Sunday, May 4, 2014

I WALK THE LIE --- off to monaco... (part 2)

the title already reveals where we´re heading but before we leave to gamble our months wages away in the casino andride around the cote d´azure on our jetski, lets dwell onwalter mattau´s brother, whom he often starred alongside in countless slapstick comedies... we´re talking about jack lemmon. yes both are brothers if you dont believe it just compare the ears. both small men, i take it they´re both sons to billy wilder.
 thats jack lemmon, birthday might be cheated a bit. probly born 1930-ish
 here with his father, billy wilder, another heavyweight in the movie business.. but all 3 are small men, like most of the people we deal with.
 they constantly worked together, and rightly so since brothers understand each other blind..
 thats a nice gap of give or take 30 yrs. we´ll take that as evidense..
 signatures of both brothers. lemmon´s chin is pointier and he talks diffrently. he´s also a bit brighter in his humour. both complement each other well.
again father and son... ears dont lie...
 so then it begged the question, who is prince rainier III of monaco, the knight in shining armour for our amazing princess grace ? anyway he couldnt be too far from the cashs...
 the ears reveal these folks are all close kin. but it couldnt be jonny for rainier has a diffrent face and isnt as dark and somber-faced as the man in black...
 also this strong line running down the cheeck isnt present for him..
even tho ears.... make who is he ?
 he´s another man who was a great american singer, mostly bigband, swing, and great ballads. here in his alter as dick haymes.
 but you´ll know him as the "voice of america" frank sinatra ! he played prince rainier III and presided over the banks and casino in southern france, in a little principality called monaco. with the same climate as the french riviera, but excempt from french tax laws... tell me anyone these people dont know how to make themselves a nifty crib...
 see these ears... frank sinatra played prince rainier... we know by now that royal families are patchwork families, their children are not their real ones but often sons of cousins, or friends.. this is normal behavior... especially when u go into the middle ages, you´ll see constantly the same people playing all european royals at the same time, assuming diffrent positions in diffrent famlies. so a big king in lets say spain, might only be a little duke in germany or france, or even court doctor in a scandinavian country. thats how it was handled in the middle ages. today theres more actors and more principalities, but the system is still pretty much intact...
 see these eyes ?same man.
 sinatra and rainier III both had a bright smile, and very alert eyes. face matches too... identical !
 same features... here sinatra left side playing along grace kelly in a morie.
 same mouth are.. and exact same chin
 left the late frank sinatra right fuerst rainier in his uniform.
 he also was a cartoonist in hollywood called charles lederer, who ran his own cartooning school. but i´ll get into that later...
 the ears again the same for rainier and sinatra.
 same face. look at the eye. its the same man. thats how you become a king. first you rule over the airwaves, then you rule over a country.
 thats why every child instinctively wants to become an actor, they can feel instinctively theres power attached to this profession. but little do they know in fact how much power really...
 same skull and thats enough pictures....

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