ok i wanted to write this one for a long time, and was caught up in emotions, re-wrote it, deleted, rewrote again and deleted again. i really dont know what to write. this is a very personal one. let me just make it short and say, that with all the knowledge gained in the last 2 years and seeing who really runs the world and america, its obvious that america is modern day babylon and egypt. and i wanna write a lil bit about the how and the why. most people that think egyt today think about the nile, tourism, arabs, camels, the suez canal and cleopatra. but egypt is much older than that. cleopatra was but a very late queen when the kingdom had been hellenized. the suez canal was dug by the same families that today run the worlds economy. the arabs only conquered it much later, when both the new, middle and old kingdoms had long lost their splendor. and the place wasnt always as overpopulated and "allah akhbarized" as today...
when we see america today, we see the "hammer of the world"... where the kings of the world sit and feast, and decide whom to bomb next, to keep their upscale lifestyle protected by a military industrial complex going. ancient egypt also was a major power. in fact THE MAJOR POWER. all ancient high cultures developed along waterways, where transport of merchandize was easy, and there was abundance of crop, so that people would not have to scratch a living but could specialize in their trade. this way, they could produce more and better products, and develop higher living standard. then the spirits comunicated with chosen men, who became priests and learned the ageold never changing laws of the natural system, they wrote down history and watched the stars and learned how the stars influenced the fate on earth. little by little they learned more and more.out of written history, chronology and astronomy, soon astrology evolved. and myths and traditions were orally passed on. languages evolved, first simple pictorals, then syllographs and later short and concise consonantal alphabets. the priests built temples to the deities, and selected rulers. people grew and prospered.. musical instruments were built, poets wrote down their works, and the character of the nations began to differentiate. the waterways, oceans and rivers were used for trade ships, and camels and horses caravans also for the distant trade routes. now they started to write down a mythology and stories about how their culture came to pass. the scribes record writen history, and teach the children in school. the whole construct becomes more and more detailed and sophisticated.. thats how a nation is born. this has happened all over history again and again. history about cavedwelling mammoth-hunting neanderthals, is just idiocy, and an ILLUSION. we have proved that the divine week of 7000 years is something that happens again and again just like the calendar week hapens again and again. we need to think in circles, not in a linear fashion. so when teachers in school tell you today you are far evolved and have it much better than the cro-magnon man, its not true, since today we have a worse form of slavery, it appears, than was present in any of the old cultures.
people think so shortterm. my parents say "yes we have such high living standard, much better than the dark ages or before the war".. but when i try to explain who started those wars and why, and how everything works, they call me a conspiracy nut. you see people dont want to hear the truth, they want to be dumb... so when we look to religions, we will see that in very old times people actually had a better living standard or at least equal to us. and in same manner the ancient egyptians even tho they used galena for their eyepaint, and didnt have a fancy set of 20 different dior or dolce & gabbana eyeliners, still were regarded as the epitome of mundane power. it was more desirable to live there than in any other place. it was "like the garden of eden, like egypt, like sodom before it was destroyed"... when you look today into the carefree-full-fleshed grin of an LA actor or NY businessman, you look directly into the face as it would hve been in egypt or babylon 3000 yrs ago.. the face of that person was in the ideal material condition, since all affluence of the nations flowed to the very city where he lived, to be divided and used by the local culture...
when you talk to an american today, or have your US relatives over for birthday or christmas. you will see faces that are full, wellnourished, friendly and optimistic. america is the virgin nation, the last great nation on earth. with virgo overlaid on the mainland, and leo the ruler meeting virgo just where washington and new york are located... we can clearly see the heavens have kept this land for the latter days where it would rise from depravity and animism and red indian idolatry to be the greatest nation on earth, with all the good and all the bad sides. the many missionaries going to all the world, but also the many witches covens and sinister things going on. whatever you look for or pride yourself at in your native country. in america you find the same only 3 times bigger. you want a mountain, a river, a cave, an airplane, a wedding, a music-studio or a birthday cake ? go to america and they will one-up you with ease. you trained your abs and worked on your legs+bum for 2 years and now think you look the part ? go to venice beach and youre low average at best..
and people there wont just be good looking, but also smart and charismatic...when you sit on the fleshpot, u grab on the passby what other nations have to dedicate their entire lives to.
americans do not doubt, do not bicker, do not question, they merely trust that good things will come to them. its as natural as the mothers milk. when you have lived in this setting and then are forced to go abroad and live elsewhere where theres skinny, obnoxious, weird ugly people, that look at age 50 as if they´d been tossed through the high-temperature cycle of an industrial washing machine, complete with rediculous antedeluvian illusions from "democracy" and "government", you cant live there for a longer period of time without going completely bonkers ! you need to go back where your heart feels home...
