Monday, August 19, 2013

brother Nathanael Kapner busted --- finally...

 this thread is very short, but very important...if you´ve followed, bookmarked or given money to nathanael kapner the "authentic russian orthodox preacher", who loves the G-man like his best pal, but keeps constantly asking for more and more donations, due to him having exhilarating costs to cover such as D´UH, keeping a blog and website running ? excuse me are you even serious.....this is completely rediculous...
 i initially thought his page was dope stuff, but when he never stopped begging, and always continued on and on about the evil jew government... well sorry jewberg, what are we supposed to do about it ? we have no governor or lawyer or judge uncle or daddy who bails us out when our pink ferrary got stuck in the driveway or we have a manslaughter charge on the neck cause we drove drunk at 3AM over some mexican immigrant with our brandnew dodge viper or porsche spyder....
remember i never owned a car until today...but i think its time that i get one.. and i also know a few people who have some too many standing around in their private estates...

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