in real life, to gain credibility, she must have the class to play out her role with dignity, not cut and run like i've seen it over and over by low class, lowlife degenerates. If she can't live up to her role, that makes her a liability, not the prodigy the rags make her out to be. Even if she is acting royalty and her grandparents are bette davis, ian holm, shirley maclaine or barney the purple dinosaur. Nobody can give me back the time stolen. Nobody can get the plastic out of the ocean. All you can do is lie. And feed off the stupidity of human cattle, too scared to raise the hand against the MONSTER that rules them.
You are a disgrace to this planet. Enjoy your ride while it lasts.
I told you when jews destroy something they always make it sound just and virtuous. As we speak, tranny activists pull off their freak show on the utah capitol. I am still deported over a lie. The people that did it sit in that building wearing makeup. You won't recognize them. Whenever they release a new TV show it becomes a hit. Every feature film makes them richer, and makes you dumber. Stupid ass superhero movies from marvel comics. Dumb things don't belong on this planet. For a season. But not for long. I will be back. The prophecies are piling up. But i will not return in an illegal manner. Everybody that fought me and supported the lie will have to deal with my father. Don't worry about the garbetts. They are just liars with lots of money working for a family reputation. America will be invaded. If it will survive depends on you. How much ometz is left. Make every day count. Pray always. Put off the blinders. Turn off the hellivision. Flip off the pyramid jews. Turn off instagram. Listen to the youtube prophets but know that most of them are liars as well. Stop being a sheep. Sheep just exist to be fleeced, to shit, and to die.
Whatever you do to god's children.He will also do to you.