we can see above the SLC temple of mormonism... when masonry covers the entire country like a gigantic spiderweb, you can start a masonic new "church".. its teachings can be completely outlandish, the establishment will still protect it and it can prosper for many generations... people will even move out of your state and you have even more space for yourself. how cool is that ?
you can build a gigantic city like LA and have all the energy provided from a powerplant standing on an indian reservation. in california, which also reminds a bit of israel, with a salt lake in the south, a coastline to the west and basically a very blessed land inhabited by good fortunes, everything is possible..
someone comes up with a new idea, technology or artform or sport. soon some entrepreneur will buy him out and make his new invention really big. first its gonna be the new craze in the states, 5 years later the other countries will follow.. it was just the same way in ancient cultures.. remember when solomon brought 40 yrs of riches to the tiny nation israel because his father had eliminated all potential threats, he would buy off all the egyptian chariots and become the main link for sale of horses, chariots and all sorts of amenities. now solomons empire didnt last long, israel was never meant to be the "fleshpot of the world", but in egypt such lifestyle was normal for thousands of years.. i am not an accredited egyptologist, but when you see an american tv-star or singer on tv or on his trips throughout the world, out-shining anyone else, you can be shure in ancient time only a highly developed rich city like On in egypt or babylon or susa could have produced such splendor...
we can see all the beautiful accents found in america, from the rich southern to the european-like new yorker accent, to the thick texan or hillbilly accent... to the relatively neutral mormon utah accent and the wellknown cali accent known from so many movies. i have to say i love all of those accents lately especially the southern and thick redneck ones...
then you hve all the natural wonders with the big mountains in alaska, the coastline for fishing and surfing, the swamps full of gators in florida, the waving wheatfields of kansas, the tabletop mountains in southern moab-utah or volcanoes like mt st. helens in the northwest... this lands got it all. many natural parks to visit too, and in the summer you can get an outdoor license and hunt big game or go fishing. cities full of pubs and entertainment (and jew-comedians, lawl), and you can live in a trailer park for cheap. it dont get much better than that..
you hve the national passtimes like football or baseball. (baseball is basically running around on a masonic circle +square). baseball is a very masonic game indeed although few people will admit it. for football the americans were smart enough to wear big protectors so their faces and limbs dont get scarred, and they can walk right off the field after the match and work as a salesman, professor or presenter with their whole body intact. in rugby played in france, australia or england, they only wear headbands and very little protection. england once was the pride of the earth, the empire the sun never set upon, now look today at the teeth of an english lower class man and compare it to the regular american. you´ll see the drastic difference.
its obvious that with so many cities and people living there you´ll need really big roads to drive on, so they build 7-lane highways in the most populous areas.. how cool is that.... and all of this isnt even maxed out. when i landed at denver international and drove to my YWAM school in arvada in 2005, we drove half an hour through grass prairie without even touching the city. you see theres still so much space left, while in europe everyones stacked in tiny apartments, wondering why theres tension and anger in the air LOL... in our village Spielberg, Germany, the trashbins are so small u can hardly put anything into it. you´re literally a slave, and theres rules for everything you buy or throw away. youre a rat in a cage. when i was in jail in the states working in the kitchen tract, we would empty out a big 5 gallon canister and throw it without folding into a huge bin, then all that crap was taken out into an even bigger pile.. until on weekend arrived a huuuuge garbage compactor truck that took the entire black sacks now stored inside a huuge container, piggybacked it and bang it was gone... now realize people never really learn by rules only by experience... growing up in a crowded european city or with so much free space it will defo impact yer character. how you, feel, talk and reason.. can you see how it works ? this is the reason so many people join false churches, become masons or frisk ID cards to live in this land of affluence... its where your carnal nature is naturally attracted worries ! just follow the rules and you´ll be fine...
americans understand the value of beauty... europeans shrug it off as superficiality, but in fact its the understanding of wholeness, and that internal wholeness also will reflect in outward wholeness. what we call beauty in fact is nothing more than personal physical wholeness, when the body is in its natural perfect state..physical wholeness is always a result of inner wholeness and balance..
america is a startup nation, where in fact you´ll hve to become proactive to pay off your tuition loans and such. the slavish mentality that the "government will take care of you" as believed in other countries is nonexisting. thats why the yanks always hated public healthcare and a nanny state. in fact thats why people moved here in the first place, cuz the other governments all sucked. if u want free healthcare go to canada !
