Oliver Cowdery was one of "the three witnesses" that testified of the truthfulness of the book of mormon, when it was first put into print...(the other two were david whitmer and martin harris)...
oliver cowdery, who later fell out with smith and was excpelled from the newfounded church movement, is taught to young mormon children as the most dangerous example of apostasy, a heretic bare none...but we can see it didnt take long until he was back in a diffrent guise, as a later LDS church president... with a new name, Jedediah M Grant. remember Jedediah was the name that g-d gave to the newborn Solomon, after David´s first child with batsheba died, because he had slept with her while she was still married to uriah the hittite...
its not hard to see that we have some royal ancestry going on here...no wonder that the grandson of the biggest mason of the last 300 years, will participate in the formentation of ludicrous "churches", and the spreading far and wide of "diffrent gospels", for personal gain and power...
these ears are so obvious, yet as always it is hidden in plain sight, with a veil in front of our eyes...
here the bio´s for both men (since i know you are such a lazy bunch, my dear readers...i´m gonna do all the hard work for you...my great pleasure...I´m gonna bill you later...)
here we can see a direct descendant of this line, who was often cast for role as a tall, silent and consequent sheriff, outlaw or aristocrat... make no mistake he probably has a lot of the character of his famous ancestors...(remember the thread about "generational curses")..
from george washington to oliver cowdery its 2 generations, and another 4 or 5 to clint eastwood. but they are directly blood related...
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