Saturday, May 3, 2014

the many alters of talented Mrs. Katarina Witt...

this woman has so many alters. and i still havent made the post about her, so i´m gonna hand it to u guys right from the hot plate... ready ?  fasten yer seatbelts..
 she´s also this moderator, entertainer, a german alter. name is Ina Mueller. has her own late show on german TV where she interviews people and loves to rock out at the end of her show, singing old classics..where all these actors turn out *what a surprise* to also be gifted singers....
 same profile...
 profile again
 same ear..she must also be from the naomi shemer bloodline
this ear is very obvious...its the same woman.right side sports alter. left side entertainer alter.
these people gotta try their luck with evrything. you cant cop out. they have to at least try.
 now keep your breath cuz we´re looking at a looooooot of people... likely all the same.. probly 1 or 2 mistake but hey when u go thru so much data u gotta take some collateral...
 shes also 90s pornstar michaela schaffrath alias Gina Wild. back then porn was stil relatively tame, but well compared to earlier 20th century of course she did already some pretty nasty stuff..
 then i say she´s also this british ice-skater. people doing the olympics under difrent names isnt an exception. remember the olympics arent for the people. they´re 1 fo the money 2 fo the show 3 grab your skates so come on les go...
 then look at karen barber, another ice skater...
and finally her german ice-skater alter, kati witt...where she won some olympic gold..
 its obvious she also needs some actor alters... here i offer you jasmin tabatabai...
 this one we established already... she´s also supposedly dutch showwoman LindadeMol, who just loves to work for the german audience *coincidence*
 thats karen adn kati. see the teeth ? and nose too... i say thats a match.
 this was the young 16 year old girl that seduced james bond in "for your eyes only" filmed in 1981, where she played ice-skater "bibi dahl".
 yes i wrote that already...
 again the eyes. same woman.
tabatabai and witt graph...

 so Gina Wild definitely is her porn alter.
 its obvious look at the eyebag. exactly same.. this woman is a tricksy cat...
 all 3 identical..
 remember they all have at least one porn alter. its part of the program..
 same skull
 same writing as well..
 if you still cant believe it Gina Wild also is an ice-skater..
yes Dr. Shakshuka, thank you Dr.SHakshuka... two omelettes please Dr.SHakshuka..
 then as mentioned here her dutch showwoman alter...
 again same woman
 ears of ina and linda match neatly
 skulls too only nose slightly difrent
 i say thats her..
 a bit o´dutch cant harm nobody... remember these cats are bored... they need to experiment
 ok the skulls again and here the nose fits. sometimes its only the lighting or camra angle. never just rely on 1 simple pic, always take 2 or 3.
and the graphs...but we aint done yet
 remember the knife-attack with tonya harding and nancy kerrigan during the olympics...
 that of course was all an act. like the rest of what u hear in the news.
 heres a short description of both attacker and victim..
 see nancy kerrigan must also been her...
 well if u can sell skinflicks of yourself being manhandled by 3 hung guys at once and tell stories about being a poor nurse from rural germany, a knife attack isnt such a big deal after al..
 look at these teeth... same eye too thats her
 see the ear ? explain that...
 yes kati we know u got upgraded from economy to 1st class and had a nice flight to NYC with Willibald the head Waiter...  in the spacious "disabled people only" restroom right behind the galley...
 see the hair roots...thats her...
and that was her trainer, german ice-skater jutta muller(right side), who is identical to ruth-baader-ginsburg(left side), now justice at the american high court. believe it or not. it aint gonna change the evidence.
didnt have time for the husbands, thats your homework for tomorrow...

next thread already...

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