Wednesday, April 17, 2013
many sons and lots of guns
some time ago i watched a short documentary about the pashtuns in the border area between afghanistan and pakistan, at the khyber pass, where rarely western journalists go, yet this one daredevil reporter went to meet an acquaintance there. this was in 2006.. now just a year or 2 ago, they made another movie, and already we could see the country had changed, as the coming smackdown on the many muslim nations is coming about... in the 2006 documentary, they visited a town in pakistan where about 5000 handguns per day are being produced... its a town that specializes in this... i have already shown that constellation aries is overlaid in the afghanistan/iran area of the earth globe (as above, so below), that makes for the warlike and tall stature of the local tribes there.. the people there have a saying "many sons and a lot of guns".. this is the credo they live by. islam is their daily bread, and since the pull-out of the russians in the 80s and many surplus kalashnikofs, a literal "kalashnikof-culture" was established... but even in older pictures, in the karl may tales (who like mark twain also had masonic alters) we can read about the bellicose character of the region....
so this is a typical arab, saudi or iranian or paki elite unit, patterned after the western example, only with an arab touch to it. u can see they perform to the best of their ability, the trigger finger is long on the as not to fire an accidental shot and give away the position of the team until the "go" comes... arabs always have had plenty of children.. we can see that in most cases the least educated people have the most children, mostly the parents when asked, cannot even give a reason for their actions...i believe it has to do with the subconscious biological desire to be a"great" nation and guarantee the survival of the own lineage. even animals do this, in fact all animal culture is built around who is the alpha-male and can mate with the most females, while trying to push out other rivals.. most animals live in a strict social order...
we can also see islam has ALWAYS been very strong with arab countries, but later ont he map u will see today all of north africa, many parts of asia are completely islamic.. if u go to my youtube channel (markuslebt) you can listen to the second sura of the koran, al bakkara, the cow, who gives u pretty much a good overview of what muslims believe.. we know that every human being needs a belief structure, without it he isnt complete. even atheists believe in something, namely that their brains are the highest authority to them, pure reason... but most people in life along the way figure out higher beings exist, so its no wonder that islam has always been the pillar and power of these eastern, arab people... its as much a part of them as catholicism or protestantism is in the west. if you were to take islam out of their lives, there would be nothing left. they wold rather die ! above u can see even little kids learn to shoot in some cultures. europe today also is strongly undermined by islam, many people grow up here in the cities and then go to "terrorist" training camps somewhere in pakistan etc... this has hapened before and is no joke... every fruit vendor or streetfood-stand in germany (and most of europe) is not complete without an arab, a turk or other muslim who does his chores there. most of them are very peaceful and have accepted their fate as secod class citizen, while always hoping and praying for a better future.
so here we are again with the jew-crew checkin on the paki scene, whats going on and what has changed... remember things can change within 1 geneeration.. the former hippy trail from england all the way to the opium gardens of baghdad and kabul and teheran in the 60s all went to hell later as the "lure" of sean connery aka ayatollah khomeini was laid out and many people took the bait... and the formerly world power (persia) within less than a generation was turned back into a stoneage system of radical islam, cutting of hands, stoning unfaithful women (that probably had slept with perverted jew leaders who enticed them, offering them some fast cash or social benefit)...i hve explained the spiritual principle of "hegemonial power bully beatdown" in former posts...
now what we see basically is how entire nations are being trapped in spiritual nonsense, believeing in a false prophet, and its written whoever adds to the scriptures (of the new and final covenant, thereby rejecting the only valid sacrifice) to him hsall the plagues be added described in revelations... and boy can we see these plagues in action today... all those bomb blasts, IED´s, young boys dieing in war, blowing themselvs to shreds, those are the plagues affiliated with the false moon/venus cult of islam.. just like catholicism is the mass deception in the ocident, islam is in the orient. in some countries the jew masonic governments (the leaders all are bnei brith masons, even if masonry is officially punishable by death in those countries... we see those elite jews are so far removed from their populace they ALWAYS bring the double standard... and practice everything they deny their subordinates...but even if they tried to they canot change those people, much like i can try to make my brothers smart and teach them how the world is run, to allow the family to becoem more financially secure, these people REFUSE in stubborn demonic idiocy to accept the truth, therefore DEMANDING to be kept further in bondage... so its the same with the muslims.. its divine retribution.. we humans cannot change the spiritual laws of g-d... he has to humble EVERYTHING that formerly was proud)...
