so this is the man who we have all heard about as children when we did our christmas plays, dressed up as sheperds and angels.. "and it happened in the days that augustus was caesar, and he issued a decree that all man should be counted in a census, in every province, each one in his hometown"...
he was father to marcus manilius alias seneca junior, the famous seneca. whom we already mentioned 2 posts ago..
there is lots of data about him from official sources, so i dont have to write much seneca the elder his main area of influence was cordoba in spain, while as statesman and later caesar augustus, he worked mainly in rome, focal center of power at that point in world history.
thats the same ear, and the nose also.. the old "beard-trick" has been applied. these people travelled much all throughout their lives, on land and sea, since they had to be in so many diffrent places.
the names of these caesars, just like the popes names, or modern day politicians, are merely a nametag, or pseudonym for which they become famous.
we can see the neck of both men also identical, the arteries,veins, trachea or whatever these two hoses are, are clearly sticking out..
both ears guy wearing beard + tunic, the other cleanshaved with victors laurels, and wearing a breastplate of brass. but same biological person.
the "jewish" hanging ear clearly shows for him, especially as he got older. make no mistake the world was never ruled by any other race under heaven.
i found yet another alter for him in dyonysius of halicarnassos, a greek orator and teacher of rethorics. so thats two languages already but he probably also spoke aramaic, and if educated as a priest (likely the case) also sumerian, the "smart" language of his day like today latin.
thats the same person no questions asked.
some wikipedia on both men..
history of the roman empire has been studied so extensively, dont have to write anymore on that..
thats how we know augustus from all the statues, pictures or mosaics in our latin schoolbooks...
shall i tell stories from our first latin class, 5th grade ? it was rather funny stuff...especially since the name of one figure was "marcus", my proper name, so we had quite a lot of fun during latin lessons... the roman empire needed constant military presence evrywhere to keep the empire intact, so marcus was a very common name in roman times..
Hic est Markus. Ibi est Titus. Titus in colosseo sedet et gaudet.Marcus cessat, nam Cornelia iam adest.
Marcus dolet, nam Cornelia cessat. Iam Aemilia rogat: "Ubi est Cornelia?"
Et Titus: "Cornelia cessat."Subito Marcus vocat:
"Ibi Cornelia est, ibi stat!" Ridet et gaudet.
ok thats enough latin for today, you can take free online lessons for that but i rather focus on a language that doesnt die out but keeps returning throughout time...
What are your thoughts on his alleged concubine, Cleopatra? She probably had an alter or two herself.