Tuesday, July 14, 2015

1844 Petar I of Serbia = 1847 Paul von Hindenburg

just started posting again, after a hyatus that lasted well over a year. all the while have been working on the database, in the meantime grown to almost 8GB. i make regular updates on a flashdrive to make shure nothing goes to waste. posting the finds always takes time, so instead i thought  'screw it, most people arent interested anyway'.. and just kinda kept working by myself. but its weird to see the pictures pop up in the google image search now.. i have found so many more in the meantime, so thought it´d be good to post some more...
 this for example is petar I of serbia, born in 1844, and is played by the same man who also was paul hindenburg, german chancellor, field marshall and statesman. the field marshalls, generals, cavallery officers, or soldiers always fight in several armies at once. and in times of war, run between the frontlines with their diplomatic immunity, and hold fiery speeches to their soldiers to fight hard "victory is just in sight".. and more such nonsense... we have learned since sun tzu (the art of war), that the outcome of every battle and war is decided way before it has even begun.well, most of the time..
 the prussian alters always have a beard thats twirled upwards.
 they used threads around the neck to keep their silly moustache in shape over night..
so heres the wiki data for both. this is petar I of serbia. serbia always has had a distinct history from the surrounding countries like croatia, kosovo etc.. you can see that in the kings lists on the internet. serbian kings go back over 1000 years.
and this is paul von hindenburg, german field marshall. if you think about it, all the hours and weeks and years you sit out in history class. and what a horseload of crock they feed you...

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