Thursday, March 30, 2017

Frauke Petry = Stefanie von Berg

If you're looking for the solutions to your problems in an actor,  simply because he says something you can identify with, its not gonna solve your problem, cause the actor can not and will not bring the solution, since he's part of the problem.

watch how frauke petry deals with these teenagers, who are up and coming actors giving the opposition to her AFD event. she lines them up in front of the stage like a strict german teacher. that's cause she is, surprize, surprize, a german teacher.

she might also be Jennifer Weist, singer of german band ++Jennifer Rostock++

1 comment:

  1. Die Ähnlichkeit mit Weist ist in der Tat erstaunlich. Von Berg erinnert mich eher an Künast.
    Aber summa summarum: Alles durch und durch Baphometentransen.
