Tuesday, July 14, 2015

your children are not your children..

youtube has become clogged with terrible ads over the last months. but for a lack of a better portal (vimeo and dailymotion both suck) i´ll stick to it for posting these intro videos for each thread..
 i wanted to start with the husband but the wife pictures popped up on top so lets just take them as they go..
 milena maric, wife of kalil gibran is identical to elsa einstein, wife of albert einstein, both birthdates are written on the picture above. am i not a terribly nice uncle, helping you with birthdates so you can waste more time listening to terrible music on your iphone and taking pointless selfies.
 let me tell you no music has been recorded after the late 90s. everything after that is pure garbage plain and simple.
 ok with a few exceptions, i must admit. now lets go to the husband. as you might have guessed already albert einstein is identical with the lebanese *cough* poet and philosopher kahlil gibran, who has written some fantastic books, and whose name i never once have pronounced properly. there is an H but where does it go. is it gibrhan or ghibran or gibhran... its the hardest name ever to pronounce..
 but you can see that these ears are the same..
 this is his most famous book i reckon. i have it recorded in typical dilettantic fashion on my youtube channel.

 then heres another husband that must be identical but havent confirmed that one yet. you can find most husbands by using the simple wifeswap technique. it always works..
 we dont wanna go into the whole accusations here as to einstein was really the first to formulate the thesis of E= MC°2 or if he stole the idea from somebody else... it doesnt matter at this point... casue really all these people do is stealing all day long.. well actually some of the stuff they come up with is genuine but lot of the impressions they do are taken from other bits an pieces they pick up along the way..
 see the hairline.. an check out the little rift just below the tip of the beard..
 today when you are into astronomy you´ll realize that microlensing confirms the thesis of einstein. that light is bent on its way around an object that is very heavy... there are some smaller countries that cant afford such big telescopes who specialize in microlensing for that reason.
 now below you see something also extremely funny...
 the whole stories about einstein's bad grades are the regular jew joke.. the jews are really funny people...
 just look at the average funny-ness of these two beards.
 also mark the same streak on the chin. and same lips too.
 here a very young khalil ghibran with an older albert einstein. skin has aged but skull still the same.
 shalom goyim, but now i must recuse myself into my davening chamber, to pray to my hidden god..
who adorned me with his shushu powers...
on to next thread...

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