due to the compartmentalization of thinking, people will argue tooth and nail that sandra maischberger is a true-to-the bone german girl who worked her way up the media ladder now having her own evening talkshow. happily munching potato chips shooing me away when i tell them its all rigged...
pix11 is a NYC based broadcaster... shes been doing this for a long time... its obvious these people have no real nationality or sense of belonging like hitler said in a speech "today in berlin, tomorrow brussels, wednesday in paris or london, having no ground on which they were bred, like the german worker who is bound to the ground, to famly and wife and his kids"...
we see frontal is obvious. same lipshape, facial features.
these profiles are 30yrs apart, we see left side the semitic beak on nose is visible, even tho not as prominent as in some other cases. also see thats the same neck..
just watch the mouth, shining eyes, nose and noserift.. its the same girl
same woman
here yet another profile
this ear seals the affair.. both ears are identical in shape
in this negative we see the teeth even more obvious and theyre the same...
the marked canine and gum on frontal incisors are identical
of course shes on the usual magazine covers etc..
gleiche schnute gleiche stute....
same skull and nose
same profile
what did they do to her nose... is she trying to look like ayn rand aka helen thomas ?
yes id say thats conclusive evidence...
also mark the eyeshape... also the same....and brows too...
mundwinkel ebenfalls...
same same same
same same same
the neck also same same same
to top it all off some funny story about the shack she was supposedly raised in....
can it get anymore rediculous...
and of course the james gandolfini death is just the next hoax... and so it goes on and on and on...
so what else can you do with such people than gass them... a person that is possessed by the devil can not be stopped with words, rules or laws, by police officers, pastors, prayers... he/she will go on in her program destroying everything that is virtuous and good.... so thats why moses in his book prophesied to the israelites they´d be slaughtered and killed if they didnt obey his laws (which of course they never have, and never will be able to for the mosaic law is just a foreshadow of later full law under christ, whom they reject out of principle) let the dumb goys do the dirtwork, we´ ll sit it out down here and party ! AND THEY EVEN DONT KNOW THAT THEIR WAILING WALL IS From FORTRESS ANTONIA OF HEROD THE EDOMITE, WHILE THEIR MOUNT SINAI STANDS LONELY IN SAUDI ARABIA AND THEY MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO EVEN REqueSt ACCESS there...and the cryptos who run saudi arabia will punish you if you travel to the mountain of g-d... what kindof crazy world do we live in...
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