now with the proliferation of the jew-money families ever since the early 18th century, things became worse, but still america is the best fact the only place where you can still say what you want about jews or other people without getting jailed... try that elsewhere. you´ll be locked up...
but its not just the modern things that are bigger over there, also the big redwood trees and dinosaur bones found, and the storms coming each year from the caribbean working their way north in the mississippi delta... etc. some people believe dinosaurs lived together with humans on earth in the days of job, i also believe this..
then you have the huge combine harvesters of the wheat belt or the hutterite and mennonite communities that specialize in that lifestyle. remember in ancient egypt whenever was famine, all nations came to egypt to get corn. the modern USA also gives aid to countless countries worldwide. without an excess production, and stable prices, the powerpole could not be located here. thats also why evry banana republic uses the dollar as a backup currency...
like ancient egypt we´re talking about "more natural and manmade wonders than all the other nations combined"...
ya, thats what you believe in your own mind you are...i tell you what i cant live around these folks, theyre all weird and their whole opinions are all weird..pussyfied by so many centuries of lies. they got so used to it its become their daily bread..
whereas other nations mock america as fat overfed idiots, they cover up the fact that such a lifestyle is possible there, but only practiced by the lower classes... normally we hve a higher degree of marital faithfulness and family values, with young couples having children, whereas the old world has stagnating population, overaging and now n-gger and sandn-gger immigration to the point of complete breakdown.
then u gotta be "nice" to everyone, so they can even pussyfy you down further and further. REDICULOS...
whatever you want, whatever you do, if its boats, telescopes, skiing or motorbikes, in the US its all bigger... you build a 20 inch dobson ? your uncle from oklahoma built a 30inch. you saved 10 years to buy a convertible ? your aunt from florida has 3. you get the picture ? this is what it was like to live in ancient egypt. mundane things like food were simply ubiquitous.. a random worker from the lowest social class still had more opportunities in life than a scholar or high magistrate from a scythian, parthian, celtic or nubian tribe.
this is the virgin land that was kept secured by the spirits and rulers of the earth until the latter days, where she wold come to her full splendour, and ultimately also to her final fate...
computers started here. the official story of how IBM was founded is a jew-whopper.. we all know the figureheads of the big companies are actors, even tho they believe they invented shit themselves, they´re so deluded by their power, and wont share their fame with the real silent inventors who spent years in their garage labs... but the final products like a macintosh still are used by millions..and bless the lives of many..
i use my mac since 2006 it runs like a charm without ever malfunctioning...
here we can see the peaks of the grand canyon all named after pagan idols... yet americans still repeat like a mantra: the catholic church is the great whore, g-d blesses america cause we support israel... we´re a christian nation. but from cradle to grave america is firstly a masonic untertaking. christianity and everything else is simply seen as a positive side-effect. all through history christianity was the mass religion. the elites always were illuminists. pretty likely george washington was the same man as george III king of england, and also bavarian illuminati guru adam weishaupt...we outed so many actors of the last 2 centuries, but the mysteries NEVER CHANGED throughout known world history, since the spirit behind it never did either.
like in actual life, the younger siblings imitate the big brother. when it works, you copy it ! here the logo of the free university of berlin (founded mid-20th century), just copied the harvard logo...
today hollywood doesnt just produce entertainment. it shaped the identity, dreams, expectations of billions of people on earth. in fact all who live in westernized countries and left their primeval animistic societies..
again here the harvard logo. the FU berlin logo is simply a knock-off... remember without masonry NOTHING and i mean NOTHING works in this country and therefore the entire world. since today everythings connected. you dont take the mortarboard ceremony, tough luck u get no degree. no degree, no big income. no big income, no nice vacation, nice wife etc...
in jail i red a sign "people will always favour underdogs, but only follow top dogs"... this saying is very true..
we can see today people complain of people in power, but sheepishly follow them, even to their death.
then you have nice congregations like the amish or the hutterites who do their own thing... theres plenty of space to experiment with, and plenty of rain and soil to grow stuff...
lived in berlin 3 months and saw only 2 cadillacs in that time. and one of them was filled with junk, lol...
in salt lake, every pimp,mormon salesman or wannabe gangster has a hotrod, convertible or street rod complete with retro rims, open hood and fancy LED lightshow.
its not just the manmade stuff, but also nature is bigger better and more awesome there..just look at those redwoods in oregon...or the great white sharks on your oregon break...
if people refuse to partake of the altar of ALF, all of this wouldnt be possible...
while the europeans debate and ponder, the americans pull in, get the job done, and pull out again, leaving some dead bodies behind but the survivors have lost none of their optimism and "will-do" attitude...they understand that freedom is not free, and are willing to pay the price for personal liberty...
