Saturday, August 17, 2013

MARTIN LUTHER REVEALED --- part 1 --- the "jack of all trades" of hohenzollern

this vid doesnt exactly fit...but its the best i can find right now...I dug deep into famous reformer Martin Luther, and found many of his royal ancestors & famly members, because Luther like all other reformers was not from the working class, but of highest german royal was his wife...all those people also had alters as artists, painters, sculptors, as well as several roles as famous "reformers" since it was the time where scripture (remember guttenberg´s printing press, and shakespeare alias king james translating the KJV) would be given back to the people, with masses no longer held in those days also america the new world was discovered and later settled, evrything planned carefully, and most of the men mentioned here (reformers) also have spanish/portuguese or dutch alters as famous discoverers, tallship captains or conquistadores..
 what we learned in school about luther is only the mundane viewpoint, because luther, like all others, was an aristocrat, and had numerous and played numerous other roles, some of them his own opponents, who supposedly vehemently condemned his grace theology, with their humanist teachings....but it was all the same man , putting on a different cloak... i could write again entire pages but wanna keep it short, since i dont have the time...
 this is the 2nd royal alter of martin luther that i found, the famous reformer... he was from the house of hohenzollern, his name joachim I nestor, elector of brandenburg...
 this man loved g-ds grace, a good pint of beer, his wife in his arm (or in his bed), his children, was an expert theologian as well as wellred humanist... he also was a famous german painter, the most prolific of the renaissance era... his artist name was lucas kranach the elder... but more on that in a new thread...
 this was his wife, from no less royal backgroud than him...the funny thing is they´re so easy to spot since they always have the same hairstyle + face, mostly change their first names only a tiny bit... as if they had been waiting for SB to expose them...and waltz with them, as they coin world history and put their seal unto the our history....
 this was the first royal alter i foud, george III, prince anhalt-dessau.. same man again...all those margraves supposedly in small insignificant castles scattered abroad, are in fact mostly identical with all the kings, emperors, caesars, they only use each castle & role for a diffrent time in their careers... this system also goes back very long... we see much power concentrated in only a handful of families, a few chosen bloodlines..
 so this one you´ve seen already.... dotn worry i made a concize list, bottom of thread, you won´t miss attention here as "Alfus Magnus Reformator" rebukes the elector of the house of hohenzollern for drunkenness, character theft and giving false information to the intergalactic ALF-police..
 with luther the hair, firm jaw, and trademark hat is a dead giveaway
they also made for him a nice little cool is that... but theres much more on luther...

this list will help you keep the oversight and not lose track of the many diffrent characters...

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