Friday, August 16, 2013

REFORMERS AND CONQUISTADORES -- part 1 -- the many faces of the talented Mistah Shakespeare...

now we´re starting a new little series, I called it "the conquistadores", even tho not all of them were, the word being used mainly for the ones that fought the native tribes in south and middle america during their sailing exploits, but that doesnt do any harm at all...the following men in this series were all great reformers of the church in europe, famous artists, as well as captains at sea, who discovered new continents, explored the oceans, and commanded huge tallships... people with such names as Columbus, Magellan, Vasco da Gama, hernan Cortez... this is the period in history where sail travel really took off with a great amount of vessels, and also great battles at sea were this first part we´re dealing with William Shakespeare (already mentioned around 1 year ago)...but in the meantime i found more of his aliases...ALL OF THEM known to all of us since we graduated from public school, but here you can see, all those supposedly unrelated men, were the same physical person... check out the list below...
 this list above is just to kick you off, and you can also watch the videolink on top, or choose diffrent short videos from youtube (i prefer youtube since the connection is always great..and no stupid ads)...just click on "filter" below the actual searchbar, and then click "short duration---4min" you will be able to find short and concise videos about evrything you search for...
 yes William Shakespeare wasnt just the greatest writer of his day & age, both in entertainment plays and novels (as shakespeare), but also the more serious matters, publishing in latin language (as francis bacon), he not only had the bible translated for the first time into english language (as king James of scotland and england), he also had an alias where he played an english pirate of great fame, the horror of evry captain that tried to steer a peaceful trade-vessel through the english channel...his name of course was francis drake..who then later would side with the royal british fleet, when she stood , backed only by a little help from the dutch, against the large spanish armada supported by portugal, germany, spain and france...but Francis Drake and his buddies opened a can of Whoop-Ass on the catholic fleet, and finished all future spanish hegemonial claims for a long time...remember later also the portuguese & spaniards, along with the french, lost most of their north american territories to the british....but that just by the his other role as Edmond Spenser, he was also a writer, supposedly a forerunner of shakespear, but since both look the same i´m pretty shure they werre in fact identical, remember father & son, as well as brothers or close family, often look remarkably diffrent, and are easy to identify...and on top of it all, the same man later sailed on 4 great expeditions, where he discoverd the hudson bay, sailed into the potomac river, and discovered what later would become known as new york island, the most powerful city in the entire friggen world...
 so you ask, why should all these great exploits be done by a single man... i answer: why should it be done by separate persons ? the ancients knew, that when a person receives a "blessing" from a higher power, this person will have a long streak of success.. whereas a "curse" brings a devestating line of events, that really bring the person down... all of this is long forgotten by modernists, who believe all is just a big coincidence and "we the people" elect our own governments, and decide what happens...this is completely rediculous thinking, and evry imam, rabbi, pope or pastor will laugh in your face when you try to convert him to your antedeluvian humanistic little "opinion"... if you wanna understand the world, you have to receive from above, not try to invent your own wheel..
 we can see this man (approx.1560-1630+) was such a big player, born just 30 years after the famed queen elizabeth I (1533-1603), making him a prime candidate for being her actual son, since both were probably the most powerful people on the planet during their time...look at the pic above, thats the dutch east india company... the first huge international trade organization that employed ten thousands of people, had its own army for protection of its interests... founded in 1602...since england by that time had become the world power, it had many needs for fancy spices, finest chinese silk, and many other luxury articles..which were now shipped in, since sailing vessels had become a better choice than the century old silk road...
 all birthdates line up neatly, only francis drake the fearsome pirate they made 20 yrs older, him being the first character to bite the dust later...only to shave off his typical shakespeare beard and continue sailing around as henry hudson half a decade later, on his 4 great voyages (pictured below)...
 I assume you have already watched the above video, i dont have to repeat to introduce him & his exploits to you... but the "beard on / beard off" hat-trick is another classic, which we will also see in yet another thread on abraham lincoln (soon to follow)...
 see, originally i had only found hudson + spenser, but then realized it was in fact none other than shakespeare.... adn since i had to make an update on him anyway, i decided to wrap it all up into one single thread... most people mentioned here have many more alters than the few ones that i find... but that shouldnt deter us from our blogging efforts... we need to start a database, so we can create a family tree for "revisionist history", as those in power call it....i havent figured out which software to use, but if you have a good idea, let me needs a tree structure, entries for birthdates, some short info on each character, as well as space to name all the many alters each person went by...
 also mark the names of the vessels in use is always important, we can see the same today in the space shuttles christened "discovery, endeavour, columbia" etc... all those names have hermetic significance...
many of those names are later re-used or only slightly changed... remember all AGEOLD SYMBOLS of the mystery teachings hold their value over many milennia, thats why its so important to have a basic grasp of their meaning.
 so thats the hudson bay, named after henry hudson, that fills with ice each winter... and in the summer is great for recreational water sports, like taking your small little 30ft yawl or ketch out for a spin...
 you wont find a pic of bacon/shakespeare with his ear showing, but the rest looks so much alike, i cant imagine they can be diffrent persons... wigs were used as far back as ancient egypt, and they had special wig-makers, working with flax, horsehair, cotton, actual human hair or any other thing possible...many of our clients have a high temper, lots of testosterone, and lose much of their main hair quite early...only to become collectors for a large variety of diffrent wigs or toupets...
 so who would have thought that the good ole KJV 1611 (a work finished very late in his life, when he was done with all the mundane stuff, novels and "Lustspiele" ) was written by none other than William Shakespeare...even I, Sherlock-א, would never have figured out if it wasnt for my gigantic magnifying glass, and fingerprint-powder...
 so I´m taking just a guess here, putting all (forged) official data aside, and say this was likely his mother...remember whatever fame happens in the family, STAYS in the famly...
 unless i´ve made a mistake, all the above works were produced by the same man...see the jachin+boaz pillars top left on bacon´s book...supposedly being merely coincidential on the cover... henry hudson also traveled on a ship called the "half moon", much of official stories learned in school (under a pyramid roof, remember) is actually just "shushu kishuff"... not actual learning...
 here the original find, before i could see the link to shakespeare...
 here the signature parade...
 and some of the 1+3 look similar, no 2+4 as well (having a slightly diffrent nose)...
so like in a puzzle game, for each exposed character, we can dig deeper and deeper, until finally at some point the whole friggin puzzle , through trial+error, will shine in its full glory...
the funny thing is, like always in life, all these great leaders + explorers had alters as sculptors, painters, drawers, or other artists, and portrayed each other reciprocally in pictures that are preserved in high detail or shown in famous museums today on public display... this makes our job so easy...probably they even wanted it to be like that...whenever you hoodwink SB, you also gotta give him a chance to figure you out...j-ws have always been deceivers, but they have never been unfair...they´re simply an integral part in the design of human history...

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