Thursday, July 16, 2015

Oral Roberts...

this is oral roberts. this man has done more for the luciferian cause than any other man on earth. not only was he a clown comedian having a blossoming side-career as a famous healing and prosperity teacher, he also founded oral roberts university. look at the reference cards of all the great (fake) televangelists today. no matter if their specialty is worship music, preaching or business counseling. they all without exception went through oral roberts university (ORU). and i dont believe he´s dead either.
 what struck me a couple months ago is how similar he looks to kenneth copeland, husband of gloria copeland, two bigtime preachers who belong to the jetset crowd of ministers who are today in tokyo, tomorrow in toronto, then in rio next week in london or madrid.
they also hang out on stage together, working hand in hand and at the end of sermon laying hands on each other, to share the anointing. they copy everyting they have seen in tiny churches, then make a show of it in front of a large arena. and very good at what they do for the most part.
 problem in the church is not to find a guy who can say things that make you go "you´re so right."
figured out that theres many people who can do this. but what people forget preaching is not an end in itself. its a preparation done purpusefully to prepare the saints to become more after the nature of g-d the source or creater (or father).
 so if you love entertainment in itself. go listen to televangelists. they always say the right stuff.. and since they run a large congregation (several dozen thousand each) know about all the stuff that goes on in the fold. they know how things work. they could out-preach every unheard-of pastor in any tiny church all over the continent any time. why. cause all these pastors get their input mainly from them.
their books and videos and crusades that they paid money for.
 cause they believe g-d wants to multiply their "Minsitry" and give them fame. when he has said "some bring fruit tenfold, some 30, some 60 fold". thats the best the new covenant mentiones. so why does a guy like reinhard bonnke, benny hinn (alias cheech marin) or the copelands bring in thousands upon thousands. cause they learn from childhood on to play with the emotions of people, to convincingly portray a character. they can play everything from absolute crook to the knight in shining armor.
 in fact they are so convincing that most people will call you mad when you even dare to remark that oral roberts is really soupy sales. but thats how people tick. their priorities are not the truth. they are scared and complacent. like sheep (remember the parable). sheep are so dumb they will jump to their death to follow the heard out of pure complacency.
have to say i never heard of soupy sales, but now watched some of his movie clips and he´s quite hilarious. grimacing and gesticulating a lot..
 so does it surprise you when kenneth copeland makes the exact same clown noises on stage, babbling in supposedly angelic tounges when in fact he´s the greatest luciferian. --> hilarious.
 so dallas goldbug (or as i call him, dallas goldberg) found this one an slapped it onto his website. he has a new website in the meantime but surprisingly takes him months to come up with new finds, its obvious that he´s just an insider who is so busy with acting himself, he has hardly time to upload stuff.
what oral roberts basically has done was not inventing this whole circus show, cause there were people before him that also had built megachurches, had big tent crusades and so on, like aimee semple mcpherson and others. but was the first to institute the system so it could be applied to every actor who wanted to have a go.
 at the end of the thread I´ll add a little list with oral roberts graduates.. this is just a partial list there are many more.
 if some big kahoona comes to your city speaking to a 5000+ crowd, rest assured he´s been through ORU. if you see a famous preacher "reporting live from jerusalem" (which is to religion what pipeline is to surfing, and packed to the brim with idiots) rest assured he didnt sell out, he bought himself in..
 here oral roberts with his wife and very left thats the ear of soupy sales. exact same ear.
 oral roberts had hilarious long earlobes. of latex or silicone. theyre not real. but everytime the stagecall is for "oral roberts, ladies and gentlemen".. he has to wear these things, they become a part of him.
remember good actors dont act the person. they BECOME the person.
 actors who are seen "acting" in a movie are soon out of a job. people wanna see it as if it was real life. they wanna feel like they go next door and there lives a serial killer, or a sports star, or a timid small elderly lady.
 people wanna see on the big screen that which they are missing out on in the small screen, their daily routine. cause we are all born into certain social classes and theres things that you simply cannot see all your life, but on the big screen you the acting profession in itself is enriching our culture..
 look at the eyes and eyebrows. they are identical also the cheecks. soupy sales right, oral roberts left..
 funny enough in the last 70 or so years nobody has ever mentioned with one syllable that all these big scam artists are of jewish blood. but when you go to the book you´ll see that all the guys who thought the´d have to throw a big ass show, no matter in jerusalem, on crete in rome or in athens. were all jews. they were sorcerers, enchanters, or rich and influential people who had the city turned into what suited them. they were the real power behind the mayor, the senate, the clerical leaders. when the apostles came into their turf, there was always a power struggle..
 explicitly mentioned are elymas or bar-jesus on cyprus in the city of paphos. and some others as well..
 but tis basically always the same gambit. since we can see now the whole power structure is age-old. same symbols. just watch gaga or katie perry on the teen award stage or the superbowl halftime show.
dont have to go into detail you´re all familiar..
 so 2000 yrs ago nobody had heard the gospel before it was something fascinating, something new and cool. today of course there is not a spot on the planet that has at some time in some form or another been evangelized, baptized, missionized or whatever-ized.
 so why then is there still a church, and why still people use the term christian. and travel to israel to see the via dolorosa , en gedi, the golan and the mount of olives. an why still clowns running amok in our pulpits throwing a show that would make david letterman and howard stern blush. because go-ds timeclock is still ticking. he´s going extremely slow and we are still in the preaching dispensation.
 most people will stick to what they were born into and after give or take 10 or 15 years of wild living, travelling around in a surfbus, snorting some coke or smoking some herb in the end get "saved" and the eternal cycle continues..
 and so also these cats end up with what their parents taught them. they are master performers on any stage. they can entertain you in so many diffrent ways, you could watch their show the entire year and never get bored...
 have to cut it short now..... wanna upload tonight a big amount of surfers /snowboarders on whose folders i worked for almost 6 months and its a lot of stuff togo through... but let my tell you this, your average surf contest, the X games or the world skateboard tour are more illuminati than wallstreet and hollywood combined.
 why is that. cause everybody is pointing fingers at wallstreet, big bankers, big government. but the real cats sit somewhere else.
 ok see these signatures. made it extra for you so you can keep taking selfies and listen to your new yamba ringtone on your brandnew iphone 5.
 rest assured oral roberts grandchildren dont own an iphone 5 and if they do, they dont annoy other people in a public train with their selfie antics...

 right side thats eveline luthman roberts, nee fahnenstock, wife of oral roberts and born in 1917.
left side thats trudy carson sales, wife of soupy sales. they also look alot alike. either same or mother/daughter.
now thats it pretty much for now..

 heres your list of graduates..
and some more graduates... make shure to unlike them on facebook, spam their inbox and tell them how much they suck at acting..

 thats the last ear and now check out this amazing joke..
 the cheerleading team of oral roberts university..
 and the cheerleading team of Mossad Alf university.

next thread please..

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