so now you have the muslims fight against themselves in theri own countries... those who cooperate with the zionist/western interim governments, seen by many as intrusion and not legitimate, follow radical islam leaders instead, only, low-and-behold, to run again into a jew-bait put out for them, hahahhaaha, hilarious... remember che guevara and fidel castro and all those other rebel leaders.. there is not exception to the rule. lucifer owns the checkerboard, if u wanna dance at his party, u gotta dance by his rules... HE DECIDES who is in charge... so if theres a blogger in pakistan, iran or iraq who figures ou the truth of ALF etc. the jew government would simply lie and kill him, and keep going on with their racket. since in their eyes this guy isnt worth snap anyway...
and so it never ends, here we see a guy probly 50 yrs old, captain of a police checkpoint, who barely makes minimum wage, while the taliban hve brandnew weapons from russia, who keep pouring in, since vladimir putin vladek sheybal) and theother vodka-addled muppets partying in mosqva decide "we will produce more weapons for our export revenues"... and where do those weapons end up.. lo-and-behold, in iran, afghanistan and china... so you can see. the nations of the earth are all connected... and when you have population explosion of DUMB people, that run around with guns, and belileve in weird stuff, the jews hve no choice but to control them.. there is no other choice..everybody has to serve somebody.. and since those people DONT WANNA BELIEVE in the acting gig even if you tell them, and say "false prophiet, conspiracy nut"... they even deserve it more...
sos this kinda timid guy says "it would be nice if the government helped us more", but thats not how to bargain with a jew. either you break him or he breaks you.. with that attitude you can never suceed... so he wll keep working for low wage, getting shelled by young men who join the taliban (young people are always open to more radical religious movements and believe in "change" and "hope")... every week... thats his fate in life... now you say thats cruel... but i say thats the reward for believeing in a lie.. g-d is not unfair nor cruel.
even with the wicked he is slow to anger, and lets the sun shine over the good and the bad.
here we can see many young men with plastic explosives belt, are more than willing to die for jihad (holy devotion and dedication to further the cause of islam)...if i told them that arabic was a corruption of hebrew language, and their profit mohamad was a jew, they probly would stone me..
the young people born in those places dont hve real options. theres not much else to do. jihadist movements have witty, charismatic crypto-jew-leaders who give them a symbol to identify with, thats probly why many join.they also hve many japanese cars, and good food, enough girls, some hash or opium... so life is worth living there as well.. theres basically everything you need, but not much to go from there, since al the key positions of power are occupied by cryptos. as you can see in the following pictures and interviews...
here we can see a guy in a truck blowing himself up. these are the very place where formerly culture was at its highest peak, even the garden of eden described in genesis was located there with the 4 rivers, hiddekel, frat, pihon, gishon... iraq sounds like "jarok" green or "jerek" green plants in hebrew. so it defo was a fertile well-watered valley providing surplus harvests like egypt and making a high culture possible... thats the place where later nimrod the kushi became the first "mighty on earth" and wanted to start his babylonian power gamble... we see still how much g-d hates this self-worship, and makes shure over the centuries tha noone ever will get the idea of exalting himself on this ground !! its now occupied by foreign armies, crypto-jews and a base muslim population and a religion that makes shure people will be kept low. "he will send strong delusion to those who hve no love for the truth", is written by apostle paul....
kaboom goes the bomb... we wil later see, that even with like 3 or 4000 killed in afghanistan and another 4000 western casualties in iraq, this is still a drop in the bucket, and people there can make new babies faster than those wars can wipe out... so the regions are still not secure, as the aries constellation keeps pumping more and more violent stellar energy into the aries region of iran, afghanistan and the pashtun areas...they simply cannot change their fate, its all decided already...
in the docu they said westernized pakistan had a very high rate of pornography, which thru the internet had become viral, along with bollywood movies (remember al the bollywood actors exposed in my blog already, so these people drink from the same "tit" than the occident) wonder many young people choose rather jihad than the westernized dumbing down...
then in 2010 a huuuuge flood hit pakistan, with 20% of infrastructure destroyed... here we can see mosque and destroyed brick-huts in front...g-d is angry with all wickedness. he orchestrates everything perfectly, so every inundation, volcano or tsunami is an expression of himself, just like every favourable harvest, good president and period of peace and development cant just pick the cherries out of the cake and say the cherries are of g-d and the rest gotta buy the whole package... and if he chooses to wipe out pattaya, sodom or pompey, it doesnt matter if you think its justified, since he is master over all flesh, who is merely as grass. if it doesnt function according to his design, he has means to act accordingly... even today where we think we have tricked him with technology, he uses different things like mental diseases, to bring us down to our knees and worship him...worship is natural in the creation order. everybody has to serve somebody.
