Monday, June 3, 2013
Rio Reiser + Ron Jeremy + James Middleton are also same bloodline / famly
we established already several months ago that rio reiser and stevie ray vaughn were identical, and still playing in california as "St. John and the Sinners"... now look at those ears...i dont have the time anymore to identify every person perfectly, since there are now so many connections... i´d need a foxy pantyhose-clad secretary and brandnew detective office in the chrysler towers, NYC, to make a more detailed map of all the connections we´ve had so far...
but anyway, heres rio reiser and stevie ray vaughn, those ones are already clear...
already cold coffee....
now check those here, rio and james middleton are also same immediate famly, and ron jeremy too, the old hedgehog, whos still screwing 20 yr old chicks thinking they get "famous" haha....funny planet... ron jeremys face now also looks strikingly similar to "St. John" from "St. John and the Sinners"... the new band of Rio/Stevie... at least theyre gotta give em that... (remember not those who sin the least are in right standing but those who are honest about themselves... parable of pharisee and tax collector)...St. John of old was the "love" apostle who constantly rambled about "Love"... he probly also had had his share of lovers... also in english language a "John" is a man soliciting "working girls"...we can clearly see the carnal reversion.. with james middleton being the "brother" of kate middleton probly future queen of england, we can see the whole government on earth is a carnal one, a puppetry.
ok also the nose of rio and james are really close, ron has a little more semitic nose which looks diffrent...we clearly can see as the cartilage and skin ages some faces slightly change but skull stays the same...
again here ron jeremy and rio/stevie... same bloodline or immediate famly...
here again profiles of reiser and middleton...
clearly famly...see thats the irony of it.. even when they´re like 60 or 70 yrs old they need to work as comedians, making jokes about politicians who "DONT EXIST", to a sheeple audience who HAS NO CLUE that in fact they´re the ones who are being mocked.... so in the end all are deceived... the sheeple who complain about government, but pay taxes for the scam to go on, and the actors/politician/comedians who cant escape their role... like in goethe´s faust... "die geister die ich rief, werd ich nicht mehr los"....
busted in flagranti...
Ron jeremy also played the role of MIAMI HEAT coach STAN VAN GUNDY.