Thursday, May 1, 2014

german producer Edo Zanki vs. italian soul rocker Zucchero

two videos in brief for you to hear the voices of these two men..

you may skip after the first 20 seconds or so...
 here are the bios in case you didnt know them..
 45 comparison
 if these are the same guy and i reckon they are, then as usual the bio is worthless
 edo zanki has a music studio not far from here, its called the kangaroo studios, no idea why its called like that. but my cousin who is a guitarist and played with quite a lot of people has been in there... believe it or not i actually never been in a real music studio...
 even tho i write and record music for over 15 yrs.
see the ears ? what you think ? i say they´re the same...
 the caption monster strikes again..
 autograph quite diffrent. either on purpose or diffrent people. but evrything else matches
 the nose
 the ear
 the profile
 same profile in color invert
 the beard..
 the beard and nice round face shape
 another 45... i say they´re the same man.. also musical genre for zanki is mainly soul in diffrent colors, for zucchero a bit more the pop rock direction, but similar taste all in all...
 steig aufs moped Edo komm wir fahr´n an gardasee....

ach nöö.. immer du mit deim homerecording... lieber gleich zum nächsten thread..

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