Sunday, September 15, 2013

PORNSTARS -- anna amore = janet jackson, mum of rihanna

 lets look at a couple of porn alters of people otherwise known for diffrent roles in the limelight.

 one of them is "anna amore" alias her pop alter "janet jackson" the jackson famly being an artificial construct, just like the bach family (remember johann sebastian bach) or the mcManus family...we all know michael jackson didnt really die, he cant die so young seeing he has to pay his blood oath to lucifer who made him famous in the first place.. just like elvis aka jon cotner, he will have to record music until age 70 or even more...
 i found her by accident watching this hilarious and clumsy skin flick from the early 80s called "anna amore and the huge cock"... this is not the real title of the movie, but just an upload title... she wore a cool polkadot dress red with white dots... porn was diffrent back then , much more harmless, not like today where 3 n-ggers are screwing an anorexic underage blonde with fake tits, then 20 guys jack off into her face... we can see culture progresses, or better yet, regresses, between great cataclysms or wars... that means we are now close to another war... its inevitable, whenever man becomes too corrupt, g-d has to bring about the change that is needed...its not up to us to change the nature of g-d, for without him we couldnt even breathe...
 both born almost same date..same face... janet also had a sister latoya jackson... but i dont think this is her... both women have large breasts..
 signature makes sense too..
 so the old movies our parents and the former generation has left us, is actually better quality, containing more "life spirit" than what the present age puts out...
 ALL famous media people have p-rn alters... so its not extraordinary to find many of them..
 a website called helps you keep track of all the pornstars
then in this particular video, she was going into close combat with jaleel white aka MC Hammer, we can see the typical skull shape, tall lanky stature and same ear... i couldnt find which video it was taken from, so i cant produce his porn name right now... if you´re an MC hammer fan you´ll have to figure it out yourself...
 than famous petite pop starlet rihanna, must be her daughter. ears almost identical, simlar face... in 10 or 20 yrs rihannas face probly will grow a bit wider, as for now she stays petite...
 i dont think laToya jackson is her ma, i think its janet.. if you clicked the videolink very top of thread, you´re hearing her 80s pop music rite now... thats the music my generation grew up to...
 multi shot for rihanna, who is NOT born on barbados...she says she is but its only she has the power given to her by a spirit entity to authentically portray a "character" born on barbados, so if she says "hi i´m rihanna and born on barbados" she is talking "in character"...
 thats her dad...
again latoya jacksons and rihannas mum... so all the talk in the tabloids about plastic surgery disasters and noses that go from big to small to medium all within a single week, thats just nose putty + bla...

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