Saturday, May 3, 2014

german singer sarah connor from delmenhorst = sarit hadad, israeli mizrahi singer

lets look at another woman who just like ofra haza /iris berben in the 70s has had a major hit in israel that is often played during ceremonies. a real tear-jerker and also favourite of mine.

but as always the supposedly poor girl from mizrahi family who makes it to the olymp of israeli entertainment industry turns out to be a european woman who has years of experience under her belt..
 we´re talking about german singer sarah connor, a woman with a great voice and a prolific nose with a great rift, that makes it really easy to identify. i couldnt find signature or partner of sarit hadad, so we have to rely on the little material i was able to dig out. and oops there i gave already away the name of who she plays... so sarah connor  and sarit hadad are the same...
 look at those ears... Connor supposedly hailing from Delmenhorst, funniest name for german town. and believe me there are quite a number of funny names..
 and the eyes.. so back to delmenhorst.... when listening through interviews you will discover these people really have houses and flats in the places they claim to come from, but that dont mean they spent their entire lives there. they´re much on the move all the time. as has been all throughout history.
 and you see that emotions can be very misleading. here you have one of the biggest tear-jerkers in recent israeli culture where your soul cries out "this woman must be a saint, a godess" but g-d is a spirit, not a soul and if you´re stuck on soul-level you cannot reach spiritual maturity. but thats another thing altogether...
 wasnt able to find the husband, but if you can probly find him yourself, just look at these 2 noses and brows.
 i´d say thats a 99% chance...
 and the teeth as well...
 then look at the lid with 3 difrent sections for both girls...
 and here the facial biometrics and chin, nose only look diffrent due to the angle
 even the lower ear exactly alike...
 so yes thats the same brows...
 so why do these people play israeli singers etc. isnt that unfair to not give the locals a chance ?
no, these people consider their israeli alters a contribution to their heritage and crypto-jewish background. by doing this they built up the whole modern israel singlehandedly. remember earthly jerusalem isnt heavenly jerusalem. so long as we are earthly we gotta work on what we´ve got. cant throw out the baby with the bathwater.
have lots more material to go through... on to next thread..

still think about starting a wiki, so it would be even much easier to see the diffrent connections between people, and print out famly trees etc.. but lots of other people would need to contribute, cant go this one alone.. but once this blog hits 1000 posts, the wiki is inevitable. otherwise you lose track of the greater picture..

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