probly 2000 yrs from now ppl will pay entrance fee here and wonder who made all this...mark well all those statues and faces carved in stone are jew actors...
no matter how outlandish your doctrines, if the masonic joo government decides its a church, its a church...
every sort of new music that later went global has started here in some smoky backdoor-garage...
the other nations are merely copying from their "big brother".. today you can hear hiphop in any language under heaven, but it all started with some black kids that coldnt afford instruments and started to fool around "scratching" with their dads vinyl collection.. now growing up in germany we used many slang words and anglicisms like "cool" or "popstar" or "president" or "chewing gum".... now log on youtube and listen to people talk in a language you´ve never even heard of... and they will say things like دقېوېەوسوا popstar كسكقېوېەوسوەسە غقغڭۇې9)*&#$ دوداسداسدكسەققوۋو chewing gum سدەكسدەقسدا barack obama سدا رىرري]]ۋ]]]ۇۈۈۈششغۈ دكدااسىەسودەكۋېې hamburger تۇپۈنزدقە دقداىسەكسدەسدەقداىسداوڭ
not only does it sound completely rediculous, but you can see this culture and power influences every nation under heaven, who all doggishly swallow up the breadcrumbs from under the table that the proud dame throws them to swallow...
the old tribal religion of those animists was doomed, it was a backward filthy religion by savage barbarians..
just look at this guy wearing birds feathers like the former philistines or gaulish celts in ancient france...
u have a place where people dont just f-ck to make some bucks but actually enjoy it and it shows...
america is all about gratifying the senses, living life to the full... now if you wanna practice asceticizm in a monastery in the mountains, you´re free to go, but arent forced to.. in most other countries however, its the other way around...
a new sport is created guess who invented it. some random yank dude...and 30 yrs after tom sims and jake burton gave their "snurfers" a go, even iran, china and bhutan have snowboarding resorts + schools...
the first skylines appeared here some 100 yrs ago. in the meantime many 3rd world countries one-up each other building higher and higher, but the yanks keep it low-profile... they dont hve to impress with big towers...
theres so much more their nation has to offer...
not so many catholics as in other places. more lutherans and any sort of other religion u can possibly tink of..
in the old world u get arrested for shootin rubberbands at a teacher, yonder side u build spud-guns that can yank a solid potato for over half a mile distance...
they even have a pumpkin-chunkin contest.. so far the record is at well over a mile...
being a cop in the states is a real tuff job since people have guns and use them. not like here where people shoot 22caliber pistols and need a government certificate to wipe their b-tts with anything other than 2-ply..
of course the shriners in their funny cars are there at every parade...
first ppl complain of the american logo then finally after debating 10 yrs back and forth they copy it anyway. its always the same story....
"even if babylon ascend to heaven yet i will pull her down from there"...we know the moon missions was hoax but the shuttle was for real.. just watch the ISiS flyby on a cloudless evening..
originally "rock and roll" was a term used for the shaking of a car, when hotblooded greasers made passionate love at the open-air-cinema on a saturday night.... today its become a term used for music...
then just look at those american trophy wives... i mean can you settle for anything less once u´ve tasted from this fruit...
america the great harlot doesnt give her favours for nada, she expects adoration and only those who can pay for her enchantries will suck the tit of affluence on this vast the way those stories of gangsters founding vegas is very likely also masonic gibberish.. i mean just look at my comparison of josef goebbels, meyer lansky and false profit harold camping.. theyre the same guy...
everythings kingsize... kingsize trucks, kingsize beds, kingsize people, kingsize bikes+cars, kingsize peanutbutter+jelly sandwiches, even kingsize mammoth trees...
here the house of the skull and bones at harvard university, shaped like an egyptian temple... future presidents even of the smallest and insignificant countries on earth are all trained here at these ivy league universities...and fraternities...
its hilarious the mormons took the rituals straight from the masons and didnt even change a thing.
they say the G-man appeared before the third day some random place on cumora hill... lolbagel !
you will not find this in the streets or in poor man´s religion, but in the higher ranks of the mysteries, the demonic entities even today are actively channelled, incense offered to them and even human offerings made to them. just like in ancient cultures publicly, today in hidden fashion under the guise of "modernity" and "progress".. but all our progress is on the technological has nothing to do with spiritualprogress which sees the human life in its proper context...
