so here we have former chicago bulls player and a makeup- magician who dolls up girls for the covershot
and they both appear to be the same guy as our president of the US of A. we can see everything matches
just look at the ears... so for a guy who knows all the makeup trix, being osama or obama is an easy task
left BJ armstrong again we see the ears the same as the stylists.
DGB found this one, and its obvious. listen to BJ talk on youtube, thats exactly the obama lingo...
born in kenya or hawaii, haha its hilarious how these talmud jews are lieing to our faces...
the teeth match too.. you believe its astonishing that a hairdresser is president of the US but the ancient pharaos were no different. the mysteries never changed in any culture but were shared and the torch passed on. (check my youtube channel for the "two babylons" audiobook).. remember mel gibsons"the passion" the scene where the G-man is brought into the palace of king herod, basically a whimsical drunk slob busy doing some orgy of some sort, wearing a black wig surrounded by a bunch of egyptian history as told by sahi hawass is probly not how it all happened...remember idolatry is a perversion of the straight way, known to the hebrews. (sin actually means to leave the only, straight path and go aside in any direction)... so the whole homo-accusations of obama are not taken out of the blue sky, we know upon initiation they need to do perverted stuff so as to be bribeable for the entire rest of their "careers"...
by the way the videolink on top is a song that i heard once on youtube, then had it in my ears for weeks but couldnt find it anymore, just by coincidence now as i upload this, i found it again...remember these are incantations actually done by "lightworkers" and lodges today, thats why the USA is mystery egypt, the land of opulence and affluence where the annual nile flood brings overflow of resources providing for the land of endless opportunity, the virgin nation who rises to full glory in the latter days... people keep saying the USA is finished but i dont believe that...nations dont die overnight...listen to the "prophecy of george washington" on my youtube chanel..
this reminded me of the character "BJ Smith" from the computer game "vice city"...
who knows probly obama also sells used autos in secret ?
remember he has an entire 747 all for himself, cruizing the world like a BAWS...
perfect match 100% the ear doesnt lie... so that means obama also has fake hair
finished the incantation like a BAWS...cap´n america calling in, we´re good for another legislation...
if you watch obomber play ball on youtube, he talks like a teenager all the time. ALF needs to challenge him in a cat-ball challenge on the BYU campus in summer this year on 4th of july, to see what he´s made of...
kh´velt eikh onvinshn a gutt shobbes unt zayit mir gaysunt ! s´vuln mir ochshov oyfsteln untz di khanukke menoyre uff di visn fun di beis halavon...
so imagine he will play the president fo the entire rest of his life. that can be well another 40 yrs or so...
a guy from dallas who formerly harvested tiny amounts of gold from old cellphones who found this one...
its basically one gigantic theatre.. you dont hve to pay no entrance fee but pay in taxes instead..
israeli cereal called "obamba"..
"the world is run by much different people than what is commonly believed" (quote benjamin disraeli)
the US was a masonic nation from since mason columbus "discovered atlantis", to the first settlements, the first lodges, the laying of the foundation stone of the capitol, the masonic secession and civil wars.. from cradle to grave america has been and is the modern egypt, with all the good and bad sides to it.. thats why the mormons could deport me with ease, mormonism is masonic to the core.. the garbett family that jailed me now lives in the house on capitol hill that they bought from basketball star carl malone... see it all stays in the famly...jesus is great ! long as its the egyptian mystery jesus... not the "hebrew hobo"
profile match again of obomber and the "hairdresser"... remember the talmud jews called yeshuas mother mary a whore and "hairdresser" so as to deride her...
this really is funny...and as always tens of thousands of investigating journalists are simply mislead, chasing ghosts that dont exist, since they are fooled by the smokescreen put up by this simple kabbalistic magic... taking actors and having them play different characters. the ideal solution since whenever people curse their politicians they simply shrug it off, saying they dont insult me, only the character....
so now whose gon´ take joseph back to joe-town (SLC), i´ve been in exile 6years 11 months. dont know if i can take much longer...think the blessing of joseph, genesis 49:22ff...a branch running over the wall
pretty small for a basketball player... not a chance below the ring, so you keep your distance and do assists and master the art of 3point distance shots.. watch obama play ball on youtube. he throws excellent from the distance.. BJ armstrong and Obama are both 6ft2..frazier also around that range.. either twins, brothers or in fact the same guy.. mark a stylist basically is a magician, he´s the one who dresses up all the models to get on the cosmopolitan or vogue cover, flashing the "eye"... so hes a bigtime illuminatus... you will also see BJ talking to fans as a humble man, once looking downward away from the camera... remember obama was first US prez to literally bow before asian and arab leaders in US history...
profile ears like a BAWS
BJ´s used autos, we can get you anyting !
smash, grab and run like hell...