Friday, July 9, 2021

Annalena Bärbock is Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya




Most likely both women are played by Jennifer Lawrence. 
Her 'evil' Counterpart in Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, is John Cleese, 
who also plays Mariano Rajoy, spanish former prime minister. They look so similar, 
I didn't even make pictures since it's so obvious. 

By the way, Xi Jinping, Chinese leader and Rodrigo Duterte of Philippines are also the same man. Same potato nose and 'Dont give a shit'-Attitude. But let's be honest here, you don't give a shit either, long as you can gass up your car with distilled dinosaur farts, and watch Kim Kardashian wiggle her fat ass. It's the other guy who needs to cut carbon emissions, not you! Its a natural cycle, solar flares an shit, nothing to do with human negligence and greed. Our leaders are such villains, but we are all innocent! We didn't know any better.. I have no doubt you believe all that. You're always doing such a fine job at playing the victim. So here you are, in your kingsize motorhome to escape the nonsensical CORONA regulations. With the worlds most wasteful creatures telling you to buy electric cars and no longer drink from plastic straws. like it would make a fuckin diffrence. 


but its not possible ! nobody can fool me ! I'm smart and strong, I have the amendments, and right to bear arms, and to arm bears. I'm a free creature, glaring with pride and waving my cute little rainbow flag, like good Rabbi Shekelblitz told me. I'm the center of the universe.. 
Maybe in your own mind, preshuss.. But you're still actor food. 
You've never done anything to expose or fight them. You'll defend them 
till your mouse explodes and your keyboard cable snaps. 

of course Tsikhanouskaya's husband is a "Youtuber". 
What sort of stupid job description is that.


I'm just throwing this out there. In 2012, we (the bloggers and truthers) blogged hard to prevent a war with Iran. In hindsight it was a damn stupid call. I've never met a likeable iranian all my life. Probably the place is just cursed. their whole government consists of jews, bashing america, wearing turbans. The jews need this counterweight very much, only if they divide, can they rule. So they go to america, bash iran, then go to iran, bash america. Oldest game in history, and they're very good at it. I've been telling you for 9yrs, but you don't wanna believe it. But at the same time wanna get the benefit of acting all woke and bluepilled. but it doesn't work like that. Burn the coal, pay the toll. Put in the work first, then you'll get to play. Walking through the streets holding cardboard signs is not enough. Unless it costs you, you won't escape your cage. Theres gonna be more tensions coming between the Eastern and Western block, your owners will fuel the fire on both sides. So the biggest christian nations will go to war again, killing each other. That makes Christianity an inferior religion. the same happened countless times before. WW1. WW2. just two examples. I'm very surprised the war hasn't started already. Constantly new bullshit headlines about Russia and China. but nothing serious. Its all just fluff. All world leaders talking all tough, but then shake hands behind the camera.

And banning russian athletes from the olympics, WTF. All for silly fake doping tests someone pulled out of his arse. Complete lunacy. They want you to get the message, but you just don't get it. Do you. Now things are taking too damn long. it's bad for the planet. Too many clowns walking around with their noses (and fag flags) too high up in the air. I'm always for clarity. But the world is run by people who excell in smokescreen tactics. they're so used to it, they think everyone shoulda got the message by now. But forget that people are not trained to think, but to believe in an invisible sky hippie, that will watch out for them. I believe the only reason there's no war yet, is because jews can make more money off living idiots, than dead ones. And in the end, money is all that matters to them, its what they measure themselves by. since we, the goyim, cannot compete with them on any level. whatever they do, they're just better. Especially in the Bullshit department. 

So please dear jews, if you read this. get your stupid war on and stop with the silly headlines. You've had enough foreplay, let's get to it. I'm sick and tired of waiting. The world will thank you. Less idiots throwing their plastic garbage (and stupid corona masks) around, driving their hummers and blaring terrible cacophonic drill and trap music from their iphones.. So please get over your feels and just do it. You kill animals every day. That have better souls and more intelligence than most humans. 

And if you finally manage to start your stupid war. (Possibly in Taiwan, Crimea, Iran, Belarus..or my personal favorite..Germany..) give me a call, give me some decent men and put me somewhere I can shoot Hajis. They are the worst, most low-level humans on the planet. As deluded and conniving as you, only much dumber, violent and sadistic. Thank you everyone and happy Corona test. 


PS: the people walking around right now are basically babies in grown men's bodies, diddling around on cellphones, lecturing each other about what they 'learned' at university or heard in the 'news'. Has there ever been a more pointless generation in all of human history ? A bunch of Gay Dudes that get an erection when they see a tranny flic, that pay some ugly gross woman to peg them and shit in their mouth ? Seriously ? We need REFINEMENT more than anything else. Not more toys powered by Dinosaur farts. If you withhold the refinement, we're gonna go down as the most spoiled, hedonistic, spiritually broken and gay generation in all of history. That destroyed the whole planet. 

Is that what you want ? Just because some hordes of living zombies make you a bunch of Bitcoin ?


1 comment:

  1. wow, your final point on this post was so on target.
    I just finished having a conversation about the exact circumstances you described.. right down to the issue of gaytards jacking it to trannies and ugly women pegging them and shitting in their mouths.. and how clearly fucked society has become. It's astonishing how I read this on your blog mere minutes later. Well said, sir.

    fyi, I got here looking at some of the Kurt Cobain / Rivers Cuomo stuff
