Thursday, July 16, 2015

SURFERS 1936 kris kristofferson = mike hynson 1942

its a shame that i collected most of this data some months ago. can hardly remember anything about the people at all.. and its been 15 years since i read my last surf magazine..
 does anybody know who mike hynson is ? i for shure dont. but he looks like kris kristofferson, US actor.
hollywood is built by the ocean and its not a long drive upstate to some good spots. thats why the surf culture was always close to hollywood recreational life. and many regular actors that you know only from the red carpet also surf the pro tour under difrent names.
 see the nose. and the slight grin for both.. i think their voices are difrent but i never check voices.. i simply dont have the time..
 i know that mike hynson was in the original "endless summer" movie, that came out in the 60s. (1966 to be precise). bruce brown has defined an entire culture with this movie. then in the 90s there was "endless summer 2" with names like wingnut or pat o'connell..
 see these ears... i say they belong to the same man..
and the eye as well... also dense hair for both..and same bears..

here thats the ears of bruce brown, surf filmmaker and actor kris kristofferson.. i think they´re brothers..
if the wives are missing it means there was not enough data on google to harvest efficiently.


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