Monday, May 5, 2014

THE QUINNS --- jim carrey´s wife lauren holly

thats lauren holly, exwife of jim carrey. i checked all of jim´s partners past an present, and those of his alters.. and realized this woman doesnt just produce for the television screen but is also a famous popsinger. her name is sheryl crow. you´ll know her from the 90s with such hits as "all i wanna do(is have some fun)"  or later "soak up the sun".. really nice music...
 thats sheryl crow sitting in david letterman´s "late show" studio.. so she has sheryl crow as her popmusic name, then she is also melissa carrey womer, jim carrey´s other wife, and has a younger alter called jenny mcCarthy (born 1972) for acting as well and as a show-host.
 thats sheryl crow and lauren holly.
 melissa womer left, sheryl crow right side. sheryl often seen with makeup, dont be fooled.
 see the teeth ? lips as well.
 you dont have to even go to the ears its so obvious...
 so melissa womer is lauren adn sheryl..
 they share the same smoky voice too...
 sheryl crow left lauren holly right..
 here an album cover of sheryl
ok that was the wife...

 oops i foud more pictures for her. lets see them...while we listen to the sesame street singers..
 thats jenny an sheryl.. for thin women they often make a canadian alter...
 melissa womer and sheryl.
 jenny mcCarthy is sheryl..
 jenny mcCarthy gets a playboy cover supposedly age 39 (oldest in history) but if my data is correct she´s even older than that. actually approaching 50. getting best treatment and california sun to cure your malaises you can hold yourself together quite nicely..
 same profiles..
 of course evrything they tell about themselves is mostly yarn, since they have merely assumed a character. even tho some of the stuff they say can be kinda private and touching.
 then below sheryl and melissa.
 even the cheezeburger guys have done their homework...
 same biometry

 so jenny is wearing makeup to hide the wrinkles etc..see the hair roots. and same eye too
 check the eye. very much alike..the pointy chin...
heres from one of their multiple weddings...
and then she´s also close to renee zellweger.. looky looky here..
 see the nose.. zellweger has a diffrent skull and not so pointy chin. but probly a sister or cousin
 both women age-wise pretty close
 evrything pretty simlar..
 zellweger also plays british royal lady sophie windsor. found by ed chiarini some time ago.

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