Monday, August 31, 2020

The last King of our Age

we discussed in a former thread, in ages past, that Sir Richard Branson, multi-millionaire and founder of Virgin Group, which contains Virgin Records, Virgin Airlines and many other smaller ventures. Is also Reinhold Messner, the first man to summit all 8000ers in the 80s. A man that is so gifted in many ways, that common people often can't stand being around him, cause they miserably fail when they get the feeling he's applying the same standard to them that he applies to himself. He is in fact a big family person and I personally believe he has a big heart. not just for family and employees. However I don't think I'd get along with him very well, cause he's not just a Leo, he's the archetype of a Leo. Straight from the textbook. His children are also climbing, some of them in the Himalayas, running marathons, and are invested in Kitesurfing, a beautiful sport, if you live by the sea with steady wind, and not in a gusty landlocked place by some silly forest that makes your kite topple over right after you launch it. (ask me how I know..)

So this is old news. But this right here, is the real news. Because Messner, Branson, whatever you wanna call him, is also Ted Turner, the founder of CNN, that provides you with such wonderfully unbiased accurate Nooooooze every day. Always pro Zionist, no matter the subject, if it doesn't fit the narrative, your mic gets muted and they switch to the studio. Where Wolf Blitzer's beautiful face shines in all its glory.. this is how television works. the romans said "Truth is whatever makes you most money" (Ibi fas ubi proxima merces). Ted Turner is married to Jane Fonda just by the way.

voice for Branson and Turner also sounds extremely alike, even tho the accent obviously is different.

then you already know that he's also John Kitzhaber, former governor of Oregon. With all this business and stress, sometimes it's good to sit in on the porch of your old Pot-Farm, and kick it with your buddies.

Ted Turner L, John Kitzhaber R. 

John Kitzhaber was married several times, but now in a relationship with a fine lass called Cylvia Hayes, who according to the tabloids is a big slut !! Slutting it up with several other guys who in fact are nothing but alters of himself, as in the case of Karl Topinka (see above). I'm not really in the mood of following up on all the kids and spouses and all their myriads of alters, but believe me they have many. also my laptop's too FUBAR right now to make proper comparisons, and I'm glad for that.




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