Thursday, July 16, 2015

SURFERS -- duke kahanamoku..

now lets look at probably the most famous surfer ever. cause he was the one who brought the whole craze from waikiki hawaii to the mainland USA, newport beach etc.
 we´re talking of course of the duke, or duke kahanamoku, famous hawaiian surfer.and i figured out one of his other alters too.. koroki mahuta was a polynesian king. and you can see in his face that he is a descendant of paul gauguin alias pomare V, king of tahiti. yes these people travel far and wide and they can play royals of similar build and facial shape without a problem. paul gauguin was not just vacationing in tahiti and painting his pictures, he was actually running the island, and then some..
 but first here is the duke.(left side) born in 1890 and his counterpart koroki mahuta, the 5th maori king and born in 1906
 both are identical and have the same ear..
 another ear..
 here the eyes...
 the names of some cultures are a pain to pronounce. the worst to me are the polish, welsh, some african ones and the polynesian ones are also pretty tough.. japanese korean are better, and chinese are ok too if you focus only on the big names... bad enough some cultures have different names for their leaders, given names, family names, nicknames, temple names... it can be confusing..
 full chin for both men, and same tight neck area..
 so these are the same...
 the nose as well..
 probly the duke has donned some cotton for his royal nose, straight from his louisiana cotton plantation where he worked undercover as a negro slave. what do i know..
 same ears again at 90 °
 here the full face...
 and ear again..
 same skull..
 now thats the duke (L) with paul gauguin or pomare V (right side). born some 80 years prior they must be like 3 generations apart.
 but still the same ear and chin. its the same bloodline..
 and bloodlines run very deep...
 i have data from the roman and greek empire to prove that..
 but first need to sort through all the surfers..
 again gauguin right with the duke left side.. make no mistake also the modern royal surfers of hawaii, the ho family or people like fast eddie or raimana van bastolaer all must hve royal ancestors who ran their islands just like they do today. cause when the surf goes flat. they put on their business suits an work on their surf advertizing or are politicians under different names..
so that was the duke... i still need to collect more on him, couldnt check the wife so far..

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