Wednesday, September 4, 2013

for some people, Auschwitz is not enough...

we already talked about this narcisstic little dwarf before, but here he presents himself in a slightly diffrent costume, being the sword of damokles for "germany´s got talent" where he sent home hundreds and thousands of hopeful teenagers home in the last 10 or so years, bombarding them with his typical mixture of toilet-humour, and condescending demeanor... i still havent figured what exactly this guy´s problem is but whatever it is... a single afternoon session at treblinka shave&shower probably wouldnt cure the problem alone.... i´m not saying this because I´m 6ft6 but why is it always the smallest dwarfs that are so full of sh-t ? i just dont get it...
 ok so in short, no the hair isnt real, no Dieter Bohlen isnt his real name, yes he has released music under that name, no its not his only character, not by a far shot... thats why he keeps ripping all these kids so hard, cause its all a show, its not about talent, or musical ability, since the winners are already clear from the first day...
here the tokio hotel kids, you´ll see in a few posts who they are...little hint, look into yet another talkshow host whose name starts with margret and ends with schreinemakers...
 but first to our valiant knight in shining armor... what has this guy not done to women during his humble pilgrimage on our little planet... i think there is no sexual practice that he probably hasnt tried, long as it involves humiliation, pee, spit, and verbal abuse of the counterpart...
 then he drives home in his cavalcade, saying "well they asked for it, otherwise they wouldn´t have come to my office"....ok i´m not gonna get emotionally involved here since its all show anyway... lets just look at the biometry...
 ears of dieter bohlen and max hardcore (alias paul simon)... does it ring a bell ?
 in fact its an entire bell tower...
 yes the hair is fake, no his name is not paul little, no he isnt austrian german, yes he´s a tiny dwarf (160cm), probly wearing elevators as "dieter"...remember "Modern talking" was his german dance-act he had a few hits with, his sidekicks name was "thomas anders"....
 and most important of all... he hasnt done a single hour in the joint for the entire duration of his life...
 now you know why dieter is so condescending, as if he´d invented pop music all by himself... these people have released so much material over such a long time, under so many diffrent names, they have stood in front of you on stage so often and yet you didnt see them... thats why they have this kinda attitude...
 again the ears are clear... and you´l see further down the wives also match...
 this was the guy who sang "bright eyes" and "bridge over troubled water" and all the other great evergreens..
today whats left is a man forcing girls to drink their own piss until they puke, sticking his magic wand so deep into their buns that some of them have simply ran away from the shoot... you can watch some of the documentaries on youtube... wait a sec i´m actually posting the vid right here... serves him right, brainless clown...

ok and if you still dont believe it, lets look at the partner again... a woman who has a certain femininity to her, i have to admit, even motherly qualities, but why in the world is she hanging out with this dude ? sometimes  even my ALF-brain cannot understand the strange things that happen on this tiny blue planet...

 so both naddel abdel-farraq and verena pooth, famous wives of dieter bohlen, are nothing but an act...
 here naddel´s ear compared to one of her earlier 80s softcore alters... crissy bozlee...
 we can see the slightly semitic nose, mouth + teeth exactly identical...
 the whole dark teint like in the oprah winfrey case, isnt real...remember latex milk isnt made for drinking or feeding little babies...
 rather feeding the egoes of grownups stuck in their anal phase...
 ok, we must not allow the dark side of the force to get the best of us, lets stay focused... see skulls again match up neatly..
 and yet again...
 here the other bohlen wife... remember all the stories from the tabloids are merely verbal garbage... i cant believe people actually read tabloids...
 what will the archaeologists say one day when they dig us out... they´ll think we were all completely crazy..
 again the ears, you can see naddel´s lobe obviously an attachment...
 again from a diffrent angle..
 and yet again...
and eyes also match up neatly...brow as well..
NEXT !!!

no wait, i just found yet another alter for his charming princess...another tv talker... lets look at it briefly..

 she must have over 10 alters by now... probly a lot more but thats the ones we found so far..
 same biometry, signature eye, and same voice... thats her
i need to make another list... its too many to count for her...

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