so why can the mormons boldly expell me from their city like a beaten stray dog ? because the city is not just wrapped in heretic teaching, completely with masonic crypto "prophets" but actually the very infrastructure is meticulously planned after masonic pattern. here the SLC public library laid out as a pyramid. the visitor of the sun-terrace enters at the bottom, then ascends the steps and before the pyramid-tip (fenced off and unaccessible to the public) is lead back down the staircase to the right.... when i was in salt lake i loved to hang out there but had no idea of the design until i saw it on google earth...only a tiny brass plaque on the very bottom floor gives away the fact that the library was largely built by money donated from the wasatch lodge...
in the meantime we also found who our "acting president" is.. not the antichrist only a hairdresser....
how i loved to walk around in SLC for hours, even until your feet hurt like crazy....can you now see why they can eliminate everything they dont want on their checkerboard ? its a holy area consecrated to the laws of masonry.. they can decide whats allowed on the chessboard and what isnt...
there is nothing new under the sun
all has been before and all will be again.
for it is a land filled with idols...
the ancient egyptians built the pyramids like the belt stars of orion the great hunter..
if you wanna understand the connections of ancient cultures "the two babylons" is a must read...
in former times they had chariots today its abrams tanks and ford f150 pickup trucks
egypt looks like a flower with a leave...
as i wrote in the post on imhotep, official mundane egyptologys timeline cannot be trusted 100 percent...its also a typical pagan thing to pass your culture off as more ancient more mature and of greater significance than you actually are...
...its called galena and contains lead...used as a beautifyer...
this was used for eye paint in egypt...galena...lead poisoning anyone ? remembe in all mystery cultures lofty elites rule over commoners who are but replacable assets...
hagar was given to abraham because pharao probly a bald little faggot, wanted to shag sarai abrams goodlookin wife... abram showed weakness letting that fag take his broad. he should have exercized male god ordained boldness
and all the crap with arabs against israelites for the next 4000years probably wouldnt have happened...
pharao (a corrupted hebrew form of HA ROE meaning THE SHEPERD)like all good jews had a friggin harem all 4 himself...
theres a memphis in both egypt and america.
the outline of solomons temple was a ripoff of the pagan design. thats why mason love it and cant stop rambling about that silly TEMBEL
jesus will uns baun zu einem TEMBEL....
potphars wife wasnt doing anything exceptional... she was merely following the moral code of her culture.
remind anyone of america ?
they knew about the planetary deities...
more natural and manmade wonders than all the other nations combined...
they had hooked sickle swords called "khopesh"..they could pull the other guys sword out of his hands..
just as ancient egypt supplied grain in times of hunger, so america today is the worlds breadbasket...
everytime there was a famine, people ran back to egypt...
so when the egyptians beat up the hebrew slaves for not working, they merely did what everbody else would hve done. those guys were sposed to WORK not laze around..
all later empires like greece, rome all borrowed HEAVILY from egyptian hermeticism, geometry and wisdom
in times of christianity people say "astrology is evil".. but many fail to see that just liek the spiritual world is arranged after certain patterns, so is the material world.. but most people refuse to see it, " its occultism ! "
turning a stick into a snake ? no problem for the egyptian mysticists... even today an african voodoo priest can do the same (turning himself into a mouse and back to human form)...
greeks and roman astrologers merely lent their ideas from the ancient egyptians.
i still dont know how they built them but theyre impressive even today..
they importet wood from lebanon, and lapis lazuli from afghanistan, and other materials from all the known world, therefore dominating all the trade conditions...
they shaved their hairs and wore wigs.. and everyhwere the ugly snake appears..
they knew of the zodiac the 12 constellations, the 7 wandering planets, even the decans and 12 houses.
what d you see when you look at DC ? an egyptian obelisk, a greek temple and a roman pantheon, molded into a tasteful arrangement of paganism.. in the "christian" posterchild nation.. we can clearly see america isnt any more christian than any other place its just they have been given more toys to play with..
without the power of the lodges, theres no way in heaven or hell america could be the powerpole it is today. like egypt of old, this is the place where RULES ARE MADE, not followed. this is the blueprint, not the copy. if you cant afford to live here, tough luck, go off , wear a dress and move somewhere else !
america was founded as a completely new scenario by the high priests of this world when they opened up the continent for immigration and settled it bit by bit, driving the indigenous redskin tribes back further and further. every mayor war was orchestrated and led by mason generals. american history as you have learned in school is a who-is-who of highlevel masonry. the lodge isnt part of the establishment, THE LODGE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT.
thats why america is the modern egypt of today and thats also the only way it makes sense since i was jailed in egypt seeing that i am the joseph of my family with my father having fathered 10 children being a type of jacob/israel. but i talked about that already in another post earlier. just use the search button.