Sunday, May 4, 2014

MINIMAL COMPACT --- the other job of sami birnbach..

remember sami birnbach, whose alter i couldnt find after dealing with "Minimal compact" the israeli 80s waveband prodigy, about whom i also made my own youtube video ? well i found him the other day... he is like all others a very busy man, whom we probably heard in countless other international productions without ever realizing...
 remember all those oozing vocals in the old pink floyd recordings...thats him. sami birnbach is same as david gilmour, pink floyd singer and guitarist.
 dont believe me believe the ear...same ear...cant get any clearer than that..
 frontals. same nose and chin.
 here his son, farin urlaub alias DJ baxxter busy with "die ärzte" and "scooter", 2 german bands...
 see the nose. thats the same nose.
 same man...
 not the best ear... but still good enough...
 same hairline. same man. same chin too.
 same same
 same ear...
 again ear...
 so all the stories they tell about their bandmembers how they met how they got their contracts etc. well part of it is true, part of it its just horserubbish. so beat your kid when it starts to get all these floozy thoughts "i wanna be an actress, popsinger etc".. love your child teach him reality
 same profile for both
 same same
 remember this drawing from A. Whyatt mann ?  some say antisemitic truth is its actual closer to reality than anything u read in the papers.
 profiles. check.
 frontals check.
 ears check.
 profiles check.
 nose check.
 thats the best ear so far... very good shot.
 same profiles.
 same skull...
same guy and another pink floyd vid to end the thread...

see the weirdlooking bass player here on the left ? that might as well also be sakharof alias david bowie. but not shure about that...

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