Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Mad Kate McKinnon alias Lagertha is also Levina (GER singer)



found by pure accident. not sure tho why she wants to run thru the wifi. 

normally, when i find wifi. I stay for a while.



nobody knows why she flew to Tel Aviv, took a Nesher Taxi and rode to the Western Wall to take this picture. At least its not a Selfie, cause all selfies look terrible. Might be she was lured by a yoga instructor or Cabbalist Rabbi who promised her the sex brazilian juice. The Sex Brazilian Juice is a tasty drink, rich in Protein and Vitamins, of a white color, similar to cornstarch or milk in consistency, and very healthy. But highly addictive to blondes. Once they are hooked, its hard to get them off the product. But Blondes rarely make sense. So, yeah...


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