Sunday, March 6, 2022

Boooomm !!!


Wanted to upload a very important thread yesterday night. But got interrupted by the second ATM robbery in 50 days. While sitting just 15m away from it. This time i even took a shitty video. It starts with the boooom as the 3 masked perps blow open the ATM, then the smoke and 2 min later they drive away. 


All it would take is one glock and 2 standard mags loaded alternately with tracers and rubber tips. To stop these 3 masked gupniks and their retarded black audi. With a double tap in the chest, running gets quickly pretty exhausting. And With shot out tires you can't get far. Have to ditch the car. And 15min later the helicopter was already circling. But in the brave islamic republic of JEWMONEY, the only ones with guns are the cops and the criminals. Common sense is rare to find. Also they have no cameras up anywhere. On feb 1st when some skinny haji tried to drill open the same ATM with a powerdrill i also couldnt do shit. Not even get close to take proper video. Just like this time. 


So who is all of this good for. Whose purpose does it serve. Wasnt it a bunch of russian gupniks? Yes, but in the bigger picture its the pyramid people, actors and cabbalist jews who lay low and betray a people with their mind numbing entertainment and actor government. And all the blind fools who believe them. For Each city that looks more like a slum, they get stronger. This place used to be where families moved to, back in 1990. Like us. But now Kalergi plan is in full swing. As all normies deny it, keep watching the tube and use the word CONSPIRACY whenever the mainline tv whores throw it at them. As we speak, more and more hajis are being shipped in boats to europe by the same people that sell you your LGBT propaganda. They run both RT and all media in europe. And you fools all put ukrainian flags on your facebook profiles. And curse putin, who in reality is nothing but a puppet. I cannot do anything else for you. I cannot stop the trend. I have an old server pc and a smartphone. My resources are nil. They have billion dollar computer centers complete with hundreds of staff on their payroll. To keep you where you are. ACTORS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND. THEY ARE CRIMINALS WHO LIVE OFF YOUR ENERGY.


Small time crime like this is necessary for europe as a continent to be laid low. The cops have all hands tied. The people are deluded, petty, selfish and weak. And unarmed. Men as a species don't exist anymore. If they get caught, a lawyer is paid from drug money and gets them a minimum sentence. Yugos and latvians in germany have been caught with a full bag of burglary tools in peoples backyard and released for lack of evidence.


The bible says a good king scattereth away evil with his eyes. He must grind the wicked with a wheel. To drive the wickedness out of them. I should have left this cursed country long ago. But have close to no money. Not enough to buy property or even a place to pitch a yurt. I cannot and will not move to a place where other people make the laws for me. It doesnt work. It hasnt worked in the past and will not work in the future. 


People ask why do people kill themselves. Go figure. When a man has no more power to decide anything. And every street corner is plastered with signs that read 'don't do this', 'don't do that'. What else is there to live for.


So now that everyone has had his fun, could we please focus on the essential. Thank you. But before that. I have one last question.


How many JEW actors does it take to trash a perfectly good country? Only two..


This handsome guy.


And this toad right here.


Yes, she actually said in an interview her favorite animal is the toad. But like i told you a trillion times, actors can say and do whatever in a real life character. They can mock you to scorn and never pay a fine. They own you. You are their hamsters. Kathy burke played in the UK series 'gimme gimme gimme'. Watch her use foul language and rub her crotch. I'm 100% sure she has shot and still is shooting fatty porn. They all do it. Compare that to angela merkel and her 'boring old hag' demeanor, which is not real at all. But an act. But fools believe everything (proverbs) and cowards deserve the leaders they get. Anyway. If you find a fatty that looks like kathy burke or kathy bates. Leave a comment. I haven't found her yet. I'm drowning in work. This job is impossible to do efficiently by 1 guy alone. A team of 12 people would be the absolute minimum.


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