Thursday, August 15, 2013

the father of Gilad Schalit now officially took a sabbatical....

 I found something just on the fly...remember the story of Gilad Shalit, israeli soldier captured by Hamas, and finally after 5 long years freed in return for over 1000 militant arabs... well its a small world, since his father Noam Shalit for decades has been a wellknown face under one of his aliases, in a benedictine monastery in will see below...
 that means the whole Shalit story is just like the rabin killing a hermetic protocol, being played out for the masses to behold...his father studied in catholic universities, and was a pillar in this whole community in Harz, germany for years on end, as pastor of "St.Mathias and St.Valerius", until finally becoming Prior, meaning leader of an abbey, right here in Huysburg (pictured below)
 we constantly feel we need to "preach" to the j-ws when in fact they know our book in and out, and like in his case, even graduated in NT-studies...mark the nice serene location of said monastery, embedded by tranquil forest...probably the ideal playground for a young son of said prior, using a different identity, wearing a penitent cowl, instead of a prison garment in gaza city ?...who knows for shure... i only know that once your reputation is ruined, no matter what you say people wont believe you... (remember i´ve done some time...not much, but still time is time...and you have it in your curriculum until you die...)
 so like in evry marriage where the damn 7th year seems to be the hardest, also for israel now having turned 65, the pressure is rising...when i started this blog i had no idea what type of bee´s nest i had with the palestinians gaining more self confidence, putting out their own postage stamps, even being mentioned on google maps.. this dont taste good to me at all...if all the crypto leaders that enable those arabs to hate israel (while they sit and feast in their dubai mansion)...who´se gonna stand up for it ? some guy living in a tiny apartment in tel aviv ? or his big brother running around with 3 million diffrent passports trying to implement his agenda ? in is not in their gameplan... fame goes first, israel is second !
 so for me jumping around in Tom Hess prayer congregation, waving flags, shouting "purify me, oh L-RD", aint gonna help the issue... has g-d ever changed the course of the stars, or slowed the rotation of the planets and the earth ? no he hasnt, since they are "ordained for times and signs and seasons".... but even that most loonie "christians" will  debate..since they debate evrything i ever said or will say in the future....
 so that was just another coincidential find by the roadside....
 while we´re riding our horse carriage all the way back to the reformers, and conquistadores...

stay put...


  1. Mal wieder sehr interessant, obwohl noch mehr Bildmaterial nötig wäre.

    Anderer Punkt - Hölderlin hat eine irritierende Ähnlichkeit mit (Urgroßenkelin???) Christina Schröder, oder sehe nur ich das so?

  2. Leute macht doch auch mal ein paar Vergleiche... ist doch kein Hexenwerk.. einfach irfanview anschmeissen und zack die ohren aneinander... oder seid ihr etwa zu faul *belehrender blick* LOL...

  3. zum fehlenden bildmaterial: ich wollte jetzt den trend wagen, mit weniger bildern auszukommen weil zuviel neue funde dauernd ist besser man hat 2-3 gute als 20 schlechte vergleiche...das mach ich nur bei denen wo ich sehr sicher bin, aber das "sicherheitsgefuehl" laesst sich ja leider nicht uebers internet mitschicken..
