Sunday, September 22, 2013

TARES & WHEAT -- US preacher john mcArthur = Peter hartz (german politician)

 Peter hartz (who now "miraculously" disappeared) has left his name for the german unemployment benefit payments. his name is frowned upon by a whole generation of germans. little do they know that the man doesnt really exist, and is merely an alter...

 peter hartz, german politician, identical to john F macArthur, american bible-enthusiast... i think he has even put out his own study bible at zondervan publishing... robert schuller, enother bigtime US preacher (who has built the "crystal palace" in california) might be the father...
 by the way i reckon it is also time that i (ALF) put out my own study bible...
 the growing confusion makes it necessary...
 here hartz on a german tabloid cover (BILD)
 its obvious that all the big names in the pulpit are a bunch of clowns
 ears match.. same man..
 the man has a gentle voice to him, obviously he spent much times studying the book, not so much the loudmouthed southern baptist or mexican preacher, as they come by the dozen...
 must be the son
"Schnuller" means "pacifier" in german... but since he´s proficient in the book we might feed him a little meat, not just babies milk..

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