Saturday, April 6, 2013
the whole world lieth in evil -- 1John 5:19
can you believe it all these people are played by a single actor. they are simply a fata morgana firmly engrafted in public conscience... this really is incredible.. i couldnt have come up with a more devilish, and at the same time cost-effective way of managing global affairs.. remember some of the older actors habitually do their own makeup, they can literally play a variety of characters, book their own flights, and only need to appear for the important ceremonies where the new orders are handed out... basement cat definitely knows how to run a tight and market-oriented organization...
all 4 of the following german politicians are THE SAME PHYSICAL PERSON
just wearing different latex masks and makeup, and portraying a different character...
Peer Steinbrück, head of treasury
Jürgen Trittin, leader of the greens party
Reinhold Wuerth runs germanys biggest company for screws (literally screwing with our heads)
Klaus Wowereit, "gay" mayor of Berlin (pushing filth)
trittin and steinbrueck
trittin and aleystair crowley (not same actor but same hand gesture)
steinbrueck and trittin... both throwing fake tantrums to pretend they argue for the rights of voters..
trittin and wuerth
steinbrueck and trittin
יחזקל ראה את אותו הדבר לפני הרבה זמן.. אבל החוקי לא משונים במשחק הזה היום..
trittin and wuerth
trittin and wuerth
steinbrueck and trittin
steinbrueck and trittin
trittin and wowereit
trittin and wuerth
steinbrueck and trittin
trittin and wowereit
trittin and wuerth
trittin and wowereit
würth teaches a kid how to act like a complete buffoon
trittin and wuerth
trittin and wuerth
wuert and trittin (this ones from the polskaweb website)
wowereit swearing yet another useless and fake kabbalistic oath
wowereit and trittin
wowereit with head of german railways, "Deutsche Bahn" CEO "hartmut mehdorn"..
we can see he´s just another actor, since luciferians arent loyal to any national government but are the "floating capstone" lifted up above mundane society and unaccessible to us, who are literally blind (almost) to the deception.
here the guy who "screwes" with our heads...
trittin and wuerth
trittin and wuerth
just loke at those tools... its a joke...really...
so you see people complain about the new world order, say world government wold be hell on earth, but fail to see for centuries and throughout the aeons, whenever nations grew big and powerful, the leading figures were ALWAYS strongly connected and knew each other very well... so why do people want faster internet, google earth, free email service and satellite navigation while at the same time they reject global government ? this doesnt make any sense IMO.
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