Saturday, June 1, 2013
Ofra Haza -- the last nail in the coffin, her hubby, and Oliver Bierhoff...
still believe all those fancy names of those VIP´s are real, and theyre not connected, then read this thread... if that dont convince you, then you probly need a lobotomy...
remember ofra hazas hubby supposedly died of HIV, contracted from her husband doron ashkeNAZI who then in return, eaten by guilt, killed himself... thats your typical jew-whopper.. right there... its become such a joke that i still marvel how many people believe all that crap... on top of it all HIV probly isnt even real (if we believe polskaweb)...
anyway this is gabriel lewy, longtime partner of iris berben, left side doron ashkenazi, partner of ofra haza.. in the next pic you´ll see the similarity, even tho i suspect ashkenazi´s nose is fake and made into a prolific semitic organ that would make pinocchio blush with envy... mark also "ashkenazi" is a typical pseudo-name without real content... you need a name for an alter from germany... just pick ashkenazi.... a girl from speyer ? just take "shapira"... when producer serge gainsborough needed a name for a new french singer, he named her "france gall" since he aimed for the international market and needed something typical french... the french rooster of gaul or gallia is known since ancient celtic times... thats how they often pick their names...they look for markebility, something people can easily recognize...
so ignore the nose, look at the fleshy face... and the 3 identical rifts... that the same dude...
gabriel lewy seen here with longtime partner iris berben, who apart from haza probly has a host of other characters around the world...also remember in this thread i need to condemn what they do, since nobody else does it and it needs to be reported, but also remember the deep deep desire these people have to be recognized, loved and accepted....
watch berben here with her gigantic jemenite bridal headdress... jamin means "right side", that means that in ancient times probly the map was turned around and north side was where the sun came out in the morning. (just a guess of mine).. they had no compass needles yet.
he must have played doron ashkenazi...
here they are seen at yet another fake interrementof longtime german cinematographer "bernd eichinger", but he now also must continue with another character.... just like all those other local politicians in any are of the world, that supposedly commit "jewicide" for ostracizement or due to an affair... nothing but masonic king-kill BS... dont buy it guys dont drink the kool aid...
then her new husband, name is Heiko Kiesow, look how much he looks like oliver bierhoff, german soccer player.. they must be brothers... the ears are almost identical too...
so tis always the same family members operating on the major hubs and cities of importance and positions of power... all the other positions are left for us to fill... and do the mundane work...
"you conspiracy theorist are making stuff up"... get out of my face, lobotomy-boy... before I take my conspiracy gun out...
and another actor using an alternate name... it really is epidemic...
i need to report this to the Zentralrat, we´re dealing with a severe case of antisemitism here...
so "der Stuermer" is actually the son of ofra Haza, imagine that... thats why you shouldnt have swallowed the red pill like in the matrix....
here unser stuermer again with his wife... i´m putting a stop right there... if u follow all the famly links, your brain soon turns into a robot, there are so many connections...
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