Sunday, September 15, 2013

PORNSTARS -- belladonna is viola heizmann

this is Belladonna, wo also recently retired from the "business", she sports a large breast-tattoo that might as well be fake.. watch her nose exactly same as her mother hella heizmann aka hella von sinnen... so remember these incredibly beautiful childrens songs we listened to before going to sleep... from hella heizmann´s "rasselbande"...imagine that belladonna the p-rnstar might actually have sung on some of these tapes... thats how crazy of a world we live in...
 but the problem is that in our christinaized western hypocrisy we have forgot the j-wish concept of holisctic living, and that sexcuality is as natural as "eating bread" or "drinking from your own cistern" meaning something that is so necessary as daily bread+water...
 thats why j-ws succeed in all areas of life because they´re honest with themselves not trying to whitewash human nature, but instead embracing it and channeling it into the right direction.. compare the noses above... belladonna is daughter of hella heizmann !
 the tooth gap doesnt fit perfectly, dunno what to do with it.. and cant find anymore pics of viola, neither does she have youtube videos... but it must be a daughter of hella...
 here grandma and grandaughter... i dont know what kinda stuff these older generations were into, skin flicks werent invented yet, but they probly had alters as famous working girls, burlesque dancers, bohemians etc.. just for the kick of it...or posed for painters in nude modeling...
 thats the ears... and the same bloodline...
 ears of hella (left) and bella(rite)...
 hella heizmann might have more kids we dont know about...
 teeth of granma and bella(rite side)
 all the rest match perfectly...
 we can see revelations talking about the great wh-re of babylon sitting on 7 nations, perfect picture of the j-ws scattered in exile still today, firmly controlling all affairs and aspects of daily life... the catholic church is only a sidejob, they run evry larger church on the planet, along with islam or any other movement u can possibly think of...
ok now to more PORN finds... but before that we close the thread with a funny joke of Mossad-ALF´s little book of anecdotes... did you know that..... belladonna.....*tension rises*

 RETIRED BECAUSE OF HERPES ???????? no, you didnt, now you know !


  1. What is with the Charini post? Are you saying that he is one of them? That dude has to be a fraud, isn't he?

  2. What is with the Charini post? Are you saying that he is one of them? That dude has to be a fraud, isn't he?

  3. wait a sec im gonna post it rite now