so yes those floods were a big deal in 2010... but these people never learn, like the voodoo practicioners in haiti. and so the next one will come, and another one and another one... it never stops.. theres always new stupid people getting born constantly... so its no wonder that the jews end up on top, since they have the origional true g-d, not something they made up themselves...about a fake ass its the natural selection that has them end up in charge, since people are too stupid to govern themselves.
this guy is said to be most wellknown writer in the country... so i added a yarmalka, its obvious he´s a bagel
same as all the district governers there... all a bunch o´ bagels... hahaha.. just like the interviewer...
in 2006 this hotel was quiet and peaceful, now theres 30 armed guards everywhere and heavy restrictions...its obvious the masons try to polarize the country to get their 3rd big cataclysm going... we know that "theres a time for war and time for peace" as written in kohelet.everything has to happen as prescribed..
al jazeera is the main news output of the arab world, and firmly in the grip of the masons. just like the "young turks" in america, which actually are the "young jews"..."cenk uygur" + his sidekick being also bigtime bagels.
then of course they cannot see an end of the conflict in sight, because, lo-and-behold, they dont wanna see it...if you would be them , would you wanna see it ? i probly wouldnt...
then he says the evil americans did a bad job, and the region now is only worse than before...which is of course exactly what i would want to believe if i was him... i mean if i believed in the 3rd temple and the false messiah and all the other crap. and that i´ can shag any chick i want without the child being my actual offspring, thats a pretty far out these illuminists who are spiritually void, who believe the jewish people itself will be their own messiah, see no value in faithful people, and try to polarize, divide & conquer, thus being the agents of satan, who rejects g-ds way and pushes his own way instead, destroying the world.
he says that now, lo-and-behold after the afghani taliban has been decimated, oy-va-voy now theres the pakistani taliban. big deal !! and the pakistani taliban is much worse than the afghani taliban ! you see these people cant be satisfied with whatever you offer them. they always want more. satan never has enough.
dont tell me that all those journalists arent bagels. its obvious they all are...not a country without a mainline jew press output . they simply cant afford to go without... if i started my own country within 20 yrs they also would highjack the press along with everything else.. lucifer doesnt play pocket-pool, he´ s always busy getting his game back in line. and systematically undermining all opposition... he´s a deluded angel... no wonder our world leaders ar showing traits of people only found in mental asylums !
here we can see all those proud and brave warriors always have their leader figures who they doggishly follow and sacrifice their lives for...just like here in the west... in the army if youre told to do something, you gotta do it. theres no excuse... so you see ultimately its up to you to swallow the lure or refuse..
then along the highways of course much like in modern america or the nazi reich they have all the nifty recruitment posters for people to follow and sign up for an easy job for their "fatherland"..with child benefits, social security and insurance etc..
thse guys say they battle the taliban every week on a routine basis...
so does this guy with his large caliber gun... this gun wasnt built in Darra, but he said they build a really good blackmarket copy there, which shoots just as good... so you see, just like written in tanakh, g-d punishes the people who attack his "apple of the eye" (israel) by killing each other reciprocally. stories of that are written in the old testament ad nauseam. where leaders joined another to go against israel, only to end up killing each other in large numbers...
what happened he looks like "gordon freeman" from halflife ? WTF ? and the guy on the right has a red beard from applying some henna-colouring agent... many muslims do this...different culture, diffrent customs..
here again the "shoter azulai"
here they complained about the evil flood taking away all their belongings... remember these are the very same people, that threw stones at us, in 2009 when we walked up the kidron valley and nasty little boys, plying with toy guns, tried to lift the skirts of the women in our group. and started throwing stones when we didnt allow it.. these people have some serious demonic baggage ! and we also see the atheist and lefty western aid-organizations who in their "quest to do good" pour money and support into these fallen muslim nations, thus artificially supporting them , making them stronger, further getting things out of balance, while complaining when america supports tiny israel inmidst this vast area from nigeria all the way to pakistan covered with complete islamic lunacy...
here we all seen the world map, and israel today is demonically surrounded by billions of souls controlled by the venus/moon spirit of islam... its a demonic oppression of unfathomable dimensions...yet israel stands her ground, like a diamond in the rough, who is born out of much pressure...
