Wednesday, July 15, 2015

the coppola family in india...

take a look at this video. i didnt mean listen to the video. cause everything you hear is lies. but look at the woman and the two men, supposedly rivals, that she talks about, during election season in india. funny but all 3 people are closely related. and work together to stay in charge of their big ass jew television network.
they have redefined the term and definition of "lie" and can blubber new stuff right in your face day after day after day, and you take it at face value. cause you´ve been groomed for so long to lick up every bit of it..

to keep the overview lets post a list here..from the coppola family..
 remember the old interviewer and hollywood veteran james lipton, from the actor's guild studio..
i think thats actually the same guy as him above. 1929 keshubai patel, indian politician alias 1910 carmine coppola, father of francis ford coppola, hollywood actor.
 keshubai patel pretends to be in his late 80s, still running around in india, and running for office, getting fed with finest food for his clown duels with his real life son and political opponent narendra modi. in reality he is a bit older..these people live in their own world until they die. living in our world is not an option. cause they wouldnt survive a day. they can do a lot of things, but they cant sit still and shut up. they just cant.
 ok then theres sofia coppola daughter of FFC. who looks a bit like wynona ryder, but i think this one isnt a match. they have a different nose.
 the birthdate makes sense though..
 but here look closely thats the tv anchor from the video you saw in the last thread, that talked about the election results. i take it thats just sofia coppola with some darker spray-on tan.
 look how the noses here line up perfectly.. and the sheytl... hehe.. the name is sonia singh, born 1970. director of the NDTV channel (indian television)
she is wife of uttar pradesh member of parliament, union minister R.P.N. singh. born 1964. his full name is kunwar ratanjit pratap narain singh. if you can pronounce that you win a free trip to the goa techno trance beach party and as many drugs as you can swallow.
 then of course sofia coppola has husbands also. they are western men, one of them, artist thomas mars, seen above, looks not so diffrent from RPN singh, but has a slimmer face. but the same mouth. might be a camera trick..
 here again you see sofia coppola left an sonia singh, watch how they always pick names that sound similar, like using similar initials like in this case..
 this is the indian TV channel it ran on. NDTV.. there must be a few big channels in india, all family-owned. then smaller channels for each dependency or state. and beleive me there are MANY in india. if you dont believe me go to and see how many there actually are. india much like china has 1.2 billion inhabitants. since these crypto jews live off the spiritual energy these people generate for them for free,
they have a never ending supply of affluence. people to entertain and sell stuff to..
 ok that was the NDTV shot..
 here again the biographies for both women..
 and narendra modi bringing "apocalypse jew" to india. together with his father who is playing opponent keshubai patel.
 see here how the nose of carmine coppola and keshubai patel line up perfectly in all detail.
for every face type there is a certain radius that he can play. this guy here passes off without problem as an indian, as you can see.
 same hairline and same nose, same chin as well.. same fleshy jaws. same person.
 before the british were in india, there were the mughal emperors. they called themselves mughal, a corrupted word derived from "mongol", a tribe that ruled much of asia some centuries prior (remember the khans like genghis khan or kublai khan), and they thought that sounds nifty, lets call ourselves that...
 much of todays power structure is based on this simple kindergarden rule of thumb: that sounds quite nifty, lets call ourselves that. that combined with a large array of hats and beards does the whole trick. you dont even have to be a good actor. the hats alone will do all the work..
i have made many genealogical trees in the meantime, some are finished, most of them arent. but it helps you keep the main picture when you´re dealing with several hundred countries at once. you gotta have some structure.
 all the mughal emperors were practically identical with their western counterparts,the european monarchs that ruled at the same time. same goes for all the ottoman emperors from byzantine to late constantinople.
just compare the faces, you´ll see the´re only wearing costumes and a big ass turban on the head..
so we have this guy down, carmine coppola and james lipton..

 that is 1969 spike jonze, filmmaker and 1976 thomas mars, french musician and singer from the alternative rockband "phoenix", both married to the same woman (sofia coppola) and are identical too. remember phoenix the magic bird from the babylonian mysteries. if you learn the symbolry you´ll see they just repeat generation after generation the same babylonian claptrap thats why the big G calls them "babylon the great".
 so these are the same as well...
 and here again thomas mars compared to RPN singh,  indian minister.. also kinda close-ish...
 here scene from the marriage of spike jonze and sofia coppola..
 then theres one last find for this thread, that also pertains to india... look at talia shire, sister of francis ford coppola, she was born in 1946
 talia shire plays sonja gandhi, president of the indian national congress. both have the same italian face and rift. you´ll see further down for the husband dallas goldbug has already found another alter. so the circle is closing itself. as the dragnet of ALF is sifting through the global acting ocean..
 she is called "the italian" and it shouldnt surprise you cause her mothers name is actually italia. i´ll have to add her pictures to the thread as well.. its gonna be a monster long thread..
 so these two are actually real life siblings. sonia gandhi alias talia shire and francis ford coppola who is narendra modi....
 heres some more matchups... same woman and same landmarks..
 exact same face..
 sonia is talia..
 now this here is her Jew husband.. greeting you with his average Jew grin. cause you´re payin him to jew you. what else could a jew ask for in life..
1944 rajiv gandhi former PM of india, is actually 1947 deepak chopra, new age guru and author.

 now the last set of matches and then we´ll move on to something else. but paola maino (left side) the mother of sonia gandhi must be identical with heerabeen modi, mother of narendra modi. see above the same chin and nose.
 and this is her hollywood name, italia coppola. see thats where that "italian face" is from... she is the matriarch of the coppola family and wife of carmine coppola.
 compare the ears.. left side herrabeen modi with her son and right side paola maino, giving the italian catholic granny... notice thats the exact same hair. only using different hairstyle. left she ties it into a knot like a sikh, right she dowses it up with extra hairspray. also look at the neck. same neck entirely.
 narendra thanks his mother for giving him a bris when he was a baby. without a bris, you can´t be president of india, let alone make awesome hollywood movies. thank you eema' leh for the bris... no worries son, next time i´ll cut it all off.. then you can be a flute playing fakir in the markets of bombay or a new delhi taxi driver.. but for may remain president. the non-yidden wil never catch any wind about our little, uuh, enterprise...*heh heh heh*
 and this is it... the monster thread is coming to an end...
for all the mughal emperors you´ll have to wait for some other time...

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