so who helps build up the destroyed villages ? the taliban. they give much more help than the government or the west, so people flock right back to the taliban again, shunning the west and his fake political system of the dajjal and his one-eyed pyramid present everywhere... we can see no soul can escape their destiny...
darra is the village that is the biggest weapons manufacturing spot in pakistan. they make 5000 handguns per day.. thats a huge amount...they have no shooting range for tests, so they fire rounds for testing into the nearby hillside..
even in much older pictures we can always see those proud desert sons on their horses with their long rifles. think about karl may, and the desriptions he made in his travels...
the kalashnikof culture in full swing...
without words...
so the jews are 0.2% of the worlds population. a ridiculously small amout.
yet even on the very car-stickers people have to use on the peshawar motorway theres a silly ass pyramid symbol...thats just surreal...
so as long as people feel free to make this credo their goal in life, while not straightening out spiritual issues, IMHO they need not complain when they face reality...
so this is the area of land we were talking about...northern part of the unaccessible mountain regions between pakistan and afghanistan... i mean that place is just a spiritual quagmire. if they woldnt fight each other or build guns, they´ d grow and sell opium, its just no matter what these people do, theres always the hurtful aspect...truly not a blessed people...yet they have their place for them assigned under heaven....
pesha means crime.. what "var" means i dont know.
here we see this russian arms plant cranked out 50mio guns in the last 60 years. and no end in sight... "harusim" literally means "the destroyed ones"... seeing the russkis live ina a very harsh climate, cold winters and under government corruption, this is a pretty harsh omen. but we must not forget that the hebrew language is older than us. and we cannot judge it after wether we like it or not..
its the first, the last, and most beautiful language under heaven...
this arab´ s wearing a funny LOLsack....
we see theres quite been some IED´s and casualties, but from a jewish perspective, theres still far too many hostile nations around...with millions and billions of people.... until the times of the gentiles come to an end, this will not change...still a drop in the no wonder they always keep trying again and again.....
here the casualties of afghani war so far in the last 10 years...
jerek meaning a green plant, jerakot are vegetables in hebrew. remember mesopotamia the well-watered "garden of eden" of bereshit, surrounded by 4 rivers...
tubal-cain is mentioned in bereshit as a son of cain (the manslayer from the seed of eve´s copulation with the shining serpent). he was the first master in metallurgy and could easily produce weapons.. he was connected with lamech(sorrow), the first polygamist who threatened to venge himself "7times over"...
so we can see EVERYTHING a person does has spiritual implications... if you say "i dont believe in g-d", that doesnt mean your life has no repercussions within the framework of divine design that you live in....
if you live in a european country just "wanting to have a decent job" you work for companies that supply arab nations with infrastructure, you party in dubai and go sand-boarding in saudi arabia, and snorkeling in egypt and surfing in bali...all of them are muslim nations, who by their sheer existence oppose israel... if you turn a blind eye to this, you are guilty of ignorance. theres no excuse.. you read nietzsche and hegel and kant, claiming "g-d doesnt exist, and accuse israel for trying to get rid of the silly west bank and the even sillyer gaza strip... congratulations g-d waited 2000 yrs patiently to have his nation reborn and now u see the speck in the israeli eye, while ignoring the plank (in fact a whole fence of wood) in your own eye... if you like muslim stuff so bad, why dont u go live there instead ?... we see that all the humanistic "aid and relif work" that people do to "help those poor innocent people" and "heal the world" are actually opposing the deistic design, and making the wrong kinda nations strong... so we can clearly see that tanakh is right when it says that even the good things that wicked people try to do (people separated from the true faith of abraham) turns out to be wickedness.... remember originally abraham was promised Zera (seed) from his wife Sara (the noble one, can also mean Seara, storm, probly a violent temper often found in women)... and he only had many arab offspring cuz he was not patient and slept with the egyptian handmaid, given by pharao of egypt, an idol worshipper, who gave him the handmaid hagar, in order to cover up his own wrongdoing in coveting sara in the first place for his harem... we can see that all things have far-reaching consequences, even up to today...people born out of wedlock carry bondage with them.. many arent contributing to society and only can destroy.. unfortunately being born out of wedlock today is the norm rather than the exception..
ok enough now, gotta take a eat a cat-burger and drink some cold lager..
so keep this post in mind as we see the political situation being built up towards more and more global war...
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